70 research outputs found

    GRHL2 (grainyhead like transcription factor 2)

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    A mammalian homolog of Drosophila Grainyhead protein, Grainyhead like 2 belongs to the Grainy Head-Like Proteins/CCAAT binding protein, GRH/CP2 family which is conserved from drosophila to mammals (Venkatesan, 2003)... mammals, there are 3 members of the family, GRHL1-3, the expression of which exhibit differential spatiotemporal expression patterns during development and in adult tissues. The GRHL family members are essential developmental transcription factors in epithelial cell morphogenesis

    MAZ (MYC Associated Zinc Finger Protein)

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    Myc-associated zinc finger protein (MAZ), also known as serum amyloid A-activating factor 1 (SAF1), Pur-1 or Zif87, is ubiquitously expressed in various tissues...Z is a transcription factor with six Cys2His2-type zinc finger motifs at the carboxyl-terminus that interact with a permutation of the GGGAGGG sequence motif present in GC-rich promoter regions of target genes, likely through DNA unfolding of G-quadruplex structures to modulate gene expressions. MAZ is also suggested to participate i

    Kuantum Noktacığı Lüsiferaz BRET Çiftinin DNA Bağlanıcı Proteinler Kullanılarak DNA İskelesi Üzerinde Montajına Dayalı Bir Nanobiyosensör Platformunun Geliştirilmesi

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    TÜBİTAK MAG Proje01.04.2016Bir ışık proteiniyle floresan molekül arasında gerçekleşen enerji transferi olarak tanımlanan Biyolüminesans Rezonans Enerji Transferi (BRET)’e dayanan biyosensör platformları proteaz aktivitesi ölçümü, nükleik asit tayini, lenfatik görüntüleme ve fotodinamik terapi gibi amaçlar için başarıyla uygulanmıştır. Bu çalışmalarda donör-alıcı ikilisi olarak birbirine kovalent bağ ile bağlanmış lüsiferaz-kuantum noktacığı bileşenleri kullanılmıştır. DNA molekülü sahip olduğu yapısal ve fonksiyonel özellikleri açısından nanoteknolojik uygulamalar için ideal bir biyopolimer malzeme olarak ön plana çıkmaktadır. Bu proje kapsamında moleküler kendiliğinden düzenlenme prensibine dayalı olarak BRET donör-alıcı ikilisi olan lusiferaz-kuantum noktacığını, DNA bağlanıcı proteinler yoluyla bir DNA iskelesi üzerine monte etmek amaçlanmıştır. Alıcı molekül olarak streptavidin kaplı bir kuantum noktacığı kullanılarak, Nano-Tag peptidine bağlı bir DNA bağlanıcı protein yoluyla DNA iskelesi üzerinde konumlandırılmıştır. Proje, DNA bağlanıcı proteinler olan östrojen reseptör bileşeni CDC ve galaktoz metabolizmasından sorumlu Gal4 transkripsiyon faktörlerinin Renilla lusiferaz enzimi ve Nano-Tag peptidiyle hazırlanan füzyon proteinlerinin üretimiyle başlamış, fakat yeterli miktarda protein sağlanamaması üzerine platform in situ (hücre içi) kapsama taşınmıştır. Sensör bileşenlerini taşıyan MDA-MB-231 meme kanseri hucre hattında gerçekleştirilen çalışmalar sonucu ilke prensibi ispatına dayalı platformdan BRET sinyali elde edilmiştir. Elde edilen sinyal verimi (BRET oranı 0.2) bileşenlerin kovalent bağlı olduğu sistemlere oranla (0.3-0.6) daha düşüktür. Oluşturulan nanobiyosensör platformu rezonans enerji transfer veriminin iyileştirilmesidurumunda, özellikle DNA bağlanıcı ve modifiye edici moleküllerin (DBPler, Dnazlar, DNA metilazlar, vb.) aktivitelerini belirlemekte kullanılabilecek uygulama potansiyeline sahiptir

    CARD10 (caspase recruitment domain family, member 10)

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    Review on CARD10 (caspase recruitment domain family, member 10) , with data on DNA, on the protein encoded, and where the gene is implicated

    SNW1 (SNW domain containing 1)

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    SNW1 is a spliceosomal component and transcriptional co-regulator that provides a modulatory coupling of transcription initiation and splicing. SNW1 appears to be an essential cancer cell survival factor by co-transcriptionally regulating mRNA splicing of proteins involved in cell cycle checkpoints... a co-regulator, SNW1 is shown to attune the activity of a number of transcription factors, including nuclear hormone receptors as well as CBF1, Smad2/3, and MyoD by modulating a transition step be

    The ligand-mediated nuclear mobility and interaction with estrogen-responsive elements of estrogen receptors are subtype specific

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    17 beta-Estradiol (E-2) plays important roles in functions of many tissues. E-2 effects are mediated by estrogen receptor (ER) alpha and beta. ERs regulate transcriptions through estrogen-responsive element (ERE)-dependent and ERE-independent modes of action. ER binding to ERE constitutes the basis of the ERE-dependent pathway. Direct/indirect ER interactions with transcription complexes define ERE-independent signaling. ERs share functional features. Ligand-bound ERs nevertheless induce distinct transcription profiles. Live cell imaging indicates a dynamic nature of gene expressions by highly mobile ERs. However, the relative contribution of ER mobility at the ERE-independent pathway to the overall kinetics of ER mobility remains undefined. We used fluorescent recovery after a photo-bleaching approach to assess the ligand-mediated mobilities of ERE binding-defective ERs, EREBD. The decrease in ER alpha mobility with E-2 or the selective ER modulator 4-hydroxyl-tamoxifen (4HT) was largely due to the interaction of the receptor with ERE. Thus, ER alpha bound to E-2 or 4HT mediates transcriptions from the ERE-independent pathway with remarkably fast kinetics that contributes fractionally to the overall motility of the receptor. The antagonist Imperial Chemical Industries 182 780 immobilized ER alpha s. The mobilities of ER beta and ER beta(EBD) in the presence of ligands were indistinguishable kinetically. Thus, ER beta mobility is independent of the nature of ligands and the mode of interaction with target sites. Chimeric ERs indicated that the carboxyl-termini are critical regions for subtype-specific mobility. Therefore, while ERs are highly mobile molecules interacting with target sites with fast kinetics, an indication of the hit-and-run model of transcription, they differ mechanistically to modulate transcriptions. Journal of Molecular Endocrinology (2012) 49, 249-26

    PERP (PERP, TP53 apoptosis effector)

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    PERP is a p53/p63-regulated gene encoding a desmosomal protein that plays a critical role in stratified epithelial development, cell adhesion and tumor suppression

    SLC22A3 (Solute carrier family 22 member 3)

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    Review on SLC22A3, with data on DNA, on the protein encoded, and where the gene is implicated

    A tale of two estrogen receptors (ERs): how differential ER-estrogen responsive element interactions contribute to subtype-specific transcriptional responses

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    The interaction of ERα and ERβ with ERE constitutes the initial step in the canonical nuclear E2 signaling in which E2-ERβ is a weaker transactivator than E2-ERα. This perspective summarizes recent findings to discuss potential mechanisms that contribute to ER subtype-specific transcriptional responses

    A CpG island promoter drives the CXXC5 gene expression

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    CXXC5 is a member of the zinc-finger CXXC family that binds to unmethylated CpG dinucleotides. CXXC5 modulates gene expressions resulting in diverse cellular events mediated by distinct signaling pathways. However, the mechanism responsible for CXXC5 expression remains largely unknown. We found here that of the 14 annotated CXXC5 transcripts with distinct 5 ' untranslated regions encoding the same protein, transcript variant 2 with the highest expression level among variants represents the main transcript in cell models. The DNA segment in and at the immediate 5 '-sequences of the first exon of variant 2 contains a core promoter within which multiple transcription start sites are present. Residing in a region with high G-C nucleotide content and CpG repeats, the core promoter is unmethylated, deficient in nucleosomes, and associated with active RNA polymerase-II. These findings suggest that a CpG island promoter drives CXXC5 expression. Promoter pull-down revealed the association of various transcription factors (TFs) and transcription co-regulatory proteins, as well as proteins involved in histone/chromatin, DNA, and RNA processing with the core promoter. Of the TFs, we verified that ELF1 and MAZ contribute to CXXC5 expression. Moreover, the first exon of variant 2 may contain a G-quadruplex forming region that could modulate CXXC5 expression