7 research outputs found

    An updated atlas of human helminth infections: the example of East Africa.

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    BACKGROUND: Reliable and updated maps of helminth (worm) infection distributions are essential to target control strategies to those populations in greatest need. Although many surveys have been conducted in endemic countries, the data are rarely available in a form that is accessible to policy makers and the managers of public health programmes. This is especially true in sub-Saharan Africa, where empirical data are seldom in the public domain. In an attempt to address the paucity of geographical information on helminth risk, this article describes the development of an updated global atlas of human helminth infection, showing the example of East Africa. METHODS: Empirical, cross-sectional estimates of infection prevalence conducted since 1980 were identified using electronic and manual search strategies of published and unpublished sources. A number of inclusion criteria were imposed for identified information, which was extracted into a standardized database. Details of survey population, diagnostic methods, sample size and numbers infected with schistosomes and soil-transmitted helminths were recorded. A unique identifier linked each record to an electronic copy of the source document, in portable document format. An attempt was made to identify the geographical location of each record using standardized geolocation procedures and the assembled data were incorporated into a geographical information system. RESULTS: At the time of writing, over 2,748 prevalence surveys were identified through multiple search strategies. Of these, 2,612 were able to be geolocated and mapped. More than half (58%) of included surveys were from grey literature or unpublished sources, underlining the importance of reviewing in-country sources. 66% of all surveys were conducted since 2000. Comprehensive, countrywide data are available for Burundi, Rwanda and Uganda. In contrast, information for Kenya and Tanzania is typically clustered in specific regions of the country, with few records from areas with very low population density and/or environmental conditions which are unfavourable for helminth transmission. Information is presented on the prevalence and geographical distribution for the major helminth species. CONCLUSION: For all five countries, the information assembled in the current atlas provides the most reliable, up-to-date and comprehensive source of data on the distribution of common helminth infections to guide the rational implementation of control efforts

    Implementing school malaria surveys in Kenya: towards a national surveillance system

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    OBJECTIVE: To design and implement surveys of malaria infection and coverage of malaria control interventions among school children in Kenya in order to contribute towards a nationwide assessment of malaria. METHODS: The country was stratified into distinct malaria transmission zones based on a malaria risk map and 480 schools were visited between October 2008 and March 2010. Surveys were conducted in two phases: an initial opportunistic phase whereby schools were selected for other research purposes; and a second phase whereby schools were purposively selected to provide adequate spatial representation across the country. Consent for participation was based on passive, opt-out consent rather than written, opt-in consent because of the routine, low-risk nature of the survey. All children were diagnosed for Plasmodium infection using rapid diagnostic tests, assessed for anaemia and were interviewed about mosquito net usage, recent history of illness, and socio-economic and household indicators. Children's responses were entered electronically in the school and data transmitted nightly to Nairobi using a mobile phone modem connection. RDT positive results were corrected by microscopy and all results were adjusted for clustering using random effect regression modelling. RESULTS: 49,975 children in 480 schools were sampled, at an estimated cost of US$ 1,116 per school. The overall prevalence of malaria and anaemia was 4.3% and 14.1%, respectively, and 19.0% of children reported using an insecticide-treated net (ITN). The prevalence of infection showed marked variation across the country, with prevalence being highest in Western and Nyanza provinces, and lowest in Central, North Eastern and Eastern provinces. Nationally, 2.3% of schools had reported ITN use >60%, and low reported ITN use was a particular problem in Western and Nyanza provinces. Few schools reported having malaria health education materials or ongoing malaria control activities. CONCLUSION: School malaria surveys provide a rapid, cheap and sustainable approach to malaria surveillance which can complement household surveys, and in Kenya, show that large areas of the country do not merit any direct school-based control, but school-based interventions, coupled with strengthened community-based strategies, are warranted in western and coastal Kenya. The results also provide detailed baseline data to inform evaluation of school-based malaria control in Kenya

    Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome in an African Intensive Care Unit Setting: A Prospective Study of Prevalence and Outcomes.

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    ARDS is a life-threatening form of respiratory failure accounting for at least 10% of global ICU admissions (1-5). The Berlin definition for diagnosing ARDS, is expensive for most resource-constrained settings to apply(6-8). There are therefore very limited data reporting on the burden of ARDS in Low-income countries (LICs). We sought to determine the prevalence of ARDS among mechanically ventilated Ugandan intensive care unit (ICU) patients using the Kigali modification

    Buganda royalism and political competition in Uganda’s 2011 elections

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    International audienceAlthough the 2011 elections in Uganda did not result into the expected splitbetween Buganda voters and President Museveni, the electoral campaign is agood empirical entry point to understand the forms of contemporary royalistmobilisations, and the way Buganda, its nature and its fate, are conceptualised bypolitical elites today. In the constituency of Kampala where fieldwork wasconducted, Buganda was very present in the rally speeches. Political adversariessaw it as a powerful source of popular support. It thus impacted the lines againstwhich politicians competed: their strategies and the criteria against which theywere asking to be judged. In their rally speeches, electoral candidates producedconflicting, but also sometimes convergent, conceptions of what it means tobe a good leader in Buganda, for both men and women. Particularly, politicalopponents shared and projected a behavioural conception of ‘Gandaness’ thatmixes autochthony and loyalty to the king