137 research outputs found

    Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Student Achievement Divisions (Stad) untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar IPS Siswa Kelas V SD Negeri 35 Pekanbaru

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    The results of study that fall into the low category is the background in research this study, ie with average learning outcome of 65.00. This research is a classroom action research that aims to improve student learning outcomes through the application of STAD type cooperative learning model. The data used in this research is teacher and student activity data and student learning result of IPS. The result of research indicates that the students' learning achievement has increased, this is proved by: Activity of teacher at cycle 1 meeting 1 equal to 58,30%, at cycle 1 meeting 2 equal to 62,50%, increase in cycle II meeting 1 up to 79,2% , increased in the second cycle of meetings 2 to 91.67%. The activity of the students in the 1st cycle of meeting 1 was 54,2%, in the 1st cycle of meeting 2 was 58,30%, increase in cycle II of meeting 1 to 75,00%, increased in cycle II meeting 2 until 87,50%. Student learning outcomes in prasiklus amounted to 55.40, increased in the cycle I to 68.40, and in the second cycle increased to 76.80

    Implementasi Model Pembelajaran Berdasarkan Masalah untuk Meningkatkan Proses Pembelajaran IPS Siswa Kelas IV SD Negeri 153 Pekanbaru

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    The problems of this research is the low of learning process in Social studies. The low learning result was found at 4th grade of SD Negeri 153 Pekanbaru because the teacher was lack in doing learning process and teacher also didn't apply the learning model in teaching Social. Based on the problems, the alternative way is using appropriate learning model in students' encironment. Problem based learning gives students an opportunity to solve the problem and connect the learning activity in their daily life. The aims of this research is to improve the learning process and the result of Social studies score for 4th grade students of SD Negeri153 Pekanbaru. This research was classroom action research. The sample of this research was 4th grade of SD Negeri 153 Pekanbaru which the total 38 students. The result of the research can be seen in teachers' mean score in 1st cycle which was 60% in Mediocare category . It improved about 10% to 70% in Good category. The 2nd cycle improved to 80% in Good then from 5% to 85% in exellentcategory. Students activity in the 1st cycle had 55% in good category of mean score improved 10% to 65% in good category. In the 2nd cycle, the mean score was 75% in good category improved 10% to 85% in excellent. Data of students acore also had the improvement before the application problem based learning only 16 students could pass the standart score (42,10%) and their mean was 64.31. The improvement in 1ts cycle was 24 students (63.15%) could pass with their mean score was 75.57. The 2nd cycle improved into 33 students (86.64%) with the mean score was 81.57. The total improvement of students score was 26.83%. According to the result, it can be concluded that hypothesis of the application problem based learning can improve the process of social learning for 4th grade students of SD Negeri 153 Pekanbaru

    Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Examples Non Examples untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar IPS Siswa Kelas IV SD Negeri 163 Pekanbaru

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    This study is based on the low learning outcomes social sciences of class IV SD Negeri 163 Pekanbaru. The KKM determined by the school is 73. Of the 40 students, only 16 students (40%) attained the KKM, while the students who had not reached the KKM were 24 students (60%) with an average grade is 62.3. This study is a Classroom Action Research (CAR) aimed to improve the learning outcomes social sciences class IV SD Negeri 163 Pekanbaru by applying the model of learning cooperative, examples non examples\u27 type. Activity teachers on the first cycle of the first meeting obtained 70.8% with well category, at the second meeting increased to 83.3% with well category too. Furthermore, second cycle of the first meeting of teacher\u27s activity also increased to 87,5% with very good category and second cycle at the second meeting increased to 91,7% with very good category too. While the activity of student in first cycle of first meeting get 66,7% with good category, at second meeting of first cycle increased to 79,16% with good category too. While in the first meeting of the second cycle of student activity increased to 83.3% with very good category and at the second meeting of second cycle increased to 87.5% with very good category. Learning result data obtained from the average basic score is 62.3 which is increased to 14% with an average is 71 on the first cycle. On the second cycle increased to 28.41% with an average is 80. In the basic score of social sciences learning classical completeness students are 40% (not complete). After applied model of cooperative learning examples non examples\u27 type in first cycle of classical completeness of learning student increase with classical completeness is 55% and in second cycle classical completeness learning student increase again with classical mastery is 87,5%

    Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Role Playing untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar IPS Siswa Kelas III Sdn 011 Sungai Majo Kecamatan Kubu Kabupaten Rokan Hilir

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    This study originated from low IPS student learning outcomes, with theaverage grade 65.55. While the value of minimum completeness criteria (KKM)IPS is 68 This research is a class action (PTK). Aiming to improve learningoutcomes IPS 011 third grade students of SDN Majo River Kubu district of RokanHilir. Formulation of the problem: Is the application of Role Playing learningmodel to improve learning outcomes IPS 011 third grade students of SDN MajoRiver Kubu district of Rokan Hilir. Data were collected through observation usingthe observation sheet and learning outcomes through UH UH I and II. Thelearning outcomes that occurred from before held PTK with an average of65.55% with less category, while after the action research cycle 1 with anaverage of 70.5% with enough categories and the second cycle with an average83.75% with very good category. So improving student learning outcomes ofbasic score kesiklus an increase of 4.95% from the base score kesiklus while twoincreased to 13.25%. Activities that teachers who have an average amount in thefirst cycle with an average of 66.66 with both categories. Being the teacher\u27sactivities in the second cycle with an average of 91.66 with very good category.Activities of the student in cycle 1 was 62.5 in both categories, while the twocycles increased to 91.66. These results prove that the application of Role Playinglearning model to improve learning outcomes IPS third grade students of SDNSDN 011 River Majo Kubu district Rokan Hilir

    Penerapan Pendekatan Pembelajaran Matematika Realistik (Pmr) untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Matematika Siswa Kelas IV Sdn 029 Sungai Agas Kecamatan Kubu

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    This research is motivated by lowmathematics learning outcomes ofstudents, with an average grade of 56.5. While the completeness criteria Minimumvalue (KKM) Mathematics is 65 Among students who totaled 20 people only 7students who achieve KKM with classical completeness 35%. This research isClassroom Action Research (CAR) conducted aims to improve learning outcomesMathematics Elementary School fourth grade students Agas River 029 withRealistic Mathematics learning approach. Data collection instruments in thisthesis is the sheet activities of teachers and students and learning outcomes. Thisthesis presents the results obtained by studying the average learning outcomesbefore action 56.5 9.54% increase to 62 in cycle I. In the second cycle increasedby 34.27% to an average of 76. activities of teachers in the first cycle the firstmeeting of the percentage 64.2% obtained with either category, the secondmeeting had become 71.4%. Furthermore, the first meeting of the second cycleactivity score of 85.71% of teachers increased by either category once, at thesecond meeting increased to 92.8% with bik category once. The results of the dataanalysis of student activity in the first cycle to 53.5% with good category, 64.2%in the second meeting the students already understand this cycle of learningactivities with the application of learning approaches PMR. And the second cyclestudents activity score increased 82.1% excellent category. At the second meetingincreased to 92.8% with the excellent category. The results of the study at 029River Elementary School fourth grade Segajah prove that the application of arealistic approach to mathematics learning can improve learning outcomes Math029 fourth grade students of SDN Agas River

    Penerapan Pendekatan Contexstual Teaching and Learning (Ctl) Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar IPS Siswa Kelas IV Sdn 019 Teluk Piyai Kecamatan Kubu

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    This study departed from low yields social studies students, with anaverage value of 64.05 class. While the value of minimum completeness criteria(KKM) IPS is 65 Aiming to improve learning outcomes IPS 019 fourth gradestudents of SDN Gulf Piyai Kubu district of Rokan Hilir. Formulation of theproblem: Is the application of CTL learning model to improve learning outcomesIPS 019 fourth grade students of SDN Gulf Piyai Kubu district of Rokan Hilir.Improved learning outcomes before PTK with an average of 64.05 with thecategory of less than one cycle after an increase by an average of 70.75 withenough categories and the second cycle with an average of 82.25 with very goodcategory. Overall, therefore, an increase in student learning outcomes from abase score of 6.7 and kesiklus one of two kesiklus base score of 18.2. While theactivities of students in the first cycle with an average of 68.75% in the secondcycle with an average of 83.33%. While the activity of the teacher on the firstcycle with an average 72.91% in the second cycle reaches 87.49%. These resultsprove that the application of CTL Learning Model can improve learning outcomesIPS 019 fourth grade students of SDN Gulf Piyai Kubu district Rokan Hilir
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