569 research outputs found

    Infeksi Virus Dengue Pada Anak Di Blu Prof. Dr. R. D Kandou Manado Periode Juli 2011 Sampai Juni 2012

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    : More than a third of the world\u27s population live in areas at risk of infection. Dengue virus is a major cause of illness and death in the tropics and subtropics. As many as 400 million people are infected each year . Dengue is caused by one of four related viruses transmitted by mosquitoes. This study used a descriptive method by summarizing and reviewing the materials existing literature . Samples in this study were all patients suffering from dengue fever were entered in the Children\u27s Section BLU Prof Dr . DR.RD Kandou Manado period July 2011 - June 2012 . Once all the data has been summarized , the data is collected and entered into the computer. The results showed that there was no difference in the number of children infected with dengue fever , which is same between women and men. Most girls are infected with dengue virus are at school age (5-12 years) as many as 14 people. At least is the age of the baby and play by 5 people . Most boys are infected with dengue virus are at school age , 5-12 years of age minister to as many as 15 people . At least is the age to play as many as 2 people. The entire girls and boys experience an increase in erythrocytes , platelets and leukocytes decrease. Conclusion: The number of girls and boys who are the same infected dengue fever which is 50:50 . The most natural in children between 5-12 years of age both in girls and boys . At least in the natural at 1-2.5 year olds both in girls and boys. The entire girls and boys experience an increase in erythrocytes , platelets and leukocytes decrease

    Menyimak Kehidupan Keluarga “Miskin”

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    Poverty criteria must include various aspects (widely and comprehensively), with speci c valuation standard. this argument is based on case study of poor families in Java. Using observation and interview method, found three groups of poor family, namely 1) the factual poor family; 2) the well-off but considered poor; and 3) the poor but considered well-off. A number of poverty aspects occurred to poor families are: income, consumption, education, health, powerlessness in public domain, inability to voice their aspiration, and the low quality of human capital. In the current local autonomy era, to prevent the gap between the rich and poor, the role of local elites with objectivity and pro-poor attitude should be encouraged

    Pemanfaatan Limbah Nangka sebagai Penganekaragaman Makanan

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    Kebijaksanaan penganekaragaman pangan telah ditetapkan sejak tahun 1974 dalam Repelita II, dan disempurnakan dengan Inpres No. 20 Tahun 1979 sampai kini kebijakan penganekaragaman pangan terus berganti dan disesuaikan dengan kondisi kebutuhan masyarakat Indonesia. Walaupun secara operasional penganekaragaman pangan belum dapat berjalan dengan efektif. Hal ini disebabkan mekanisme pelaksanaannya antar sector belum berjalan dengan baik. Disamping itu, tiga aspek yang terkait yaitu produksi, distribusi dan konsumsi belum menunjang seperti yang diharapkan.Dewasa ini kegiatan pemanfaatan limbah masih sangat kurang dan hanya terbatas dalam USAha-USAha dalam keluarga yaitu mengolah nangka sebagai pelengkap menu sehari- hari dalam keluarga. Nangka adalah sangat prospektif, sebab disamping mengandung nilai gizi gizi yang tinggi, nangka juga dapat dimanfaatkan secara optimal, bukan hanya sekedar nangka sebagai teman lauk dalam satu menu hidangan tapi nangka juga bisa tampil sebagai makanan olahan pastry yaitu olahan jenis kue-kue yang tampilan dan rasanya sangat menarik.Limbah nangk berupa biji dan dami nangka sebagai kue- kue yang cukup nikmat dan bergizi tinggi dan dapat disajikan dalam berbagai momen (kesempatan)

    Assessing Ability in Arranging Lesson Plan (Based on 2013 Curriculum) of the Sixth Semester Students of Eesp of Mahasaraswati Denpasar University in Academic Year 2013/2014

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    The undertaking of the present research was mainly intended to find out the degree of ability in arranging lesson plan (based on 2013 curriculum) of the sixth semester students of English Education Study Program of Mahasaraswati Denpasar University in academic year 2013/2014. This study made use of an ex post facto research design with descriptive analysis. The population of this present study with the total ten classes consisted of 280 students who had already taken instructional design course. Furthermore 40 students were taken as sample by using random sampling with lottery systems. The data required for this present study were gathered by administering lesson plan writing assessment. Theobtained data were analyzed by using norm reference measures of five standard values. The result of the data analysis showed 12.50% of the sample was excellent achievement, 22.50% of the sample was good achievement, 25.00% of the sample was sufficient achievement, 35.00% of the sample was insufficient achievement and 05.00% of the sample was poor achievement. To sum up, the present study proved ability in arranging lesson plan (based on 2013 curriculum) of the sixth semester students of English Education Study Program of Mahasaraswati Denpasar University in academic year 2013/2014 was sufficient.

    Analisis Layanan Informasi untuk Membina Nilai Karakter pada Peserta Didik Kelas VIII di SMP

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    This study aims to describe information services to foster the character of class VIII students in SMP St. Francis Asisi Pontianank. The method used is lecture method, question and answer, discussion, with the form of research analysis. The sample in this research use 49 people. Data technique used is indirect communication technique, data settlement tool used is psychology scale. Data analysis used is descriptive analysis. From the research results, in detail are as follows; 1) informational services to nurture the character of the learners fairly well. These results can be seen from the results. 2) the value of coaching characters in the learner good. These results can be seen from the data if the data for the variable aspects of most of the information services. 3) There is a significant positive relationship between information services to foster middle class VIII St. Francis Pontiac Asisi Pontianak

    Hubungan Keharmonisan Keluarga Dengan Kecerdasan Emosional Pada Guru Bersertifikasi Sekolah Menengah Atas Swasta Berakreditasi “a” Wilayah Semarang Barat

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan keharmonisan keluarga dengan kecerdasan emosional pada guru bersertifikasi sekolah menengah atas swasta berakreditasi “A” wilayah Semarang Barat. Keharmonisan keluarga diartikan sebagai keadaan keluarga yang utuh dan bahagia serta didalamnya dapat terjalin komunikasi yang baik antar anggota keluarga (ayah dengan ibu, ibu dengan anak, dan ayah dengan anak) sehingga dapat terjalin rasa aman dan saling melindungi, sedangkan kecerdasan emosional diartikan kemampuan seseorang dalam memantau, mengenali, dan mengelola emosi diri sendiri dan emosi orang lain, serta memotivasi diri sendiri untuk memandu pikiran dan tindakan dalam menghadapi tuntutan hidup sehari-hari. Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah 74 guru dengan sampel penelitian yang sama yaitu 74 guru. Penentuan sampel dilakukan dengan menggunakan sampling jenuh dikarenakan subjek yang terlalu sedikit yang sesuai dengan kriteria. Pengumpulan data menggunakan Skala Keharmonisan Keluarga yang terdiri dari 44 aitem (α = 0,953) dan Skala Kecerdasan Emosional yang terdiri dari 27 aitem (α = 0,892). Analisis regresi sederhana menunjukkan rxy = 0,656 pada p = 0,000 (p>0,05), artinya terdapat hubungan dan signifikan antara keharmonisan keluarga dengan kecerdasan emosional pada guru bersertifikasi. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa keharmonisan keluarga pada guru bersertifikasi di sekolah menengah atas swasta berakreditasi “A” wilayah Semarang Barat berada pada kategori tinggi serta memiliki kecerdasan emosional yang positif. Keharmonisan keluarga memberikan sumbangan efektif sebesar 43% sedangkan 57% berasal dari faktor-faktor lain yang tidak diungkap dalam penelitian ini

    Peran Tenaga Kesehatan sebagai Pelaksana Pelayanan Kesehatan Puskesmas

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    Background: Many health problems emerged during the decentralization era that was marked by the low performance of Health Centre (PHC). This PHC's performance is closely intertwined with health manpower. The objective of this study is to identify the role of health manpower in PHC's. Methods: The study was done in 3 provinces (4 regencies) i.e. East Java (Jombang and Bojonegoro regencies), West Java (Cianjur regency) and East Nusa Tenggara (Sikka regency). By purposive sampling method, 2 PHCs were taken from each regency thus 8 PHCs representing 4 regencies. Results: The result showed that number of health manpower in the PHC were between 21–51 persons, but only 6 PHCs has definite medical doctors. The majority of the health manpower in 8 HCs were midwives and nurses while pharmacist's assistant, laboratory personnel and nutritionist were lacking. This study identify that health manpower main tasks, functions and additional jobs were fitting with their education and skill but PHC facilities were unbefitting to support their work. Most of PHC health manpower were satisfy with their role rendering health services. According to PHC health manpower the factor to improve individual performance was strenghtening education and skill and the factor to improve PHC's performance was planning based on demand. This study suggested PHCs and Regency Health Offices has to change their paradigm from conventional career system into protean career pertaining to health manpower. This study is a lesson-learned due to the importance of PHC's role as the technical implementing unit of health services