1,203 research outputs found

    Reversible Rail Shear Apparatus Applied to the Study of Woven Laminate Shear Behavior

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    The multitude of in-plane shear tests existing in the literature seems to demonstrate the complexity of developing a test adapted to all experimental works. In a general framework of investigation of translaminar cracks in thin laminates, a test able to reproduce a pure in-plane shear loading was required. The laminate studied is notably employed as helicopter blade skin, and cyclic torsion induced by aerodynamic load involves cyclic in-plane shear. This particular application established some specifications for the test needed to carry out this study. To comply with them, an original technological solution has been developed from a three-rail shear test apparatus. This paper describes the resulting “reversible rail shear test” solution and its application to the study of in-plane shear behavior of a thin glass-epoxy laminate. The results concern plain and notched coupons under quasi-static loading, and crack growth tests under cyclic loading

    A Straight Line through the Wilderness: Geometry and Geography in William Byrd’s Histories of the Dividing line Betwixt Virginia and North Carolina (1728 sqq)

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    Dans le texte connu aujourd’hui sous le nom Histories of the Dividing line, le planteur virginien William Byrd raconte l’arpentage d’une frontiĂšre rectiligne entre deux colonies amĂ©ricaines en 1728. Cet article s’intĂ©resse au rĂŽle que joue le motif de la ligne dans l’écriture de Byrd, et Ă  la façon dont il influence sa reprĂ©sentation du monde au fur et Ă  mesure que l’expĂ©dition d’arpentage s’éloigne de la rĂ©gion habitĂ©e par les colons europĂ©ens et s’enfonce dans la forĂȘt. Dans l’écriture de Byrd, la ligne devient bien plus qu’une simple frontiĂšre ; cet article propose de la lire en premier lieu comme un instrument d’ordre et de stabilitĂ© (Ă  la fois social et cartographique), mais aussi comme un outil de contrĂŽle et d’appropriation, et enfin comme un vecteur indiquant la direction de l’Ouest.In the text now known as the Histories of the Dividing line, William Byrd II narrates the survey, in 1728, of the straight line marking the Virginia-North Carolina border. This paper explores the role played by the motif of the line in Byrd’s writing, and how it shaped his representation of the world as the surveying expedition gradually left the area of white settlement and penetrated the wilderness. In Byrd’s writing, the line becomes much more than just a boundary line; this paper offers a reading of the line as an instrument of order and stability (both social and cartographic), but also as a tool of control and appropriation, and eventually as a vector propelling the colonists westward

    Estudi biolĂČgic dels vels joves de cultius de bacils tuberculosos

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    Precaution in Multilateral Environmental Agreements and its impact on the World Trading System

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    [À l'origine dans / Was originally part of : Fac. Droit - Coll. facultaire - Droit de l'environnement

    Aucamville – La Pigeonniùre

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    Date de l'opĂ©ration : 1989 (DF) Inventeur(s) : NĂšgre G A l’occasion de labours profonds, G. NĂšgre a pu redĂ©couvrir et dĂ©limiter avec prĂ©cision un site signalĂ© de façon imprĂ©cise dans la monographie communale publiĂ©e en 1890. Les dĂ©couvertes de surface Ă©voquent un Ă©tablissement rural dont l’origine remonte au moins au IIe s. de notre Ăšre, mais dont l’occupation s’est prolongĂ©e jusqu’au IVe s

    Castelnau-de-Brassac – Statue-menhir d’Al Faux (Le Teil Bas)

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    Date de l'opĂ©ration : 1990 (SU) Inventeur(s) : NĂšgre Pierre DĂ©couverte en 1989 par M. Sompayrac, propriĂ©taire du champ d'oĂč elle fut retirĂ©e, la statue-menhir d'Al Faux fut authentifiĂ©e par P. NĂšgre et D. Gasc. Le lieu de dĂ©couverte correspond Ă  l'emplacement d'origine de son Ă©rection. Il se trouve sur la convexitĂ© d'un versant Ă  forte pente, dans un ensellement. Le mĂ©galithe Ă©tait couchĂ© sur sa face avant. Il s'agit d'une dalle ovalaire en granite (Fig. n°1 : La statue-menhir aprĂšs relevag..


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    Date de l'opĂ©ration : 1989 (DF) Inventeur(s) : NĂšgre G A l’occasion de labours profonds, G. NĂšgre a pu redĂ©couvrir et dĂ©limiter avec prĂ©cision un site signalĂ© de façon imprĂ©cise dans la monographie communale publiĂ©e en 1890. Les dĂ©couvertes de surface Ă©voquent un Ă©tablissement rural dont l’origine remonte au moins au IIe s. de notre Ăšre, mais dont l’occupation s’est prolongĂ©e jusqu’au IVe s

    Hybrid Sampling Bayesian Occupancy Filter

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    International audienceModeling and monitoring dynamic environments is a complex task but is crucial in the field of intelligent vehicle. A traditional way of addressing these issues is the modeling of moving objects, through Detection And Tracking of Moving Objects (DATMO) methods. An alternative to a classic object model framework is the occupancy grid filtering domain. Instead of segmenting the scene into objects and track them, the environment is represented as a regular grid of occupancy, in which each cell is tracked at a sub-object level. The Bayesian Occupancy Filter is a generic occupancy grid framework which predicts the spread of spatial occupancy by estimating cell velocity distributions. However its velocity model, corresponding to a transition histogram per cell, leads to huge data management which in practice makes it hardly compatible to severe computational and hardware constraints, like in many embedded systems. In this paper, we present a new representation for the BOF, describing the environment through a mix of static and dynamic occupancy. This differentiation enables the use of a model adapted to the considered nature: static occupancy is described in a classic occupancy grid, while dynamic occupancy is modeled by a set of moving particles. Both static and dynamic parts are jointly generated and evaluated, their distribution over the cells being adjusted. This approach leads to a more compact model and to drastically improve the accuracy of the results, in particular in term of velocities. Experimental results show that the number of values required to model the velocities have been reduced from a typical 900 per cell (for a 30x30 neighborhood) to less than 2 per cell in average. The massive data compression allows to plan dedicated embedded devices
