21 research outputs found


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    Supported by information systems, the regional or world economy transformed itself in a global economy. Taking fast and optimal decisions is needed for each step an individual or an organization makes in order to support competitiveness in the context of radical evolution of the world economy. When dealing with fundamental decisions, spatial information plays an important role because it allows integration of data from various domains, having multiple connections, as well as their visualization and analysis in a useful, suggestive and efficient manner. Decision support systems (DSS) are spatially based computer applications and data which assists managers in making decisions. Since Geographical Informational Systems technology has a great deal to offer to the mortgage finance industry the goal of this paper is to analyze the main theoretical and practical approaches regarding the role of the geographic location and spatial relationships over the outcomes of the banking, housing and mortgage market.Investment, Banking, GIS Modeling, Decision Making System, Spatial Analysis

    Karakteristik Pelanggan dan Persepsi Pelanggan terhadap Pelayanan Puskesmas (Kasus di Kota Kotamobagu dan Kabupaten Bolaang Mongondow Utara, Provinsi Sulawesi Utara)

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    Clients characteristics and clients perception to the Community health service has been considered as two important aspects. Clients characteristics measured by age, income, works, sex, education background, number of families, distances to community health service, the understanding of mean, goal, and benefit for healthy life. Clients perception to the Community health service measured by medical worker, health services and the cure that has been given has a high level category. Clients satisfaction conducted by Community Health Service tends to be high category

    Lingkungan Sosial Budaya dan Persepsi Pelanggan terhadap Pengobatan Luar Puskesmas (Kasus di Kota Kotamobagu dan Kabupaten Bolaang Mongondow Utara, Provinsi Sulawesi Utara)

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    Social cultural environment and Clients perception to the traditional health services considered as two important aspects. Social culture environment measured by social culture values and locality wisdom aspects. Clients perception to the traditional health services measured by perception to traditional mid-wife and perception to the traditional health service. Social culture environment that oriented to the health service has a high category, on the other hand, clients perception to the traditional health services has a middle category. Extention education is needed to improve the client's behavior

    Gender health and policies: the state of the art from exposure to solutions

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    Objective. To synthesize the determinants of gender inequalities through a narrative review that: (i) describes gender related var- iables that can create different levels of health; (ii) describes key points that may assist in policy development and its reorientation towards gender differences; (iii) debates potential approaches in understanding gender issues. Methods. Review of the international literature through online databases (Pubmed), search engines, publications and documents from ?grey literature?. Inclusion criteria: publications from 1997, English language; keywords used: gender based analysis; gender and public policy; women?s health; gender differences; health policy; gender impact assessment. Among the 300 papers retrieved, 55 were selected for relevance. Results. We performed a narrative synthesis of the included literature, regarding: (i) gender differences and their determi-nants; (ii) elements for the changing; (iii) possible approaches; (iv) gender influences the pursuit of health and health care access through specific variables; (v) health policies can modify these variables only by a minimal percentage. These interventions should guarantee equity and allow efficient resources allocation. The gap between political announce- ments and real policy implementation remains unchanged. (vi) Standard approaches to the topic are not feasible due to the scarcity of a specific literature and the numerous cultural differences. Conclusions. Gender analysis of policies suggests they can dif- ferently affect women in comparison to men. However, reforms, strategies and interventions introduced in the last two decades, have achieved a limited success towards better gender equality in health. The main aim is to attack the structural sources of gender inequity in the society


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    Abstract: In this study we tested the existence of long memory in the return series for major Central Eastern European and Balkans stock markets, using the following statistical methods: Hurst Exponent, GPH method, Andrews and Guggenberger method, Reisen method, Willinger, Taqqu and Teverovsky method and ARFIMA model. The results obtained are mixed. The Hurst Exponent showed the existence of long memory in all indices, except PX. After applying the GPH method, the results showed that BET, ATHEX, SOFIX and CROBEX have a predictable behavior. The ARFIMA model results support the existence of long memory for BUX, SAX and BELEX. The predictable behavior of index returns may suggest that the CEE and Balkans stock markets are not weak form efficient

    Gender health and policies: a review of the state of the art from exposure to solutions.

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    Objective. To synthesize the determinants of gender inequalities through a narrative review that: (i) describes gender related variables that can create different levels of health; (H) describes key points that may assist in policy development and its reorientation towards gender differences; (Hi) debates potential approaches in understanding gender issues. Methods. Review of the international literature through online databases (Pubmed), search engines, publications and documents from "grey literature". Inclusion criteria: publications from 1997, English language; keywords used: gender based analysis; gender and public policy; women's health; gender differences; health policy; gender impact assessment. Among the 300 papers retrieved, 55 were selected for relevance. Results. We performed a narrative synthesis of the included literature, regarding: (i) gender differences and their determinants; (H) elements for the changing; (Hi) possible approaches; (iv) gender influences the pursuit of health and health care access through specific variables; (v) health policies can modify these variables only by a minimal percentage. These interventions should guarantee equity and allow efficient resources allocation. The gap between political announcements and real policy implementation remains unchanged, (vi) Standard approaches to the topic are not feasible due to the scarcity of a specific literature and the numerous cultural differences. Conclusions. Gender analysis of policies suggests they can differently affect women in comparison to men. However, reforms, strategies and interventions introduced in the last two decades, have achieved a limited success towards better gender equality in health. The main aim is to attack the structural sources of gender inequity in the society