23 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Strategi Pemodelan Berbantuan Media Cetak Terhadap Kemampuan Mengarang Prosa Siswa Kelas V SD Ditinjau Dari Bakat Verbal

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    This research aims to investigate the effect of the implementation of modeling strategy assisted by printed media on student's ability in writing prose viewed from their verbal aptitude. This research is a quasi experiment using Post-test Only Control Group Design. Population in this research was 106 students of Saraswati 4 Elementary School divided into two classes regarding equality. Instruments used were verbal aptitude test and rubric. The collected data were analyzed using ANCOVA. The result shows that the ability in writing prose on students who followed modeling assisted by printed media was higher than those who followed conventional learning strategic

    Pengaruh Implementasi Strategi Mind Mapping Terhadap Prestasi Belajar Menulis Kreatif Ditinjau Dari Kreativitas Siswa

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    This study aims at investigating (1) The differences of learning achievement of students' creative writing between the students who follow mind mapping strategy than those who follow conventional strategy, (2) The differences of learning achievement of students' creative writing between the students who follow mind mapping strategy than those who follow conventional strategy by controlling students' creativity, and (3) The contribution of creativity toward students' learning achievement of creative writing. To achieve those purposes, a quasi experiment has been conducted by using posttest-only control group design where the subjects were the fifth grade students of elementary schools as much as 61 students. The results show that (1) There is any significant difference of learning achievement of students' creative writing between the students who follow mind mapping strategy than those who follow conventional strategy, (2) By controlling the students' creativity, creative writing learning achievement of the students who follow mind mapping strategy is higher than those who follow conventional strategy after controlling the students' creativity, and (3) The contribution of creativity toward learning achievement of creative writing of the students who follow mind mapping strategy is 19.9%

    Penerapan Metode Drill Untuk Meningkatkan Aktivitas Belajar Dan Kemampuan Mengurus Diri Sendiri Bagi Anak Tunagrahita

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    The purpose of this research is to improve learning activity and self-help ability in handicapped children in self-help learning grade D3 in SLB C Negeri Singaraja academic year of 2012/2013 through drill method implementation. This research is an action research administered in SLB C Negeri Singaraja. Subject in this research was six students grade D3 SLB C. Data of learning activity dan self-help ability were collected by using observation sheet and analyzed descriptively. Result for the cycle I shows that two students (33,33%) have passed the learning activity criterion (criterion good) and one student (16,67%) have passed the self-help ability criterion (criterion good). The point emphasized in implementation cycle I was intensifying the drill learning method. The result in cycle II shows that all students (100%) have passed the learning activity criterion and self-help ability criterion with the category of very good

    Studi Evaluasi Kesiapan SD Negeri 2 Gianyar Menjadi Rintisan Sekolah Bertaraf Internasional

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    This study aimed at finding out (1) description of the SD Negeri 2 Gianyar readiness to be Precursor of International Standard School from context point of view, (2) description of the SD Negeri 2 Gianyar readiness to be Precursor of International Standard School from input point of view, (3) description of the SD Negeri 2 Gianyar readiness to be Precursor of International Standard School from process point of view, (4) description of obstacles encountered in preparing SD 2 Gianyar to be Precursor of International Standard School. This study belonged to an evaluative research that adopted the CIPP evaluation model. The context variable was measured by an instrument in the form of context variable questionnaire, the input variable by an instrument in the form of input variable questionnaire, and the process variable by process variable questionnaire. The sample consisted of 12 teachers,1 headmaster, 3 administration officers, 4 school committees, and 132 students parents in SD 2 Gianyar derived purposive sampling technique. The data in the form of scores related to the context, input and process variables were analyzed by converting them into t-scores. The result showed that (1) the readiness level of SD 2 Gianyar to be Precursor of International Standard School was 58,13.It showed that SD 2 Gianyar was ready to be the Precursor of International Standard School from context point of view, (2) the readiness level of SD 2 Gianyar to be Precursor of International Standard School was 56,46.It showed that SD 2 Gianyar was ready to be the Precursor of International Standard School from input point of view,(3) the readiness level of SD 2 Gianyar to be Precursor of International Standard School was 42,29.It showed that SD 2 Gianyar was ready to be the Precursor of International Standard School from process point of view, (4) The main obstacle encountered in preparing SD 2 Gianyar to be precursor of International Standard School is that the existed shool development system to be Precursor of International Standard School has not maximized by the implementation of various strategies especially process strategies yet. Having been interpreted into Glickman's Quadrant readiness level criteria, It found that readiness level of SD 2 Gianyar was in ready quadrant with various obstacle in process variable. Thus, it could be concluded that SD Negeri 2 Gianyar was less ready to be Precursor of International Standard School from the proses points of view

    Analisis Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhi Pendapatan Pekerja Perempuan Migran di Industri Pengerajin Tedung Bali Kecamatan Mengwi Kabupaten Badung

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    Isu gender sudah menjadi isu sentral di berbagai sektor pembangunan berdasarkan Instruksi Presiden Nomor 9 Tahun 2000 mengenai pengarusutamaan gender, yang merupakan upaya untuk menyamakan hak antara wanita dengan laki-laki atas kesempatan, pengakuan dan penghargaan yang sama dalam masyarakat, dan pada akhirnya pengarusutamaan akan dapat memperkuat kehidupan sosial, politik, dan ekonomi dalam suatu negara. Masuknya perempuan dalam kegiatan ekonomi terjadi disemua sektor yang memegang funsi sentral dalam keluarga. Berdasarkan uraian tersebut, maka penelitian ini ditujukan 1) Untuk menganalisis pengaruh tingkat pendidikan, pengalaman kerja, jumlah tanggungan keluarga, umur terhadap jumlah jam kerja pekerja migran perempuan di Industri Kerajinan Tedung Bali Kecamatan Mengwi, Kabupaten Badung. 2) Untuk menganalisis pengaruh tingkat pendidikan, pengalaman kerja, jumlah tanggungan keluarga, umur dan jam kerja terhadap pendapatan pekerja migran perempuan di Industri Kerajinan Tedung Bali. 3) Untuk menganalisis pengaruh tidak langsung antara tingkat pendidikan, pengalaman kerja, jumlah tanggungan keluarga dan umur terhadap pendapatan pekerja migran perempuan melalui jumlah jam kerja di Industri Kerajinan Tedung Bali. Metode pengumpulan data pada penelitian ini mencakup observasi, wawancara struktur dan mendalam dengan menyebarkan angket kepada 170 responden yang dijadikan sampel penelitian. Populasi penelitian berjumlah 308 pekerja perempuan migran yang ada di Kecamatan Mengwi, Kabupaten Badung. Penentuan sampel ditentukan dengan teknik stratified proportional random sampling. Teknik analisis yang digunakan yaitu analisis jalur (path analysis) Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan: 1) Tingkat pendidikan, jumlah tanggungan keluarga dan umur berpengaruh signifikan terhadap jumlah jam kerja, sedangkan pengalaman kerja berpengaruh signifikan negatif terhadap jumlah jam kerja. 2) Tingkat pendidikan, jumlah tanggungan keluarga, umur dan jumlah jam kerja berpengaruh signifikan terhadap pendapatan pekerja perempuan migran, sedangkan pengalaman kerja tidak berpengaruh signifikan negatif terhadap pendapatan pekerja perempuan migran. 3) Tingkat pendidikan, jumlah tanggungan keluarga, dan umur berpengaruh tidak lansung signifikan terhadap pendapatan pekerja perempuan migran, melalui jumlah jam kerja. Untuk meningkatkan pendapatan pekerja perempuan migran dengan memberikan perhatian yang lebih baik terutama kemampuan dalam mengatur jam kerja, pemerintah agar memberikan pelatihan untuk meningktkan keterampilan/pendidikan pekerja perempuan. Kata kunci: Pendapatan, tingkat pendidikan, pengalaman kerja, jumlah tanggungan keluarga, umur dan jumlah jam kerjaGender issues have become a central issue in various pf development with the issuance of Presidential Decree No. 9 of 2000 on gender equality is an attempt to enforce the rights of women and men on equal opportunities, the same recognition and the same award in the commutity, and ultimately the success of equality will be able to strengthen the social, political, and economic life of a state. The entry of women in economic activity occurs in all sectors holding a central role in a family. Based on these descriptions, this study aims 1) to analyze the influence of education level, work experience, number of dependents, and age over the number of working hours of women migrant workers in the craft industry Balinese umbrellas Mengwi sub-district, Badung regency. 2) to analyze the effect of the level of education, work experience, number of dependents, age and working hours over the income of migrant workers of Balinese umbrella handicrafts. 3) to analyze the indirect effect between the level of education, work experience, family dependent, and age over women migrant workers incomes through the number of working hours in the Balinese umbrella handicrafts. Methods of data collection in this study include observations, structured and in-depth interviews by distributing questionnaires to 170 respondents, who became the samples the study. The population of the study totaled 308 female migrant workers in the District of Mengwi, Badung Regency. The samples were determined by a stratified proportional random sampling technique. The analysis tecnique used was was path analysis. The results showed that: 1) The level of education, number of family and age affected significantly on the number of working hours, while work experience had a significantly negative effect on working hours. 2) The level of education, number of family dependents, age and number of working hours affected significantly on earnings of women migrant workers, while work experience did not have a significant negative effect on the income of migrant women workers. 3) Level of education, number of dependents, and age did not influence directly significantly on revenue of women migrant workers, through the number of working hours. To increase the income of women migrant workers cn be done by giving batter attention, especially to the ability in regulating working hours, the government should provide training or education to enhance the skills of women wokers

    Pengaruh Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Student Teams Achievement Division (Stad) terhadap Kemampuan Membaca Wacana Bahasa Jepang dengan Kovariabel Tingkat Kecemasan Siswa Kelas Xii/ipb SMA Negeri 1 Semarapura

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan menganalisa pengaruh penerapan model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe STAD terhadap kemampuan membaca wacana Bahasa Jepang dengan kovariabel tingkat kecemasan. Penelitian ini termasuk jenis peneltian ekperimen semu dengan menggunakan rancangan single factor independent group design with use of covariate.Sampel dalam peneltian ini sebanyak 60 orang siswa Kelas XII IPB SMA Negeri 1 Semarapura yang dipilih dengan tehnik Random Sampling. Data yang diperoleh kemudian dianalisis dengan menggunakan analisis kovarians (Anakova). Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa: 1) terdapat perbedaan kemampuan membaca wacana Bahasa Jepang antara siswa yang mengikuti model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe STAD dan siswa yang mengikuti model pembelajaran konvensional dengan nilai Fhitung = 46,94 > Ftabel = 3,15 pada taraf signifikansi 0,05; 2) terdapat perbedaaan kemampuan membaca wacana bahasa Jepang antara siswa yang mengikuti model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe STAD dan siswa yang megikuti model pembelajaran konvensional setelah kovariabel tingkat kecemasan dikendalikan, Fhitung 38,37>Ftabel 4,00, 3) terdapat kontribusi tingkat kecemasan terhadap kemampuan membaca wacana bahasa Jepang.sebesar 31,4% pada kelompok ekperimen, 21,4% pada kelompok kontrol dan 35,7% pada kedua kelompok (bersama-sama).Kata Kunci : mkemampuan membaca, model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe STAD, tingkat kecemasan This study aimed at finding out an analizing the effect of the implementation of STAD type of cooperative learning model towards the Japanese discourse reading ability of the twelfth Language Program students of SMA Negeri 1 Semarapura. This study belonged to a quasi experimental research with the single factor independent group design by using covariate. The sample of this study consisted of 60 students that were selected by using random sampling. The data obtained were analyzed by using Analysis of Covariant. The result of this research showed that : (1) there is a significant difference of the Japanese discourse reading ability between the students who studied through STAD type learning model and conventional learning model as shown by Fcount = 46.94 at p< 0.05, 2) there is a significant difference of the Japanese discourse reading ability between the students who studied through STAD type learning model and conventional learning model as shown by Fcount = 38.37 at p < 0.05 after the anxiety level is controlled, 3) there is a contribution of the anxiety level towards discourse reading Japanese ability in experiment group as many as 31.4%, in control group as many as 21.4% and for both group as many as 35.7%

    Pengaruh Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Stad Berbantuan Media Video Animasi terhadap Hasil Belajar IPA dan Kreativitas Siswa Smplb C Negeri Denpasar

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan dan menganalisis hasil belajar dan kreativitas siswa setelah mengikuti model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe STAD berbantuan media video animasi pada siswa kelas VII SMPLB C Negeri Denpasar. Penelitian ini termasuk penelitian post test only control group design. Populasi penelitian adalah seluruh siswa kelas VII SMPLB C Negeri Denpasar tahun pelajaran 2014/2015 dengan jumlah 10 orang. Data hasil belajar dikumpulkan dengan tes pilihan ganda dan data kreativitas siswa dikumpulkan dengan lembar kusioner, dan data dianalisis menggunakan uji t non-parametrik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan (1) terdapat pengaruh model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe STAD berbantuan video animasi terhadap hasil belajar siswa, (2) terdapat pengaruh model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe STAD berbantuan video animasi terhadap kreativitas siswa.Kata Kunci : Hasil belajar, kreativitas, model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe STAD, Video Animasi This research aimed at describing and analyzing students' learning achievement and creativity after following STAD cooperative teaching model assisted with video animation at class VII SMPLB C Negeri Denpasar. This is an experimental research with post test only control group design. The population of this research was all students of which totally 10 students at class VII SMPLB C Negeri Denpasar in academic year 2014/2015. Data of learning achievement were procured through multiple choice test and data of students' creativity were procured through questionnaires. The procured data were analyzed by using non-parametric T-test. Research findings showed that (1) there was effect of STAD cooperative teaching model assisted with video animation on students' learning achievement, (2) there was effect of STAD cooperative teaching model assisted with 'video animation on students' creativity

    Analysis of Authenticity of Teachers' Made Assessment and Its Contribution to Students' English Achievement (a Study in Junior High Schools in Buleleng Regency)

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    This research aimed at analyzing the authenticity of teacher's made assessment and its contribution to students' English achievement. 35 Junior High School English teachers in Buleleng Regency were used as the subjects in this research. Data collection methods employed were document study, questionnaire, and interview to answer the research questions quantitatively and qualitatively. The findings demonstrated that teachers' made assessments have sufficient authenticity level of planning, have high authenticity level of assessment implementation as perceived by teachers, have sufficient authenticity level of assessment implementation as perceived by students, and is considered as having high level on the students' English achievement after being assessed with teachers' made assessment. The findingsalso showed that only assessment implementation as perceived by studentsand simultaneous predictors gave significant contribution to students' English achievement. Assessment planning and assessment implementation as perceived by teachers did not show significant contribution because there was found inconsistent finding between what teachers planned with what teachers have implemented. This study has positive contribution to the importance of considering the authenticity of assessment in teaching English as a foreign language