64 research outputs found
Body mass index of sport player can affect the hydration status directly or
indirectly. Body mass index is more or less highly susceptible to water loss
resulting in a severe dehydration status during exercise or match and can degrade
the players performance if not balanced with sufficient fluid intake. To know the
body mass index and hydration status of club Futsal members at Senior High
School 1 of Geger Madiun. This research used qualitative method and was done to
determine hydration status at futsal club with Cross Sectional approach. The
sample size used were 33 futsal players aged 15 to 18 years. Sampling was done
using total sampling method. Hydration status data were obtained by looking at
urine color chart. Body weight and height were obtained by performing direct
measurement. Body mass index analysis and hydration status were using analyzed
Descriptive test. Number of respondents who were sev relyhydration was 75.8%
and who were mild dehydrated was 9.1%. Result of research of nutritional status
with normal nutrition status category was 78,8% and fat nutrient status was 3%.
The result of the relationship between body mass index and hydration status
showed p value = 0,929. Most sport players had normal nutritional status and
hydration status and hydration status of many players were saverely dehydrated.
Keywords: body mass index, hydration statu
Perbedaan Tingkat Pengetahuan Ibu Hamil Sebelum dan Setelah diberikan Penyuluhan tentang Anemia Gizi Besi dengan menggunakan Media Booklet di Puskesmas Gatak
Background : Anemia is the greatest health problem in the world, especially in
pregnant mothers and majority is caused by iron deficiency. Poor knowledge
about anemia is also one of indirect causes of anemia. Thus, we need to
increase pregnant mothers’ knowledge. Education is one of efforts to make
society behave or adopt healthy behaviors.
Objective : This study aimed to find the difference between knowledge level of
pregnant mothers before and after getting nutrition education about irondeficiency
anemia using booklet at Public Health Center of Gatak.
Research Method : This research was a quasi experimental with the research
plans of one group pretest-posttest design. The subjects of this research were 46
pregnant mothers who were invited to Public Health Center of Gatak. The data
were collected using questionnaire. The technique of analyzing data used paired
Results : Before the nutrition education was given only 41,3% of pregnant
mothers had good knowledge and 58,7% had poor knowledge. Meanwhile, after
receiving the nutrition education, 95,7% of pregnant mothers had good
knowledge and 4,3% had poor knowledge. There was difference between the
knowledge level of pregnant mothers before and after receiving nutrition
education (p= 0,000).
Conclusion: There was a difference between knowledge level of pregnant
mothers before and after receiving nutrition education about iron-deficiency
anemia using booklet at Public Health Center of Gatak
Hubungan Tingkat Depresi Dengan Tingkat Konsumsi Energi, Protein dan Status Gizi Lanjut Usia di Panti Wreda Surakarta
Geriatric is the phase of life every individual will pass through. Health condition of geriatric people will be high determined by the quality and quantity of nutritional substance intake. Nutritional substance intake affects the nutrition status. Depression is the most mental disorder problem of geriatric. Depression contributes to decrease nutrition intake.
The aim of research is to investigate the relationship of depression level and energy intake, protein, and nutrition status of geriatric in Panti Wreda Surakarta.
This study is descriptive observational research with cross sectional approach. The sample size was 35. The data collected with simple random sampling technique. The data collection for sample energy, protein intakes was done by visual comstocks for three days in the morning, afternoon and evening. Data of nutritional status was obtained by measuring anthropometry based on IMT. Data of depression level was obtained by measuring the sample depression level using Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS). The statistic tests were Pearson’s Correlation Product Moment and Rank Spearman Correlation.
The result of this research showed that 60% respondent has normal energy intake ,and 51.4% has deficit protein intake. 48.6% respondent has undernutrition. 74,3% respondent has lower depression category, it is the most depression that appear in this research. There was a relationship of energy intake to nutrition status (p value = 0.001), and protein intake to nutrition status (p value = 0.00). There was no relationship between the depression level to energy intake (p value = 0.535), depression level to protein intake (p value = 0.365), and depression level to nutrition status (p value = 0.702).
It was recommended for the personnel of panti wreda to varieted menu and count nutrition value to geriatric nutrition requirement and also pay attention to geriatric pshycological condition. The next researcher will study the relationship geriatric depression level to another nutrient intake
Pengaruh Pendidikan Gizi Dengan Media Video Terhadap Pengetahuan Siswa Dalam Pemilihan Jajanan Di Smp Muhammadiyah 10 Surakarta
Adolescence requires appropriate energy intake to support physical and psychological development, it can be obtained from the consumption of snacks in schools. From the initial survey there were 30% of students who had poor knowledge in SMP Muhammadiyah 10 Surakarta. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of nutrition education with video media to the students' knowledge in the selection of snack foods at SMP Muhammadiyah 10 Surakarta. This type of research is quasy experiment design with one pretest-posttest group design. Sampling was done by proportionate random sampling technique with total sample of 44 students. Data analysis using Kolmogorof smirnov and Paired Sample T-Test.. Based on data analysis using Paired Sample T-Test test result p = 0.000 so there is significant effect of knowledge after given nutrition education with video media. After given the nutritional education the value of students 'knowledge increased from 75.6 to 87
Hubungan Asupan Zat Besi Dan Kadar Hemoglobin Dengan Kesegaran Jasmani Pada remaja Putri Di SMA N 1 Polokarto Kabupaten Sukoharjo
Physical fitness is needed for daily activities. Someone with a good physical fitness, the effectiveness and productivity can be maintained or increased. The intake of iron and the level of hemoglobin are factors that influence physical fitness. The precentage of anemic in senior high school of Polokarto was 60% in 2014. To determine the relationship between iron intake and hemoglobin level with physical fitness in female adolescent at Senior High School of Polokarto, Sukoharjo. This study was an obsevational with cross-sectional approach and the subjects were 68 students whom chosen by purposive random sampling from 10th and 11th grade students. Data an iron intake were obtained using semi quantitative food frequencies. The hemoglobin levels was measured using cyanmethhaemoglobin method, whereas physical fitness level was measured using harvard step test. This research showed that there were 52 subjects (76,4%) categorized as having low iron intake. Whereas there were 37 subjects who were (54,4%) anemic. There were 37 subjects (54,4%) who had low physical fitness. Simple regression analysis showed that iron intake contributed 31,9% variant to physical fitness level. Whereas hemoglobin level contributed 15,2% variant to physical fitness. There was a relationship between iron intake and physical fitness (p=0,0001) and there was a relationship between hemoglobin level and physcal fitness (p=0,001).
Keyword : iron intake, hemoglobin level, physical fitness
Bibliography : 46 (1997-2014
Hubungan Sikap Dan Praktik Ibu Selama Program Pemberian Makanan Tambahan Terhadap Status Gizi Balita Di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Sidoharjo Kabupaten Sragen
Background :The nutritional status is a body condition as a result of balancing interaction nutritional subtance to the body’s needs, which are known by measurement of a variable and classified into categories of specific nutritional. Children under five with malnutrition based on Weight and Height is a condition where a Z–score ≥-3SD <-2SD with clinical signs look thin. Nutritional status of children under five years old influenced by direct and indirect factor. The one of direct factor is food consumption. Food consumption related mother’s knowledge that influential on mother’s attitude and practice.
Objective : To know the relationship between the mother’s attitude and practice during Suplementary Feeding’s Programme toward Nutritional state of children under five years old in Sidoharjo Health.
Methods : Type of research that used in this research is observational. The sampling are mothers who have children under five years old with malnutrition targeting on Suplementary Feeding’s Programme to the total of 33 children. Mother’s attitude and practice of mothers was obtained by filling the questionnaire, while the nutritional status of children under five years old was obtained by measuring the Weight and Height.
Result : A total of 75.8 % nutritional state of children under five years old are increase and 24.2 % are not increase. A total of 42,4 % show mother’s attitude are supporting and 57.6 % are not supporting. A total of 60.6 % mother’s practice are good and 39.4 % unfavorable. The result of research was tested by paired sample t-test show there is effect of Suplementary Feeding’s Programme toward the nutritional status of children under five years old (p=0.00). The results of Spearman Rank correlation test show there is no relationship between the mother’s attitude with nutritional status of children under five years old (p = 0.159). There is no relationship between mother’s attitude and nutritional status of children under five years old (p = 0.333).
Conclusion :Suplementary Feeding’s Programme increase the nutritional status of children under five years old. There is no important relationship of mother’s attitude and practice during Suplementary Feeding’s Programme toward children under five years old.
Keywords :nutritional status, children under five years old, mother’s attitude, mother’s practice
Bibliography : 1993-201
Efektifitas Program Pembelajaran Kelas Ibu Hamil Terhadap Pengetahuan Gizi, Status Anemia, KEK dan Berat Bayi Lahir Rendah di Kecamatan Grogol Kabupaten Sukoharjo
Backgrounds: Maternal death in developing contries is caused by, amongs the other, anemia in pregnancy, the increasing of pregnant mother proportion with low nutrient sattus, so that it results in the increasing of LBW. One of the efforts to prevent and overcome the occurrence of anemia and also cronic energy deficiency on pregnant women is the pregnant mother class program aimed to improve the maternal knowledge and capability on pregnancy, laboring, post-labor treatment and newborn fetal treatment, using KIA (Kesehatan Ibu Anak) books.
Objectives of Research: To know the effectiveness of pregnant women class program in decreasing anemia cases, CED and LBW in district of Grogol, Regency of Sukoharjo.
Method of Research: Type of this research is Quasi-Experimental Design, using Non Equivalent Control Group Design. The sampling is using consecutive sampling of 40 respondents. The maternal knowledge level data is obtained by interview. Data on Hb, LILA levels and LBW are obtained from the examination, measurement and KIA books. Data analysis is using Mann-Whitney test.
Results of Study: The average difference of pregnant mother knowledge is of 12.4, non CEC 3.8. Hb Level of CEC pregnant mothers was increased 0.6, non CEC was decreased 0.3. LILA on CEC pregnant women was increased 0.4, non CEC was increased 0.1. There was no LBW born on CEC mothers and there was 3 LBW born on non CEC.
Conclusion: There found significant difference on the level of knowledge, anemia level, CED between the subjects who enrolled in pregnant mother class and who was not enrolled in pregnant mother class. There was no LBW case between the subjects enrolled in pregnant mother class and those who were not enrolled pregnant mother class
Perbedaan Asupan Kromium dan Indeks Massa Tubuh antara Penderita Diabetes Mellitus Tipe II dan Non Diabetes Mellitus di Kota Surakarta
The proportion of type 2 diabetes mellitus in Surakarta City is 24,5% and still exceeds the target especially in Jayengan, Penumping and Sibela health center. Risk factors for type 2 diabetes include obesity nutritional status that can be assessed from measurements of body mass index and intake of nutrients both macronutrients or micronutrients such as chromium. Chromium acts as a glucose tolerance factor to increase the action of insulin receptors. This research aims to determine the differences in chromium intake and body mass index between people with type II diabetes mellitus and non-diabetes mellitus in Surakarta City. This type of research is observational research with cross sectional approach. The number of samples was 81 people and sampling using consecutive sampling method. Data collection of chromium intake with SQ-FFQ questionnaire and body mass index were obtained from direct measurements of body weight and height. The statistical analysis used was the Independent t-test. Research shows that chromium intake in the DM group 60% include less and average intake of 24,38 mcg while non-DM 73.2% is sufficient and average intake is 32,3 mcg. Nutritional status based on body mass index was mostly obesity level I (45% DM and 29.3% non DM). Difference test results showed there were differences in chromium intake (0.001) and there was no difference body mass index (0.280) between DM and non-DM patients
Hubungan Kontribusi Energi Sarapan Pagi dan Makanan Jajanan dengan Status Gizi Pada Remaja Putri di SMK Negeri 1 Sukoharjo
The problem that often occurs in adolescent females is irregular eating patterns. One of the nutritional problems that occurs in adolescent females is skipping breakfast. Skipping breakfast will cause a habit for consuming snacks among adolescent females. The contribution of energy provided by breakfast and snacks for a long term will affect the nutritional status. The research uses cross-sectional
design. The sample of the study was 72 adolescent females which selected by stratified propotinal random sampling. The energy contribution data of breakfast and snacks were obtained by using the estimated food record form, while the
anthropometric data of body weight and height were obtained by using Camry digital scales and microtoise. Data analysis with pearson product moment correlation test. Most of the subjects had normal nutritional status of 84.7%.
Mostly the subjects had an unfavorable breakfast energy contribution of 80.6% and the contribution of snacks more by 59,7%. The result of pearson product moment test for energy contribution of breakfast with nutritional status value p =
0,005 and energy contribution of snacks with nutritional status p value = 0,079. : There was an association between energy contribution of breakfast with nutritional status and there was no association between energy contribution of
snack with nutritional status
Pengaruh Pendidikan Tentang Makanan Jajanan Menggunakan Media Video Digital Terhadap Pengetahuan Siswa Di Sdn 01 Gayamdompo Kecamatan Karanganyar Kabupaten Karanganyar
INTRODUCTION: School-age children are State's investment, therefore, an optimal growth-and-development is necessary. Children buy snacks according to their preferences without thinkingthe ingredients contained in the snacks. The result of preliminary survey conducted on the sixth grade students at Gayamdompo 1 Elementary School,KaranganyarSub-district, Karanganyar Regency in March 2015 showed that from 22 students, there were 59% students who had insufficient knowledge on nutrition.
OBJECTIVE: To know the influence of education about snacks using medium of digital video on the students' knowledge at Gayamdompo 1 Elementary School,KaranganyarSub-district, KaranganyarRegency .
METHOD: The research method used in this research was quasy experimental study through one group pretest-posttest design. Population in this research was all students of the fourth grade and the fifth grade as many as 85 students and the amount of sample in this research was 49 students. The correlation test based on the data normality used the analysis test of Paired Sample Test.
RESULT: The result of analysis on the knowledge level of the elementary students about the preference of snacks using the analysis test of Paired Sample Test showed the value of p = 0.000.
CONCLUSION:There is significant difference in knowledge about snacks before and after the application of education using medium of digital video on the students at Gayamdompo 1 Elementary School, Karanganyar Sub-district, Karanganyar Regency.
KEYWORDS: Education of Nutrition, Knowledge, Snacks
LITERATURE: 47, 1996-201
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