133 research outputs found

    Pemetaan Potensi Likuifaksi di Kompleks Candi Prambanan

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    Salah satu dampak dari terjadinya gempa bumi adalah likuifaksi. likuifaksi adalah fenomena hilangnya kekuatan lapisan tanah akibat getaran gempa. Efek dari gerakan gelombang gempa bumi di dalam tanah akan bervariasi dari satu lokasi ke lokasi lainnya. Dalam penelitian ini memetakan potensi likuifaksi pada Kawasan Candi prambanan dengan menngunakan metode Liquefaction Potential Index (LPI), Liquefaction Severity Index (LSI) dan Liquefaction Risk Index (LRI). Tiga metode yang sering digunakan untuk mengetahui karakteristik pengaruh gerakan gelombang tersebut dan kaitannya dengan kedalaman tanah terhadap potensi likuifaksi untuk suatu lokasi tertentu dengan output data berupa peta potensi likuifaksi. Hasil penelitian ini di Kawasan Candi Prambanan potensi likuifaksi kecil bahkan sangat kecil

    Kinerja Keuangan sebagai Dasar Pengambilan Keputusan Investasi di Dhyana Pura Beach Resort Seminyak Kuta Badung

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    The owners of capital who invest in fixed assets, must pay quite a lot of attention to their decisions that they are going to make, not only in connection with buying a fixed asset but also in the next spending which required by fixed assets. The return of investment by the owners of capital can be predicted with the financial performance by using the analysis of ratio. The aims of this research are to find out and analyze the financial performance profiles of Dhyana Pura Beach Resort Seminyak Kuta Badung and the Department of Food and Beverage Dhyana Pura Beach Resort Seminyak Kuta Badung from 2006 to 2010, the appropriateness of investment decision that has been taking by Dhyana Pura Beach Resort Seminyak Kuta Badung, and also to find out the steps in making investment decision. Analysis methods used in this research is the analysis of qualitative and quantitative data. The investment decision that took by Dhyana Pura Beach Resort Seminyak Kuta Badung to invest was right, it can be seen from the result of calculation of payback period where this investment will return in a quite short time, which is in 1 year, 0.24 months, 7 days. On the other hand, based on the calculation of ne present value this investment gave positive value, which is Rp 342,689,038,985.00, with the assumptions of occupancy rates and index prices in normality. These decisions could be taken because of the financial performance of Dhyana Pura Beach Resort Seminyak Kuta Badung from 2006 to 2010 had a good performance, and also the performance of the Department of Food and Beverage Dhyana Pura Beach Resort Seminyak Kuta Badung from 2006 to 2010 showed that the ability of fulfilment all of the obligations either in a short term or in a long term

    Kualitas Komposit Serbuk Sabut Kelapa Dengan Matrik Sampah Styrofoam Pada Berbagai Jenis Compatibilizer

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari pengaruh jenis compatibilizer terhadap kualitas komposit serbuk sabut kelapa dengan matrik sampah styrofoam. Compatibilizer yang digunakan adalah maleat anhidrida, asam stearat dan asam akrilat. Komposit dibuat menggunakan mesin Laboplastomill. Komposit yang dihasilkan dilakukan pengujian terhadap kondisi morfologi komposit, karakterisasi gugus fungsi, dan sifat fisis. Hasil uji morfologi komposit dengan scanning electron microscopy (SEM) menunjukkan telah terbentuk campuran yang homogen antara serbuk sabut kelapa dan sampah styrofoam, dan hasil terbaik ditunjukkan oleh komposit dengan compatibilizer maleat anhidrida. Karakterisasi gugus fungsi melalui FTIR menunjukkan munculnya puncak barupada transmitansi 1728 cm-1 yang dibentuk dari reaksi esterifikasi dari gugus OH dalam serbuk sabut kelapa. Komposit dengan compatibilizer maleat anhidrid menunjukkan sifat fisis terbaik yaitu berat jenis1,2 g/cm3, kekerasan 88 Shore D, kuat tarik 97,27 kg/cm2, perpanjangan putus 6,37%, stabilitas dimensi untuk panjang0,08%, dan lebar 0,1%

    Meningkatkan Disiplin melalui Metode Bercerita pada Anak Usia 4-5 Tahun di Kelompok Bermain Sayang Bunda Desa Srigading Kecamatan Lubuk Dalam

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    Based on observations in KB Sweetheart Mother of the District Srigading Lubuk In the village, the researchers found was the presence of children aged 4-5 years who arrive late to school, some children interfere with their friends while learning process, while praying always take a walk or play- play, children do not listen to the words of the teacher, the child does not obey the rules of the school and the children are not put in place the goods or toys. During this time, teachers attempt to apply discipline in children through storytelling. but in fact, the effort to bring teachers less satisfactory results. The purpose of this study was to determine the increase in the ability of Discipline at 4 -5 year olds through storytelling in KB Sweetheart Mother of the District Lubuk In Srigading village. To find out how the application of storytelling in the age of 4-5 years in KB Sweetheart Mother of the District Lubuk In Srigading village, greatly increasing the ability to know the discipline in children aged 4-5 years in KB Sweetheart Mother of the District Lubuk In Srigading village. The population in this study were children in the village Srigading KB dear Mother Lubuk In the District, totaling 14 people, which was conducted in May and April 2014. Technique if the data used is observation. Based on the results of data processing and observation of Discipline capabilities have increased each cycle. At the beginning of the cycle with the values obtained 38.69% Developing criteria yet. After the repair on the first cycle obtained a value of 70.76% with Developing criteria as expected. In the second cycle value of 88.73% was obtained with Developing criteria very well. It can be seen that through storytelling method can improve the ability of the discipline of children aged 4-5 years

    Uji Kinerja Alat Pengering Hybrid Tipe Rak Pada Pengeringan Chip Pisang Kepok

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    Lampung Province was one of the banana production centers areas in Indonesia, one of them is kepok banana. Bananas don\u27t have a long shelf life, so that it needs an alternative treatment to prolong shelf life so it can provide the value-of banana fruit. Drying system with hybrid is an alternative option. The purpose of this study is to test the performance of the hybrid dryer shelves type for drying banana chips. This research was conducted with three treatments, they were drying using solar energy, drying using electrical energy, and drying using solar energy and electricity, which was using 5 kg banana chips for each treatments. The three treatments of this research showed different results. It took 9 hours to drying banana chips until it reached the water content 10%-12% on drying using solar energy, while drying using electrical energy needed 11 hours, and 8 hours on drying using solar energy and electricity. Energy produced on drying using solar energy amounted to 55859,52 kJ, drying using electrical energy amounted to 27680,4 kJ and drying using solar energy and electricity was 64417,17 kJ

    Pengaruh Pemlastis Nabati Terhadap Sifat Elastomer Termoplastik Berbasis Campuran Karet Alam/poli Propilena

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    Vegetable plasticizer is a plasticizer that is derived from renewable raw materials, that are used as an alternative to petroleum-based plasticizer. The purpose of this research was to compare the effect of the vegetable and plasticizer with petroleum plasticizers on the mechanical properties of (Thermoplastic Elastomer) TPE. Vegetable plasticizer used in this study is a modified castor oil. Natural rubber/polypropylene (KA/PP) based TPE was made in an internal mixer at a temperature of 180ºC with a variousvarious ratio KA/PP ratio and type of plasticizer. In general, modified castor oil as a plasticizer has a more positive effect on the mechanical properties of TPE in various ratios of KA/PP, is mainly related to improvement of properties of tensile strength, elongation at break and flexing resistance 100 kcs. The best formula of TPE is a TPE that is composed of KA/PP 60/40 using modified castor oil. XRD results showed that TPE is dominated by amorphous phase

    Rancang Bangun Sistem Informasi Standar Harga Barangpada Kota Tangerang

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    In planning the procurement of goods and services the government city of Tangerang, will be compiled in a budget plan regional work units (RKA-on education) allocated from the Budget Revenue and Expenditure for Fiscal Year 2013, the compilation takes into account Standard Price of Goods. The problem faced now is the drafting, discussion and Standard Storage Unit Price still use the document to be signed by the Drafting Team and the Mayor of Tangerang as authorizing the Mayor's decision, and the data is stored in a file on Ms. Excel 2007. This proved to be less effective and time efficiency, especially when searching required by the standard price of sector departments. And waste paper for printing the books for sector departments in the form of a report each fiscal year. To overcome these problems were created Standards Information System using the web-based Goods Price CodeIgniter 2.0 framework and data storage using MySQL. With the construction of this system is expected to boost the quality of information transmission standard price of goods in the city of Tangerang

    Simbol dan Makna Gerak Tari Totokng dalam Upacara Adat Notokng di Kecamatan Sengah Temilak

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    The purpose of this research is to discribe the symbol, meaning of the dance movement in Notokng traditional ceremony,and to discribe implementation design of dance in the Notonkg traditional ceremony.Totokng Pangalima and Totonkg Anak Kayo dance movement shows a symbol of Elang Bapayung the meaningful surveillance on the counter attack that would come and obstruction as well as gratitude to the head have been obtained (for Pangalima who get the head). Nyambah dance movement have a respectful of symbol have a meaning respect and say thanks to Jubata and spirit of the head owner\u27s and over the fortune that has been given and say for thanks to Jubata because Pengayo can bring the head come home. The result of this research can to implemented in the
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