2 research outputs found

    Skuteczno艣膰 terapii neoadjuwantowej z艂o艣liwych guz贸w 艣r贸dpiersia i 艣ciany klatki piersiowej

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    Background. Primary tumors of the mediastinum and chest wall are heterogeneous in morphological structure, united only by anatomical localization. Considering their proximity to the vital structures of the mediastinum, their treatment is a complex task that requires a personalized approach in the selection of neoadjuvant therapy. Material and methods. The results of surgical, combined and complex treatment of 1,375 patients with primary malignant tumors of the mediastinum, and 98 patients with malignant tumors of the chest wall were analyzed. Various treatment methods were used in the neoadjuvant regime: radiotherapy, thermoradiotherapy, chemoradiotherapy and intra-arterial regional chemotherapy. Results. The results proved that the use of intra-arterial neoadjuvant chemotherapy (IACT) has a better degree of tumor regression (p<0.05) and the lowest frequency of metastases compared with the use of radiotherapy and thermoradiotherapy (p<0.001). When compared with the use of chemoradiation therapy, there were no statistically significant differences (p>0.05). The results of 3-year and 5-year survival rate did not have a statistically significant difference (p>0.05) between the variants of neoadjuvant therapy. Conclusions. In the treatment of patients with malignant tumors of the mediastinum and chest wall, the use of neoadjuvant therapy is mandatory. When a malignant tumor is localized in the anterior mediastinum, anterior and side wall of the chest, in the blood circulation zone of a. thoracica interna, a promising variant of neoadjuvant therapy is intra-arterial regional chemotherapy.Wprowadzenie. Nowotwory pierwotne 艣r贸dpiersia i 艣ciany klatki piersiowej s膮 niejednorodne pod wzgl臋dem budowy morfologicznej, 艂膮czy je jedynie ich lokalizacja anatomiczna. Ze wzgl臋du na blisko艣膰 kluczowych dla 偶ycia struktur 艣r贸dpiersia ich leczenie jest zadaniem z艂o偶onym, wymagaj膮cym indywidualnego podej艣cia w doborze terapii neoadjuwantowej. Materia艂 i metody. Przeprowadzono analiz臋 wynik贸w leczenia chirurgicznego, skojarzonego i kompleksowego 1375 pacjent贸w cierpi膮cych na pierwotne nowotwory z艂o艣liwe 艣r贸dpiersia oraz 98 pacjent贸w z nowotworami z艂o艣liwymi 艣ciany klatki piersiowej. W schemacie neoadjuwantowym stosowano r贸偶ne metody leczenia: radioterapi臋, termoradioterapi臋, chemioradioterapi臋 oraz chemioterapi臋 regionaln膮 dot臋tnicz膮. Wyniki. Wykazano, 偶e zastosowanie dot臋tniczej chemioterapii neoadjuwantowej (IACT) charakteryzuje si臋 lepszym stopniem regresji guza (p<0,05) i najni偶sz膮 cz臋sto艣ci膮 wyst臋powania przerzut贸w w por贸wnaniu ze stosowaniem radioterapii i termoradioterapii (p<0,001), a w por贸wnaniu z zastosowaniem chemioradioterapii nie stwierdzono istotnych statystycznie r贸偶nic (p>0,05). Wyniki wska藕nika prze偶y膰 3-letnich i 5-letnich nie wykaza艂y istotnej statystycznie r贸偶nicy (p>0,05) pomi臋dzy wariantami terapii neoadiuwantowej. Wnioski. W leczeniu chorych cierpi膮cych na nowotwory z艂o艣liwe 艣r贸dpiersia i 艣ciany klatki piersiowej stosowanie terapii neoadiuwantowej jest obowi膮zkowe. Gdy guz z艂o艣liwy zlokalizowany jest w przedziale przednim 艣r贸dpiersia, przedniej i bocznej 艣cianie klatki piersiowej, w strefie kr膮偶enia krwi wyznaczonej przez t臋tnic臋 piersiow膮 wewn臋trzn膮, obiecuj膮cym wariantem terapii neoadiuwantowej jest regionalna chemioterapia dot臋tnicza

    A view on the problem of providing oncological aid during the war in Ukraine

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    INTRODUCTION: Providing oncological care in conflict conditions is a difficult test for the country鈥檚 health care system, especially if aggression is carried out in violation of the main international rules of conduct of war, the treaties of the Geneva Convention, when the aggressor attacks the civilian population. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Having conducted an analysis of the style of military operations conducted by the aggressor and the peculiarities of the territories of Ukraine, the quality of providing oncological care before the conflict, the digital transformation of the state, the use of the application Diya by the population, and the functioning of the eHealth electronic medical telecommunication information system, we identified four zones of providing oncological care during martial law. RESULTS: Each zone is defined and the amount of consultation and diagnostics with subsequent treatment assistance to the population is presented. CONCLUSIONS: Thanks to the practical implementation of the above characteristics, with a constantly functioning Internet network throughout Ukraine with a sufficiently high level of computer literacy of the population and available online means of communication, and in addition to the high level of organization of the Ukrainian and international volunteer service, it was possible to provide a qualified level of oncological care to the population during martial law