1 research outputs found

    Tracking forest resource condition through Permanent sample plots established in Bukombe-Mbogwe forest reserve in Shinyanga Region, Tanzania

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    After decades of decentralized forest management in Tanzania, few scientific studies exist that provide baseline information on forest resources condition and eventual impact of decentralization policy. This paper presents efforts by Tanzania Forestry Research Institute (TAFORI) to establish Permanent Sample Plots (PSPs) as a means of setting baseline information on forest resources condition and eventual assessment of the impact of decentralization policy for Bukombe- Mbogwe Local Authority Forest Reserve (BLAFR). The BLAFR is surrounded by seven villages namely Kasaka, Isungabula, Ituga, Bukombe, Nasihukulu, Rubeho, and Mgaya. A total of 132 nested circular PSPs were established and assessed as baseline information in order to track forest condition in terms of stand parameters, species diversity, species composition and stand structure. Results indicated that the stock was dominated by small diameter class trees, stems ha-1 averaged 588, stand volume was 46.67 m3ha-1., and stand basal area was 6.60 m2 ha-1. Species Diversity Index value was 94.11. High stocking levels were recorded for less preferred species. The Shannon-Wiener Index of Diversity was 3.47 and Index of Dominance was 0.95. A total of 89 different tree species were recorded. Illegal anthropogenic activities and resource extraction are on the increase. In conclusion, regeneration status of trees found in the BLAFR is good, with low stand basal area and volume, which result in failing to reach PFM goals if extraction trends are not controlled.Key words: Forest condition, baseline information, Joint Forest Management, species diversity, basal area, species dominance