32 research outputs found

    Fixed metal ceramic prostheses:treatment need, complications and survival of conventional fixed prosthodontics

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    Abstract The aims of this study were to evaluate the treatment need of fixed bridges according to the distribution of pontics in dentition in different age groups, and to investigate the primary and late complications and survival of the conventional fixed metal ceramic prostheses, as well as patients' satisfaction with the prosthetic treatment. The whole material consisted of the patients treated with fixed metal ceramic prostheses by undergraduate students at the Institute of Dentistry during the years 1984 - 1996. There were altogether 772 patients, 460 women (60 %) and 312 men (40 %). Their mean age was 47 years (23 - 81 years). Altogether 944 single metal ceramic crowns and 543 fixed bridges (1374 abutments and 807 pontics) were prepared. It can be concluded that the fixed bridges are most often prepared to replace upper first premolars and lower first molars also in the future. The most usual primary complications related to fixed bridges occurred during preprosthetic endodontic treatment of abutment teeth and during the preparation of the root canals. Previous restoration of the prepared tooth does not have any marked effect on the prognosis of single crowns with dowels, although anatomically complicated upper lateral incisors and upper first premolars need special attention in the treatment planning. Patients were satisfied with aesthetics and function of the fixed metal ceramic prostheses. Late complications found in clinical examinations were few, and the survival rate for the fixed metal ceramic bridge prostheses was calculated to be 84 % after 10 years, long fixed bridges having a lower survival than the shorter ones. The treatment need for conventional fixed bridges seems to be highest among patients over 50 years of age in the future. Age does not influence the longevity of the fixed prostheses, but basic circumstances of the mouth, especially low secretion of saliva affected by diseases and/or medications and high scores of lactobacilli and streptococcus mutans of the saliva seem to decrease the survival

    Nuuskaus ja tupakointi hammaslääketieteen ja lääketieteen opiskelijoilla

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    Tiivistelmä Lähtökohdat: Nuuskan käyttö on yleistynyt ja tupakointi vähentynyt Suomessa. Selvitimme Oulun yliopiston hammaslääketieteen ja lääketieteen opiskelijoiden tapoja. Menetelmät: Opiskelijoille (n = 1 165) lähetettiin sähköpostitse kutsu kyselytutkimukseen. Kyselyyn vastasi 542 opiskelijaa (47 %). Tulokset: Vastaajista 12,3 % (n = 66) nuuskasi ja 4,5 % (n = 24) tupakoi päivittäin tai satunnaisesti. Nuuskan käyttäjät olivat nuuskanneet keskimäärin 5,1 vuotta (0–13 v), ja tupakoitsijat olivat tupakoineet keskimäärin 8,8 vuotta (2–22 v). Alle puolet nuuskaajista halusi lopettaa nuuskan käytön. Päätelmät: Nuuskan käyttö oli huomattavasti yleisempää kuin tupakointi. Miehet nuuskasivat enemmän kuin naiset. Tupakoinnissa sukupuolieroa ei havaittu.Abstract Background: Snuff use has increased among adolescents and adults in Finland in recent years and smoking has decreased at the same time. The aim of this study was to investigate the use of snuff and smoking among dental and medical students. Methods: An invitation to a questionnaire survey was sent to the dental and medical students (n = 1165) at the University of Oulu by e-mail. The questionnaire included questions about smoking and snuff use in addition to background information. A total of 542 students (47%) responded to the survey. Results: Of the respondents, 12.3% (n = 66) used snuff and 4.5% (n = 24) smoked daily or occasionally. On average, snuff users had used snuff for 5.1 years (0–13 years) and smokers had smoked 8.8 years (2–22 years). Less than half of snuff users wanted to give up snuff use. Conclusions: Snuff use was much more common among dental and medical students at the University of Oulu than smoking. Men used snuff more often than women, but no similar gender difference was found in smoking

    Bruksismi ja psyykkinen kuormittuneisuus hammaslääketieteen opiskelijoilla

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    Tiivistelmä Lähtökohdat: Bruksismi määritellään toistuvaksi puremalihasten aktivaatioksi, joka voi olla narskuttelua tai hampaiden tiukkaa yhteen puremista unessa tai valveilla. Keskushermostolla on keskeinen rooli bruksismin synnyssä, ja psyykkisillä kuormitustekijöillä, kuten ahdistuneisuudella ja masentuneisuudella, on yhteys bruksismiin. Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää itseraportoitua bruksismin esiintyvyyttä ja sen yhteyttä psyykkiseen kuormittuneisuuteen hammaslääketieteen opiskelijoilla. Menetelmät: Tutkimukseen osallistui 192 hammaslääketieteen opiskelijaa Oulun ja Itä-Suomen yliopistoista. Bruksismia ja psyykkistä kuormittuneisuutta selvitettiin DC/TMD (Diagnostic Criteria for Temporomandibular Disorders) -kriteeristön kyselyillä. Tulokset: Itseraportoidun unibruksismin esiintyvyys opiskelijoilla oli 39,7 %, valvenarskuttelun 19,9 % ja hampaiden lujasti yhteen puremisen 48,4 %. Vähintään lieväasteista psyykkistä kuormittuneisuutta esiintyi ­35 %:lla opiskelijoista. Naisilla hampaiden lujasti yhteen pureminen oli merkitsevästi yhteydessä psyykkiseen kuormittuneisuuteen. Päätelmät: Valvebruksismilla ja psyykkisellä kuormittuneisuudella on yhteyttä. Kuormittuneisuus tulee ottaa huomioon bruksismin hoidossa.Background: Bruxism is defined as repetitive jaw-muscle activity characterized by clenching or grinding of the teeth while either awake or asleep. The aetiology of bruxism is multifactorial and the central nervous system plays an important role. Psychological factors, such as depression and anxiety symptoms, are related to awake and sleep bruxism. Awake bruxism can be grinding or clenching of the teeth. The aim of the study was to examine the prevalence of awake and sleep bruxism and the association of self-reported bruxism with psychological distress in dental students. Methods: Altogether 192 dental students from the University of Oulu and the University of Eastern Finland participated in the study. Bruxism and distress were reported using questionnaires included in the Diagnostic Criteria for Temporomandibular Disorders (DC/TMD). Results: The prevalence for self-reported sleep bruxism was 39.7%, for awake grinding of the teeth 19.9% and for clenching of teeth 48.4%. Of the students, 35.0% had at least mild psychological distress. Among women, clenching of teeth had a statistically significant association with psychological distress. Conclusions: Awake bruxism is associated with psychological distress and this should be taken into account in the treatment of bruxism

    PMMA denture base material enhancement: a review of fiber, filler, and nanofiller addition

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    Mohammed M Gad,1 Shaimaa M Fouda,1,2 Fahad A Al-Harbi,1 Ritva Näpänkangas,2,3 Aune Raustia2,3 1Department of Substitutive Dental Sciences, College of Dentistry, University of Dammam, Dammam, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia; 2Research Unit of Oral Health Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, University of Oulu, Oulu, Finland; 3Medical Research Center, Oulu, Oulu University Hospital and University of Oulu, Oulu, Finland Abstract: This paper reviews acrylic denture base resin enhancement during the past few decades. Specific attention is given to the effect of fiber, filler, and nanofiller addition on poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) properties. The review is based on scientific reviews, papers, and abstracts, as well as studies concerning the effect of additives, fibers, fillers, and reinforcement materials on PMMA, published between 1974 and 2016. Many studies have reported improvement of PMMA denture base material with the addition of fillers, fibers, nanofiller, and hybrid reinforcement. However, most of the studies were limited to in vitro investigations without bioactivity and clinical implications. Considering the findings of the review, there is no ideal denture base material, but the properties of PMMA could be improved with some modifications, especially with silanized nanoparticle addition and a hybrid reinforcement system. Keywords: denture base, PMMA, reinforcement, nanoparticles, fibers, filler

    Graduating dentists’ perceptions about their professional competence in Finland and Lithuania

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    Abstract Aims: Efforts to harmonise dental education in Europe have been put into action by the Association for Dental Education in Europe (ADEE). The aim of the study was to explore graduating dentists’ perceptions about their professional readiness for clinical work in Finland and Lithuania. Materials and methods: The survey targeted fifth‐year dental students at the University of Oulu and the University of Turku in Finland, and at the Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, Kaunas, Lithuania (Lithuanian and international students) in 2016‐2017. The competences were evaluated in the questionnaire in 21 dental procedures based on ADEE competences by options: “I’d manage well,” “I’d need more training” or “It would not quite succeed.” The option “I’d manage well” was chosen in the analyses. Results: Students felt that they were most competent in producing and maintaining accurate patient records (91.9%), implementing sterilisation and hygiene in dental practice (91.3%) and working with other members of dental team and health profession (90.0%). The largest differences between Finnish and Lithuanian students were in designing and adjusting occlusal splints (87.0% vs. 14.3%) and in undertaking subgingival scaling (95.7% vs. 57.1%). The biggest differences between Lithuanian and international students were in identifying (and treating) abnormal and anxiety‐related patient (73.1% vs. 25.5%) and implementing tobacco cessation (65.3% vs. 31.9%). Conclusions: The graduating dental students in Finland and Lithuania manage well in most of the clinical procedures based on the ADEE competences. The students were most confident when dealing with tasks that are common in dental practice

    Association of self-reported bruxism with temporomandibular disorders:Northern Finland Birth Cohort (NFBC) 1966 study

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    Abstract Objective: To investigate the prevalence of self-reported bruxism and its association with temporomandibular disorders (TMD). The hypothesis of the study was that self-reported bruxism is associated with TMD. Methods: The data were gathered from 1962 subjects who participated in a field study in 2012–2013, including a questionnaire concerning bruxism and TMD symptoms as well as clinical sub-diagnoses of TMD using the Diagnostic Criteria for Temporomandibular Disorders (DC/TMD). Statistical method was chi-square test. Bonferroni correction was made, and a p-value of <0.003 was considered as significant. Results: The prevalence of self-reported bruxism was 39.6%: 34.0% in men and 44.5% in women. Those who reported sleep bruxism (SB) or awake bruxism (AB) had significantly more pain-related TMD symptoms and signs compared to those not reporting bruxism. Conclusions: The prevalence of self-reported bruxism is high among middle-aged adults and is associated with TMD pain-related symptoms and signs, as well as TMD diagnoses

    Psyykkinen kuormittuneisuus ja TMD opiskelijoilla

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    Tiivistelmä Lähtökohdat: Tutkimuksessa kartoitettiin purentaelimistön kipujen ja toimintahäiriöoireiden (temporomandibular disorders, TMD) esiintyvyyttä sekä niiden yhteyttä seulontatasoisiin ahdistuneisuus- ja masennusoireisiin (distressiin) hammaslääketieteen opiskelijoilla. Menetelmät: Yhteensä 192 Itä-Suomen ja Oulun yliopiston hammaslääketieteen opiskelijaa vastasi TMD-oireita kartoittavaan DC/TMD-oirekyselyyn (Diagnostic Criteria for Temporomandibular Disorders) sekä ahdistuneisuus- ja masennusoireita kartoittavaan terveydentilakyselyyn (Patient Health Questionnaire-4, PHQ-4) vuosina 2014–2018. Tulokset: Yhteensä 40 % opiskelijoista raportoi purentaelimistön kipuja ja 41 % päänsärkyä viimeisten 30 vuorokauden aikana, naiset merkitsevästi useammin kuin miehet. Leukanivelääniä raportoi noin 51 % ja leuan lukkiutumista noin 12 % opiskelijoista. Vähintään lieväasteisia distressioireita esiintyi 35 %:lla tutkittavista, ja ne olivat yhteydessä purentaelimistön kipuihin (p = 0,01) sekä päänsärkyyn (p = 0,01). Johtopäätökset: TMD-oireet ja päänsärky sekä lievät distressioireet ovat opiskelijoilla yleisiä. Distressioireet näyttävät liittyvän TMD-kipuoireisiin, joten niiden huomioimisesta voi olla apua TMD-kivun hoidossa, erityisesti jos ne ovat jo seulonnan perusteella kohtalaisia tai vaikeita

    Pediatric primary synovial chondromatosis of the shoulder, biceps tendon sheath and subcoracoid bursa

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    Abstract A child with shoulder pain and great palpable mass without any injury history is an emergent case until the diagnosis is confirmed. We report the clinical findings, imaging features, surgery and histological analyses of primary synovial chondromatosis in glenohumeral joint, biceps tendon sheath and subcoracoid bursa in a child, aged 14. Primary synovial chondromatosis is characterised by multiple calcified nodules in joints, tendons or bursa areas. The condition is more usual in large joints, in particular in lower extremities. It may be symptomless until the volume of chondromatosis has increased to such an extent that it results in pain, locking symptom or palpable mass. The treatment is removal of the loose bodies and potentially synovectomy, in means of open or arthroscope-assisted surgery. Postoperative follow-up is recommended due to the risk of recidivism and potential malignant transformation. The disease is more common in older patients and there are only isolated cases in pediatric population