3 research outputs found

    Effect of Soil tooling, Tractive wheeling, and Mechanical pulverization of Arable Soils in Tillage - A Systematic Review and Analysis

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    Abstract Seasonal soil-tool interactions, tractive wheeling and trailed tandem traverse of agricultural fields present ambiguities in defining and qualifying soil processing in tillage where the physio mechanical state of soil health is repeatedly perturbed. Precise and distinctive knowledge on quality characterization and mechanistic response behavior of soil-tool and soil-wheel interactions under tillage is sparse. We reviewed 116 state of art tillage studies in the US, Europe, UK, Australia, Africa, and Asia among others, concerning localized and integrated effects of soil-tool and soil-wheel interactions and associated dynamic response trends of mechanically distressed soils; to untangle and overcome persistent ambiguities in qualifying tilled soil state, expressed by physio-mechanical, biomechanical and hydromechanical soil heterogeneity. Studies revealed that soil-tool and soil-wheel interaction phenomena, and constitutive tractive tribologies portend sophisticated interrelations with dynamic, multivariate, and heterogeneous soil properties. Hitherto to such variabilities, soil-tool-wheel interactions and their perturbation descriptors have not consensually achieved any distinctive characterization under tillage. Nonetheless, tillage depth, tine widths, rake angles of attack, draft forces and traction performance had gained some generalized description of characterizing soil working. However, researchers still found it difficult to qualify the precise mechanistic relations of dynamic physio-mechanical soil states, unanimously and accurately with engaged tools in situ. This is by dint of, and amid multifaceted soil-tool-wheel-stress-strain interrelations that we consider dynamic and apart from soil type, are soil- tool and soil- wheel methodical. Attempts to fill this knowledge gap through soil tooling and soil wheeling models provided conditional results, defined and only due under the specified simulated model assumptions. We recommend further studies to elucidate and furnish with in-depth knowledge on dynamic soil response variabilities under complex tool-wheel stress loads, that are dynamically transmitted due to encounter with point specific and instantaneously varying properties of soil matrix in situ. This will optimize and accurately characterize soil-tooling, tractive wheeling, and trailed traverse in tillage. Key words. Tractor wheeling, Physio-Mechanical state, Penetration resistance, Soil tooling, draft force, Tractor-implement optimization

    Edaphic Response and Behavior of Agricultural Soils to Mechanical Perturbation in Tillage

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    Mechanical perturbation constrains edaphic functionality of arable soils in tillage. Seasonal soil tool interactions disrupt the pristine bio-physio-mechanical characteristics of agricultural soils and crop-oriented ecological functions. They interfere with the natural balancing of nutrient cycles, soil carbon, and diverse organic matter that supports soil ecosystem interactions with crop rooting. We review soil working in tillage, associated mechanistic perturbations, and the edaphic response of affected soil properties towards cropping characteristics and behavior as soil working tools evolve. This is to further credit or discredit the global transition to minimum and no-till systems with a more specific characterization to soil properties and edaphic crop-oriented goals of soil tooling. Research has shown that improvement in adoption of conservation tillage is trying to characterize tilled soils with edaphic states of native soil agroecosystems rendering promising strategies to revive overworked soils under the changing climate. Soil can proliferate without disturbance whilst generation of new ecologically rich soil structures develops under more natural conditions. Researchers have argued that crops adapted to the altered physio-mechanical properties of cultivated soils can be developed and domesticated, especially under already impedance induced, mechanically risked, degraded soils. Interestingly edaphic response of soils under no-till soil working appeared less favorable in humid climates and more significant under arid regions. We recommend further studies to elucidate the association between soil health state, soil disturbance, cropping performance, and yield under evolving soil working tools, a perspective that will be useful in guiding the establishment of future soils for future crops

    Edaphic Response and Behavior of Agricultural Soils to Mechanical Perturbation in Tillage

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    Mechanical perturbation constrains edaphic functionality of arable soils in tillage. Seasonal soil tool interactions disrupt the pristine bio-physio-mechanical characteristics of agricultural soils and crop-oriented ecological functions. They interfere with the natural balancing of nutrient cycles, soil carbon, and diverse organic matter that supports soil ecosystem interactions with crop rooting. We review soil working in tillage, associated mechanistic perturbations, and the edaphic response of affected soil properties towards cropping characteristics and behavior as soil working tools evolve. This is to further credit or discredit the global transition to minimum and no-till systems with a more specific characterization to soil properties and edaphic crop-oriented goals of soil tooling. Research has shown that improvement in adoption of conservation tillage is trying to characterize tilled soils with edaphic states of native soil agroecosystems rendering promising strategies to revive overworked soils under the changing climate. Soil can proliferate without disturbance whilst generation of new ecologically rich soil structures develops under more natural conditions. Researchers have argued that crops adapted to the altered physio-mechanical properties of cultivated soils can be developed and domesticated, especially under already impedance induced, mechanically risked, degraded soils. Interestingly edaphic response of soils under no-till soil working appeared less favorable in humid climates and more significant under arid regions. We recommend further studies to elucidate the association between soil health state, soil disturbance, cropping performance, and yield under evolving soil working tools, a perspective that will be useful in guiding the establishment of future soils for future crops