1 research outputs found

    Implementation of Case-based Reasoning System for Criminal Judgement

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    Case-Based Reasoning (CBR) is theprocess of solving new problems based on thesolutions of similar past problems. The CBR canbe used to find the specific knowledge ofpreviously experienced problem situations(cases).The purpose of this system is to develop acase-based reasoning system for criminaljudgment. A new problem is solved by finding asimilar past case, and reusing it in the newproblem situation. CBR is also an approach toincremental, sustained learning because a newexperience is retained each time a problem hasbeen solved, making it immediately available forfuture problems. By using the knowledge of expertand documentation, this system applies four tasksof CBR for criminal judgements. The systemproduces the judgment or punishment as caseoutput. The system can also retain the successfulcase solutions for future assistance