123 research outputs found

    Kreasi Senam Psikomotor pada Siswa Sekolah Dasar Bernuansa Lagu Daerah

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menghasilkan suatu produk berupa kreasi senam psikomotor pada siswa sekolah dasar bernuansa lagu daerah yang tertuang dalam bentuk video. Jenis penelitian ini termasuk penelitian pengembangan karena tujuannya adalah untuk menghasilkan suatu produk, penelitian ini di uji cobakan pada siswa Sekolah Dasar Negeri 76/IX Mendalo Darat. Untuk proses penciptaan kreasi senam yang divalidasi oleh 3 ahli materi senam. Masing-masing ahli materi dilakukan proses validasi sebanyak dua kali dan 1 kali uji coba lapangan. Berdasarkan hasil validasi ahli materi tahap I diperoleh hasil yaitu ahli materi I tahap I 86% (sangat baik), ahli materi II tahap I 76% (baik), ahli materi III tahap I 72% (baik). Untuk hasil validasi ahli materi tahap II diperoleh hasil yaitu ahli materi I tahap II 96% (sangat baik), ahli materi II tahap II 90% (sangat baik), ahli materi III tahap II 82% (sangat baik). Berdasarkan wawancara pada subjek uji coba dapat disimpulkan bahwa Produk Kreasi Senam Psikomotor Pada Siswa Sekolah Dasar Bernuansa Lagu Daerah gerakannya mudah diikuti, pemilihan lagu tepat sehingga senam disukai oleh siswa-siswa dan gerakan yang dilakukan dapat diikuti. Kesimpulan penelitian ini yaitu Produk Kreasi Senam Psikomotor Pada Siswa Sekolah Dasar Bernuansa Lagu Daerah layak digunakan untuk siswa sekolah dasar untuk memicu psikomotor siswa dikarenakan gerakannya mudah diikuti oleh siswa sekolah dasa

    Enhancing content knowledge of in-service science teachers through model and modeling

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    The guiding question for this paper is; how does model and modeling enable student-teachers to develop a conceptual understanding of the cell as a structural and functional unit of living things? A teaching unit ‘The Cell’ was designed in view that models are a major teaching and learning tool for developing scientific thinking, whereas modeling means a process of forming representation. The teaching and learning strategies reported here encapsulated four modeling phases. Firstly, student-teachers modeled historical development of cell through a time line and role play and discussed the evolutionary and tentative nature of science. Secondly, the candy factory analogy provided a reference point to relate functional similarities between the units of a factory and cell organelles. Thirdly, students-teachers developed a 2D model to express their interpretation of the mental model. Fourthly, they critiqued their 2D model to develop a 3D model. Overall, a progression of conceptual understanding with distinct phases of enacting, building and rebuilding helped student teacher to conceptualize the structure and function of cell. Pre-post tests results show marked improvement in student-teachers’ content knowledge on various aspects of structure and function of cell. Furthermore, teachers appreciated the effectiveness of the modeling process in enhancing their content knowledge and helping them develop understanding of the nature of model and modeling. Teachers also acknowledged the model as an effective teaching tool, which they could use in their classroom

    Use of Applications in Football Drills Training in The Covid-19 Pandemic

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    Covid-19 outbreak has make situation for a lot of difficult people. one the party who experienced it are athletes and coaches football, especially in the training process. The implementation of physical distancing makes state Becomes everything no easy for athletes and coaches in the training process. Restrictions meeting physicall , both on the field and in places other feel has Becomes obstacles in the training process . Performance football jambi not yet can said satisfying Thing this be marked with the difficulty province jambi compete leveled national as well as regional and minimal player football origin jambi career professional level. Certain many factor reason the difficulty province jambi for achievers start from not yet maximum management team since from ssb up to the club level local in manage administration nor develop an exercise program. Plus again with existence plague this covid-19 pandemic make clubs in jambi difficulty in carry out the training process

    Challenges and Management of Surgical Site Occurrences

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    Postoperative complications such as surgical site infections, dehiscence, seromas, and hematomas prolong wound care and impose significant cost increases to patients and healthcare providers. Clinicians aiming to reduce the incidence of these complications should be aware of risk factors associated with surgical type, procedures used, patient characteristics, and postoperative care. Today, improved guidelines and general practices for managing surgical incisions have reduced the incidence of complications to historic lows. In addition to these standard care options, advanced wound care approaches have been extensively studied and exist as options for clinicians to provide adjunctive postoperative support and facilitate wound healing. These systems include advanced wound dressings and closed-incision negative-pressure therapy. Advanced wound care is not appropriate in all settings, and healthcare providers must assess each case for specific needs to be addressed by the available incision management plans. Emerging therapies that are intended to improve the continuum of postoperative care should continue to be evaluated in controlled clinical trials to determine their effectiveness under different circumstances and to support the creation of more robust guidelines for their use. DOI: 10.7176/JMPB/53-04 Publication date:March 31st 201

    Is Stylet Use During Intubation Associated with Post Intubation Complications

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    Objective: The basic objective is to evaluate the impacts of placing stylet during tracheal intubation on the post-operative pharyngeal pain in anesthetized patients. Methodology: This randomized control trail was conducted in the department of Anesthesia and ICU, Ch. Pervaiz Ellahi Institute of Cardiology and  Nishter Hospital Multan from   May 2017 to December 2018. All these patients were divided into two groups group S (stylet group) and group C (control group) by lottery method. All the data was entered and analyzed by the computer software SPSS version 23.2. Results: A total number of 100% (n=386) patients were included in this study, both genders. Gender distribution showed that there were more males than females i.e. 56.2% (n=217) and 43.8% (n=169) respectively. The main outcome variables of this study were pharyngeal pain, airway maintenance and sore throat. It was also noted that group (S) showed easy airway maintenance in 95.9% (n=185) patients. It was observed that, in group (S), 63.2% (n=122) patients were complained from sore throat and 67.4% (n=130) were complained about pharyngeal pain.  While on the other hand, in group (C), only 8.3% (n=16) patients were complained about sore throat and 11.4% (n=22) were complained about pharyngeal pain Conclusion: Use of stylet during endotracheal intubation decreases the incidences multiple attempts and make the airway maintenance easy for the anesthetist but on the other side it have complications like sore throat and post intubation pharyngeal pain than those patients in which stylet was not usede. Keywords: Pharyngeal pain, Tracheal Intubation, Stylet, Post-operative. DOI: 10.7176/JMPB/53-05 Publication date:March 31st 201

    Results of percutaneous release of stenosing tenosynovitis (trigger finger) using hypodermic needle

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    Background: Stenosing tenosynovitis or trigger finger is a common condition affecting finger function, which can lead to disability in hand function. Treatment in form of conservative can be helpful in early stages, however later stages and chronic triggering needs release of A1 pulley either by open or percutaneous methods. The aim of this study was to find the results of percutaneous release of trigger finger with 18 guage needle.Methods: 43 digits in 36 patients were enrolled for this prospective study in a district level hospital over a 2 year period. Release was done under local anaesthesia using 18 guage needle percutaneously. Follow up was done upto 6 months. Final scoring was done at 6 months using Quinell’s criteria.Results: We had 81.39% (35 out of 43) excellent to good results. 19.61% (8) needed open release. We had no neurovascular injury or infection in our series.Conclusions: Percutaneous release by 18 guage needle is safe and effective treatment for trigger finger without much complication

    Isolated cystic tuberculosis of medial cuneiform: a case report

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    Isolated tuberculosis of foot is a rare entity. Plenty of literature is available on osteoarticular tuberculosis but literature on tuberculosis of foot is limited. Additionally the condition mimics variety of other foot pathologies which can delay diagnosis and add to morbidity. We present a twelve year old boy who presented clinically with swelling, pain and discharging sinus of foot with a cystic lesion in medial cuneiform on radiography. Though histopathology and Ziehl Nielsen staining later on established the diagnosis, but initially it was mistaken as a case of mycotic osteomyelitis. Tuberculosis of foot, though rare, should always be one of the differential diagnoses in a patient presenting with bony lesion on radiography irrespective of absence of constitutional symptoms and negative tests for tuberculosis. If battery of tests fails to establish diagnosis, open biopsy with curettage and histopathology should be considered to work out the final diagnosis

    Analisis Keterampilan Pukulan Gyaku Tsuki Ketika Kumite Pada Atlet Senior Jambi Karate Club

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    Penelitian ini dilator belakangi pada keterampilan pukululan gyaku tsuki ketika kumite pada atlet Senior Jambi Karate Club, dimana keterampilan pukulan gyaku tsuki merupakan serangan yang sangat besar pengaruhnya dalam memperoleh poin pada pertandingan kumite dengan cabang olahraga karate. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif. Subyek dalam penelitian ini hanya pada atlet Senior Jambi Karate Club. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui keterampilan pukulan gyaku tsuki ketika kumite pada atlet senior Jambi Karate Club. Metode dalam penelitian ini adalah menggunakan metode survei. Intrumen yang digunakan untuk mengukur keterampilan pukulan gyaku tsuki menggunakan lembar observasi yang berupa pernyataan sebanyak 20 butir pernyataan. Teknik analisis data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan statistik deskriptif. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan dari hasil perhitungan dapat disimpulkan bahwa analisis keterampilan pukulan gyaku tsuki ketika kumite pada atlet senior Jambi Karate Club termasuk dalam kategori baik dengan besaran presentase sebesar kategori baik sebanyak 4 orang dengan persentasi 66.73%, yang memiliki kategori baik sekali cukup sebanyak 2 orang dengan persentasi 33.33%. Kesimpulan dalam penelitian ini adalah keterampilan pukulan gyaku tsuki ketika kumite pada atlet senior Jambi Karate Club termasuk dalam kategori baik.  &nbsp

    Closed intramedullary nailing of acute femoral shaft fracture: reduction with help of bone levers through a small incision without opening fracture site

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    Background: Femoral shaft fractures are usually treated with intramedullary nailing. In this study, we report a modified closed surgical technique with reduction with bone levers through a small percutaneous stab incision without opening fracture site for this type of fracture.Methods: From June 2015-January 2017, this technique was used on 43 patients with femoral shaft fractures. Patients were followed up postoperatively for clinical evaluation. The surgical technique involves a mini-percutaneous incision slightly distal to the fracture site, and fracture reduction is performed with bone levers without opening the fracture site.Results: 39 patients were included in final assessment. 29 fractures (74.4%) healed in the first 6 month. 35 (89.7%) fractures were united by one year. 4 (10.3%) patients needed bone grafting. The functional results were considered excellent and good in 36 (92.3%) patients, 3 (7.7%) patients had poor results.Conclusions: The advantages of this procedure include that no fracture site is opened, there is a shorter operation time, less radiation exposure and it is especially suitable for multiple trauma and obese patients.
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