3 research outputs found

    Wear-friction properties of friction pairs in disc-pad brakes

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    This paper reports data on the dynamic coefficient of friction and wear of materials of different types of friction pads and brake discs obtained from experimental research during braking under bench conditions. It was established that on the basis of the chemical composition of the materials of the friction pads with codes, in the temperature range of 100–450 °C with a step of 50 °C, the ratio of the maximum to the minimum wear of the disc varies from 6.0 to 10.0. The value of the disc wear ratio at 800 and 1000 brakings, respectively, in the temperature range of 100–250 °C and 100–450 °C was 7.6 and 14.0. This indicates that for pad materials of type A, B, C, and D under the second thermal regime, the linear wear of the working surfaces of the discs is greater than under the first thermal regime. And for the pad materials of type E and F, the wear of the discs was the same. This indicates that the use of traditional pads is characterized by a higher thermal tension of the disc brake friction pair; the absolute temperature values are in the unfavorable zone of 400–700 °C. That, in turn, could lead to both phase changes and thermal fatigue aging of materials and, as a result, to the deterioration of their tribological and thermophysical characteristics in operation. Thus, the implementation of the method of selecting pad components could improve the performance of disc brake devices of car

    Hydrogen Containing Nanofluids in the Spark Engine’s Cylinder Head Cooling System

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    The article is devoted to the following issues: boiling of fluid in the cooling jacket of the engine cylinder head; agents that influenced the thermal conductivity coefficient of nanofluids; behavior of nanoparticles and devices with nanoparticles in the engine’s cylinder head cooling system. The permissible temperature level of internal combustion engines is ensured by intensification of heat transfer in cooling systems due to the change of coolants with “light” and “heavy” nanoparticles. It was established that the introduction of “light” nanoparticles of aluminum oxide Al2O3 Al2O3 into the water in a mass concentration of 0.75% led to an increase in its thermal conductivity coefficient by 60% compared to the base fluid at a coolant temperature of 90 °C, which corresponds to the operating temperature of the engine cooling systems. At the indicated temperature, the base fluid has a thermal conductivity coefficient of 0.545 Wm2×°C W/(m °C), for nanofluid with Al2O3 particles its value was 0.872 Wm2×°C. At the same time, a positive change in the parameters of the nanofluid in the engine cooling system was noted: the average movement speed increased from 0.2 to 2.0 m/s; the average temperature is in the range of 60–90 °C; heat flux density 2 × 102–2 × 106 Wm2; heat transfer coefficient 150–1000 Wm2×°C. Growth of the thermal conductivity coefficient of the cooling nanofluid was achieved. This increase is determined by the change in the mass concentration of aluminum oxide nanoparticles in the base fluid. This will make it possible to create coolants with such thermophysical characteristics that are required to ensure intensive heat transfer in cooling systems of engines with various capacities

    Hydrogen Containing Nanofluids in the Spark Engine’s Cylinder Head Cooling System

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    The article is devoted to the following issues: boiling of fluid in the cooling jacket of the engine cylinder head; agents that influenced the thermal conductivity coefficient of nanofluids; behavior of nanoparticles and devices with nanoparticles in the engine’s cylinder head cooling system. The permissible temperature level of internal combustion engines is ensured by intensification of heat transfer in cooling systems due to the change of coolants with “light” and “heavy” nanoparticles. It was established that the introduction of “light” nanoparticles of aluminum oxide Al2O3 Al2O3 into the water in a mass concentration of 0.75% led to an increase in its thermal conductivity coefficient by 60% compared to the base fluid at a coolant temperature of 90 °C, which corresponds to the operating temperature of the engine cooling systems. At the indicated temperature, the base fluid has a thermal conductivity coefficient of 0.545 Wm2×°C W/(m °C), for nanofluid with Al2O3 particles its value was 0.872 Wm2×°C. At the same time, a positive change in the parameters of the nanofluid in the engine cooling system was noted: the average movement speed increased from 0.2 to 2.0 m/s; the average temperature is in the range of 60–90 °C; heat flux density 2 × 102–2 × 106 Wm2; heat transfer coefficient 150–1000 Wm2×°C. Growth of the thermal conductivity coefficient of the cooling nanofluid was achieved. This increase is determined by the change in the mass concentration of aluminum oxide nanoparticles in the base fluid. This will make it possible to create coolants with such thermophysical characteristics that are required to ensure intensive heat transfer in cooling systems of engines with various capacities