87 research outputs found

    Identification of a novel population of muscle stem cells in mice: potential for muscle regeneration

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    Three populations of myogenic cells were isolated from normal mouse skeletal muscle based on their adhesion characteristics and proliferation behaviors. Although two of these populations displayed satellite cell characteristics, a third population of long-time proliferating cells expressing hematopoietic stem cell markers was also identified. This third population comprises cells that retain their phenotype for more than 30 passages with normal karyotype and can differentiate into muscle, neural, and endothelial lineages both in vitro and in vivo. In contrast to the other two populations of myogenic cells, the transplantation of the long-time proliferating cells improved the efficiency of muscle regeneration and dystrophin delivery to dystrophic muscle. The long-time proliferating cells' ability to proliferate in vivo for an extended period of time, combined with their strong capacity for self-renewal, their multipotent differentiation, and their immune-privileged behavior, reveals, at least in part, the basis for the improvement of cell transplantation. Our results suggest that this novel population of muscle-derived stem cells will significantly improve muscle cell–mediated therapies

    EEG biomarkers for the diagnosis and treatment of infantile spasms

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    Early diagnosis and treatment are critical for young children with infantile spasms (IS), as this maximizes the possibility of the best possible child-specific outcome. However, there are major barriers to achieving this, including high rates of misdiagnosis or failure to recognize the seizures, medication failure, and relapse. There are currently no validated tools to aid clinicians in assessing objective diagnostic criteria, predicting or measuring medication response, or predicting the likelihood of relapse. However, the pivotal role of EEG in the clinical management of IS has prompted many recent studies of potential EEG biomarkers of the disease. These include both visual EEG biomarkers based on human visual interpretation of the EEG and computational EEG biomarkers in which computers calculate quantitative features of the EEG. Here, we review the literature on both types of biomarkers, organized based on the application (diagnosis, treatment response, prediction, etc.). Visual biomarkers include the assessment of hypsarrhythmia, epileptiform discharges, fast oscillations, and the Burden of AmplitudeS and Epileptiform Discharges (BASED) score. Computational markers include EEG amplitude and power spectrum, entropy, functional connectivity, high frequency oscillations (HFOs), long-range temporal correlations, and phase-amplitude coupling. We also introduce each of the computational measures and provide representative examples. Finally, we highlight remaining gaps in the literature, describe practical guidelines for future biomarker discovery and validation studies, and discuss remaining roadblocks to clinical implementation, with the goal of facilitating future work in this critical area

    Medical insurance claims as a source of data for research: accuracy of diagnostic coding.

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    Validation of diagnostic codes in a sample of Hawaii medical insurance claims in 1986 to 1987 revealed 96% accuracy in hospital claims, high enough to supply data for research purposes. In physician claims the accuracy was only 62%. Initiation of two feedback loops to physicians from the insurer in 1989 resulted in a marked improvement of diagnostic coding accuracy by 1992 to 1994
