7 research outputs found

    MEK1 is associated with carboplatin resistance and is a prognostic biomarker in epithelial ovarian cancer

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    BACKGROUND: Primary systemic treatment for ovarian cancer is surgery, followed by platinum based chemotherapy. Platinum resistant cancers progress/recur in approximately 25% of cases within six months. We aimed to identify clinically useful biomarkers of platinum resistance. METHODS: A database of ovarian cancer transcriptomic datasets including treatment and response information was set up by mining the GEO and TCGA repositories. Receiver operator characteristics (ROC) analysis was performed in R for each gene and these were then ranked using their achieved area under the curve (AUC) values. The most significant candidates were selected and in vitro functionally evaluated in four epithelial ovarian cancer cell lines (SKOV-3-, CAOV-3, ES-2 and OVCAR-3), using gene silencing combined with drug treatment in viability and apoptosis assays. We collected 94 tumor samples and the strongest candidate was validated by IHC and qRT-PCR in these. RESULTS: All together 1,452 eligible patients were identified. Based on the ROC analysis the eight most significant genes were JRK, CNOT8, RTF1, CCT3, NFAT2CIP, MEK1, FUBP1 and CSDE1. Silencing of MEK1, CSDE1, CNOT8 and RTF1, and pharmacological inhibition of MEK1 caused significant sensitization in the cell lines. Of the eight genes, JRK (p = 3.2E-05), MEK1 (p = 0.0078), FUBP1 (p = 0.014) and CNOT8 (p = 0.00022) also correlated to progression free survival. The correlation between the best biomarker candidate MEK1 and survival was validated in two independent cohorts by qRT-PCR (n = 34, HR = 5.8, p = 0.003) and IHC (n = 59, HR = 4.3, p = 0.033). CONCLUSION: We identified MEK1 as a promising prognostic biomarker candidate correlated to response to platinum based chemotherapy in ovarian cancer

    Connexin 43 Communication Channels in Follicular Dendritic Cell Development and in Follicular Lymphomas

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    Follicular dendritic cells (FDC) show homo- and heterocellular metabolic coupling through connexin 43 (Cx43) gap junctions and support B cell selection and maturation in germinal centers. In follicular lymphomas B cells escape apoptosis while FDC develop abnormally. Here we tested Cx43 channels in reactive FDC development and follicular lymphomas. In culture, the treatment of FDC-B cell clusters (resembling to “ ex vivo ” germinal centers) with Gap27 peptide, mimicking the 2nd extracellular loop of Cx43 protein, significantly impaired FDC-B cell cluster formation and cell survival. In untreated cultures of intact clusters, cell proliferation showed a moderate reduction. In tissues, Cx43 protein levels run parallel with the density of FDC both in reactive germinalcentersandinmalformedfolliclesoffollicularlymphomasandshowedstrongupregulationinnewlygeneratedand/or degrading bi-/multinuclear FDC of rudimentary processes. However, the inverse correlation between Cx43 expression and B cell proliferation seen in reactive germinal centers was not detected in follicular lymphomas. Furthermore, Cx43 levels were not associated with either lymphoma grade or bone marrow involvement. Our results suggest that Cx43 channels are critical in FDC and “ ex vivo ” germinal center development and in the persistence of FDC in follicular lymphomas but do not affect tumor progression

    Modulated electro-hyperthermia induced loco-regional and systemic tumor destruction in colorectal cancer allografts

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    Background: Modulated electro-hyperthermia (mEHT), a non-invasive intervention using 13.56 MHz radiofrequency, can selectively target cancers due to their elevated glycolysis (Warburg-effect), extracellular ion concentration and conductivity compared to normal tissues. We showed earlier that mEHT alone can provoke apoptosis and damage associated molecular pattern (DAMP) signals in human HT29 colorectal cancer xenografts of immunocompromised mice. Materials: Here we tested the mEHT induced stress and immune responses in C26 colorectal cancer allografts of immunocompetent (BALB/c) mice between 12-72 h post-treatment. The right side of the symmetrical tumors grown in both femoral regions of mice were treated for 30 minutes, while the left side tumors served for untreated controls. Results: Loco-regional mEHT treatment induced an ongoing and significant tumor damage with the blockade of cell cycle progression indicated by the loss of nuclear Ki67 protein. Nuclear shrinkage, apoptotic bodies and DNA fragmentation detected using TUNEL assay confirmed apoptosis. Cleaved/activated-caspase-8 and -caspase-3 upregulation along with mitochondrial translocation of bax protein and release of cytochrome-c were consistent with the activation of both the extrinsic and intrinsic caspase-dependent programmed cell death pathways. The prominent release of stress-associated Hsp70, calreticulin and HMGB1 proteins, relevant to DAMP signaling, was accompanied by the significant tumor infiltration by S100 positive antigen presenting dendritic cells and CD3 positive T-cells with only scant FoxP3 positive regulatory T-cells. In addition, mEHT combined with a chlorogenic acid rich T-cell promoting agent induced significant cell death both in the treated and the untreated contralateral tumors indicating a systemic anti-tumor effect. Conclusions: mEHT induced caspase-dependent programmed cell death and the release of stress associated DAMP proteins in colorectal cancer allografts can provoke major immune cell infiltration. Accumulating antigen presenting dendritic cells and T-cells are likely to contribute to the ongoing tumor destruction by an immunogenic cell death mechanism both locally and through systemic effect at distant tumor sites

    Selective in situ protein expression profiles correlate with distinct phenotypes of basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma of the skin.

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    Non-melanoma skin cancer is the most common malignancy that shows increasing incidence due to our cumulative exposure to ultraviolet irradiation. Its major subtypes, basal cell carcinoma (BCC) and squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) differ in pathobiology, phenotype and clinical behavior, which must be reflected at the molecular level. In this study, protein expression profiles of BCC and SCC were tested in tissue microarrays and correlated with that of actinic keratosis, Bowen's disease, seborrheic keratosis and normal epidermis by detecting 22 proteins involved in cell interactions, growth, cell cycle regulation or apoptosis. The significantly more reduced collagen XVII, CD44v6, pan-Desmoglein levels and more evident E-Cadherin delocalization in BCC compared to SCC correlated with the de novo dermal invasion of BCC against the progressive invasion from in situ lesions in SCC development. EGFR was also expressed at a significantly higher level in SCC than in BCC. The upregulated cell communication protein connexin43 in BCC could contribute to the protection of BCC from metastatic invasion. Elevated cell replication in BCC was underlined by the increased topoisomerase IIalpha and reduced p21waf1 and p27kip1 positive cells fractions compared to SCC. Compared to differentiated keratinocytes, caspase-8 and -9 were equally upregulated in skin carcinoma subtypes for either mediating apoptosis induction or immune escape of tumor cells. Hierarchical cluster analysis grouped SCC and actinic keratosis cases exclusively together in support of their common origin and malignant phenotype. BCC cases were also clustered fully together. Differentially expressed proteins reflect the distinct pathobiology of skin carcinoma subtypes and can serve as surrogate markers in doubtful cases

    Expression of proliferation markers Ki67, cyclin A, geminin and aurora-kinase A in primary breast carcinomas and corresponding distant metastases.

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    AIMS: To assess the expression of the following cell cycle regulatory proteins in primary metastatic breast carcinomas (MBCs) and on availability in matched distant metastases (DMs): Ki67, cyclin A, geminin and aurora-kinase A (aurkA); and to compare the expression of these markers in early MBC (EMBC) and late MBC separated into groups according to median time point on metastatic event occurred (28 months). METHODS: The expression of the above mentioned markers was analysed in a total of 47 primary MBCs and 59 DMs (out of which 37 were pairs) by immunohistochemistry. Fourteen breast carcinomas with no relapse over a 10-year follow-up period were utilised as control cases (CBC). RESULTS: Among the MBCs, 22 metastasised to the bone, 4 to the lung and 21 to the central nervous system (CNS). Geminin (p<0.001) and Ki67 (p=0.001) were increased in the MBCs while aurkA and cyclin A showed no difference when compared with CBCs. There were no differences between aurkA, cyclin A and geminin expression in MBCs and DMs in general. Expression of Ki67 was, however, elevated (p=0.027) in DMs. In CNS metastases all markers showed elevated expression as compared to MBCs. In bone metastases, geminin was lower (p<0.001) compared with primary MBCs. In the metastases of the lung, the evaluated markers did not show different expression. According to the median follow-up until the metastatic event, Ki67 was found to be significantly elevated in EMBC (p=0.018). CONCLUSIONS: Ki67 index and geminin distinguish a fraction of MBC with worse prognosis, showing increased levels in the latter in comparison to CBC being tumour-free over a 10-year follow-up period. Ki67 could possibly identify a group of MBCs that develop early DMs