7 research outputs found

    Strategi Pengembangan Wisata Pesisir Di Kelurahan Muarareja Kota Tegal

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    Kelurahan Muarareja merupakan salah satu kelurahan yang terletak di daerah pesisir Kota Tegal. Tren wisata pesisir menjadikan Muarareja sebagai salah satu destinasi wisata baru. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui potensi wisata di Kelurahan Muarareja serta mengkaji persepsi, partisipasi dan aspirasi masyarakat lokal dan pengunjung serta menyusun strategi dalam pengembangan wisata. Penelitian dilakukan pada bulan Februari – Mei 2015 dengan pendekatan secara deskriptif menggunakan alat bantu kuisioner dan pengamatan langsung di lapangan.Total responden yang digunakan sebanyak 100 orang. Potensi wisata di Kelurahan Muaraeja adalah Pantai Muara Indah dan Wisata Mangrove Dukuh Kajongan dengan panjang garis pantai 2,33 km dan nilai kesesuain pantai sebesar 512 yang termasuk dalam kategori cukup sesuai (S2), sedangkan potensi daya tarik budaya adalah sedekah laut dan kesenian balo-balo. 87% masyarakat dan 73% pengunjung masuk dalam kategori mengetahui dalam pengembangkan wisata pesisir. Partisipasi masyarakat sebesar 64,5% dan pengunjung 39,75% mempunyai kategori tinggi dalam mengembangkan wisata pesisir. Aspirasi responden 78% setuju dalam pengembangan wisata pesisir dengan melibatkan masyarakat lokal, dan 80% mengingikan pembangunan fasilitas objek wisata berupa tempat bermain anak. Strategi berdasarkan rangking pertama hasil analisis SWOT adalah melakukan kaderisasi anggota Pokdarwis; memperbanyak kunjungan atau studi banding ke kawasan wisata pesisir di daerah lain; melakukan koordinasi dengan tokoh masyarakat dan pemerintah setempat. Muarareja village is one of the villages which located in the Tegal coastal areas. Coastal tourism tren make Muarareja is one of the new tourism destinations. This aims of this research were to determine the tourism potential in the Muarareja village, to understand perception, participation and aspirations local community and also the visitors, to set tourism development strategy. The study was conducted on February to May 2015 with descriptive approach using questionnaires and direct observations in the field. Total respondents are 100 peoples. The tourism potential in the Muaraeja village are Muara Indah coastal and Mangrove tourism at Kajongan Sub village with 2.33 km coastline and the beach suitability value of 512 are include in the moderate class category (S2), where as culture potential are “ sedekah laut” (sea charity) and ” balo – balo”(tambourine attraction). Perceptions result showed that 87% of community and 73% visitors are known about coastal tourism development. The community participation to development of coastal tourism have high category in the percentage 64.5% and visitor are 39.75%. Respondent aspirations in development coastal tourism of 78% agree to involve the local community in the development of coastal tourism, and 80% want to develop an attraction facility such children's playground. The strategy based on the first rank of SWOT analysis are recruitment to Pokdarwis member; multiply visits or field study to the coastal tourist in other areas; coordination with community leaders and local authorities

    Community-based Carbon Emission Reduction Program in Protection Forest

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    Protection forests have the potential to contribute to reducing emission. Management of a protection forest would be effective when local community gets involved in decision-making process. This paper aims to investigate roles of the local community in forest emission reduction program. The analysis includes community's perception to REDD+, institutional preparedness in site level, potentials and impediments in utilising environmental services, as well as schemes for community-based REDD+. The study shows that the community's perception to REDD+ is varied from high to moderate. The perception categorized “high” is stimulated by support from NGOs. Meanwhile, preparedness of the community to implement REDD+ has been well developed since they have developed a particular institution including a strategic plan to manage the forest. Nevertheless, the implementation has not been optimum due to complexity of institutional challenges. For instance, carbon, ecotourism and water are potential to be developed but funding has become a major handicap so that it is necessary to find an incentive scheme to support their development. Considering such condition, Plan Vivo scheme is likely to be appropriate in the Customary Forests of Rumbio and Yapase, while Verified Carbon Standard is appropriate to support the Katimpun Village Forest in developing incentive for REDD+

    Pemanfaatan Jasa Lingkungan di Hutan Desa Buntoi, Kecamatan Kahayan Hilir, Kabupaten Pulang Pisau, Provinsi Kalimantan Tengah

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    Hutan Desa (HD) merupakan hutan negara yang tidak dibebani hak dan dikelola oleh desa untuk kesejahteraan desa. Desa yang memiliki HD bertanggung jawab atas pemanfaatan sumber daya hutan secara lestari. Pengembangan HD di desa Buntoi masih dalam tahap awal sehingga perlu dilakukan penggalian potensi dari berbagai aspek seperti aspek jasa lingkungan, kebijakan dan kelembagaan, dan potensi mata pencaharian yang berkelanjutan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi dan menganalisis potensi jasa lingkungan beserta faktor-faktor yang memengaruhi dalam pengembangannya. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemanfaatan jasa air di Desa Buntoi selama ini hanya mengandalkan air sungai yang berwarna coklat karena tidak memiliki sumber mata air. Secara bentang alam tidak ditemukan areal yang khas untuk dapat menarik kedatangan wisatawan, akan tetapi potensi keanekaragaman hayati dan penyerapan karbon di HD kurang optimal dimanfaatkan untuk menarik wisatawan. Ketidakoptimalan pemanfaatan jasa lingkungan di HD Buntoi disebabkan oleh: (1) Persepsi masyarakat lokal yang belum mendukung pemanfataan jasa ekosistem; dan (2) Kurangnya dukungan dari pemerintah daerah dalam pemanfaatan jasa ekosistem di hutan desa. Adapun kegiatan yang dapat dikembangkan untuk memanfaatkan keanekaragaman hayati, keindahan bentang alam, dan konservasi karbon di desa hutan yaitu ekowisata danprogram pengurangan emisi berbasis REDD+

    Stability Analysis of GNSS Control Point Network for Material Displacement Monitoring on the Slopes using Stability Monument Evaluation and Adjustment Data Processing Scheme: Preliminary Result

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    The Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) has been used widely for hazards monitoring, such as landslide or material displacement on the slope due to its high accuracy and precision positioning. However, to assure its accuracy and precision, a further data quality and site assessment must be taken into account. In such a way, it is possible to determine whether the site monitoring is moved or not. Six location of GNSS observation points were established based on the geological structure and the terrain slopes. Satellite visibilities analysis, multipath analysis, and kinematic precise point positioning analysis were performed to assess the GNSS data quality and the monitoring stability. These procedures will determined the further processing scheme for each site monitoring. Some of areas experience the indication of cracks in road and building construction, which lead into an assumption of the displacement has been accumulated in a sub meter fraction. Thus, accounting all of those aspects, first adjustment data processing was implemented to achieve the preliminary results of the first observation

    Perancangan E-commerce Website Asy-Syifa CARE Menggunakan Framework PHP: CodeIgniter

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    Problems regarding health complaints and community needs for herbal medicines always increasing in every year. The purpose of this research is to implement the Asy-Syifa CARE's e-commerce website which has a function as a media for promotion and selling of herbal medicines by online way. This research took a case on Asy-Syifa CARE startup, by collecting data through the secondary data sources. Data collection techniques carried out by the author is using literature studies on scientific journals related to e-commerce websites as a media for product promotion and sales. The results of this research is an e-commerce website using framework CodeIgniter version 3.1.9 that uses the MVC programming concept (Model-controller-view). Expectations from the results of this research is can helping Asy-Syifa CARE startup in improve the quality of their product branding in digital marketing, so they able to increase the revenue statistics and be able to compete with another e-commerce website competitors

    The Effectiveness of Local Institutional Arrangement for Community Plantation Forest

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    Development of Community Plantation Forest (HTR) as one of Social Forestry (SF) Programs in Indonesia seems still not able to optimally improve people's welfare becaused of weak institutional arrangements at local level. The purpose of this study is to analyze the effectiveness of HTR institutional arrangements at local level in encouraging the development of HTR. Data are collected through field observations, in-depth interviews and focus group discussion (FGD and analysed using qualitative descriptive method. The results show that institutional managements of HTR at farm level in four HTR permit holders examined are ineffective and require capacity building program. In addition, institutions in the form of cooperatives are generally better than farmer groups (Kelompok Tani Hutan/KTH); even though, they have not been able to fully implement the rules of the game that have been prepared and agreed by all members. To strengthen local institutional arrangements, after granting permits to communities, it is necessary for governments to intensify facilitation program in the form of guidance and technical training in forest management administration and finance management, development of potential HTR products and options of market opportunity

    Stability Analysis of GNSS Control Point Network for Material Displacement Monitoring on the Slopes using Stability Monument Evaluation and Adjustment Data Processing Scheme: Preliminary Result

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    The Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) has been used widely for hazards monitoring, such as landslide or material displacement on the slope due to its high accuracy and precision positioning. However, to assure its accuracy and precision, a further data quality and site assessment must be taken into account. In such a way, it is possible to determine whether the site monitoring is moved or not. Six location of GNSS observation points were established based on the geological structure and the terrain slopes. Satellite visibilities analysis, multipath analysis, and kinematic precise point positioning analysis were performed to assess the GNSS data quality and the monitoring stability. These procedures will determined the further processing scheme for each site monitoring. Some of areas experience the indication of cracks in road and building construction, which lead into an assumption of the displacement has been accumulated in a sub meter fraction. Thus, accounting all of those aspects, first adjustment data processing was implemented to achieve the preliminary results of the first observation