5 research outputs found

    Pertumbuhan Ekonomi dalam Perspektif Islam

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    Pertumbuhan ekonomi (economic growth) dipandang sebagai bagian terpenting dalam kebijakan ekonomi di negara maupun sistem ekonomi manapun. Karena pertumbuhan ekonomi menjadi salahsatu indikator meningkatnya kesejahteraan masyarakat. Meskipun demikian, ditengah pesatnya perkembangan dalam bidang industri, sains, dan revolusi teknologi, di negara-negara maju kemiskinan absolut dan sejumlah permasalahan ekonomi lainnya masih terjadi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis isu pertumbuhan ekonomi yang akan dikaji dengan kacamata ekonomi Islam. Peneliti menggunakan metode studi kepustakaan yang berkaitan erat dengan kajian teoritis dan referensi lain yang terkait dengan nilai, budaya, dan norma yang berkembang pada situasi sosial yang diteliti. Hasil penelitian ini menemukan bahwa dalam kajian ekonomi Islam, persoalan pertumbuhan ekonomi telah menjadi perhatian para ahli dalam wacana pemikiran ekonomi Islam klasik. Konsep ini pada dasarnya telah dirangkum baik secara eksplisit maupun implisit dalam Al-quran, sunnah maupun pemikiran-pemikiran ulama Islam terdahulu. Kekhasan pertumbuhan dan pembangunan dalam ekonomi Islam ditekankan pada perhatian yang sangat serius pada pengembangan sumberdaya manusia sekaligus pemberdayaan alam untuk meningkatkan harkat dan martabat manusia. Ini tidak hanya diwujudkan dalam keberhasilan pemenuhan kebutuhan material saja, namun juga kebutuhan dan persiapan menyongsong kehidupan akhirat

    Islam dan Pasar: Studi Atas Pemikiran Abū Ḥasan Al-Māwardī Tentang Mekanisme Pasar

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    This paper analyzes Imam al-Māwardi's economic thought. He is a Muslim scholar, an interdisciplinary scientist who has contributed to Islamic economic concepts. This article is one of the arguments about the weakness of Schumpeter's "the Great Gap" thesis which considers the history of economic thought to jump dramatically from ancient Greek times to St. Thomas Aquinas by ignoring the contribution of Muslim scholars/economists who greatly influenced the period. This research focuses on al-Mawardi's view of the market mechanism, tas'īr and hisbah institutions using the literature method and analyzed with philosophical and historical approaches. About the market mechanism, al-Māwardi argues that in principle the market must proceed naturally (freely) and government intervention in the market is allowed to monitor economic fraud, crime and to stabilize of economic condition. Interestingly, this concept is almost the same as the thought of John Maynard Keynes (Fathers of Modern Economics). This thinking seems to precede the modern economic concept of the task of government and the market system

    Pakan Apung Artifasial Untuk Budidaya Ikan Lele Pengaruh Pengapungan Pakan Terhadap Pertumbuhan Ikan Lele Dengan Metode Pengukuran Fcr (Feed Conversion Ratio)

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    Catfish is a fish that consumed by many people in Indonesia, a relatively high nutrient content and relativelyinexpensive price of catfish are the reasons why catfish become people's choice. Thus, the need of catfish growscontinuosly in every area, it is directly proportional to the increasing demand for catfish feed. To improve the qualityof livestock products, especially catfish fishing, artificial floating feed manufacturing is an option that is expected tohelp the government to solve the problem. In this research will be carried out experiments to obtain the ideal feedcomposition as a reference artificial floating feed making. Variable composition of fine bran in this study is 20%,22%, 24%, 26%, and 28%. While the observation of weight gain of catfish by the method of FCR (Feed ConversionRatio) is done by a basket of catfish weighed in at once and then taken catfish weight average rating, catfishweighing performed at the age of multiples of 7 days to harvest. As for the observation that the amount of feedconsumed was also done weekly until it is possible catfish ready for harvest. Data obtained results is that thecomposition in the manufacture of ideal artificial feed is 24% fine bran, 40% fish meal (chicken feather meal) and36% starch. Of this composition, artificial floating feed is able to float for 15 minutes. Economic analysis of the dataobtained that the use of a combination of artificial feed and feed from the company with NAIC is more profitablethan the use of feed from the company entirely without the NAIC is gained 21.7%. But for the future, farmers areadvised to use catfish artificial feed entirely due to the benefits which can be increased to 35.8%

    Perawi Mudallis dalam Shahih Bukhari: Studi Al-jarh Wa Al-ta'dil pada ‘Umar Bin ‘Ali Bin ‘Atha' Bin Muqaddam

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    ‘Umar bin ‘Ali bin ‘Athā` bin Muqaddam merupakan seorang rawi yang dipandang telah melakukan tadlīs yang berat dalam meriwayat hadis-hadisnya oleh ulama Jarh ta'dil. Namun, riwayatnya masih dimasukan oleh Imam Bukhārī yang dikenal sangat selektif memasukan riwayat seorang rawi kedalam kitab ­Shahīh-nya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kualitas seorang rawi yang dipandang daif oleh para ulama, dan menemukan alasan dimasukannya riwayat rawi tersebut dalam kitab ­Shahīh Bukhārī disertai dengan kehujjahan hadis-hadisnya. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah historis dan deskriptif analisis dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Penelitian ini difokuskan pada penerapan ilmu Jarh ta'dil, dengan melewati tahapan orientasi, eksplorasi, dan analisis. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa Umar bin ‘Ali dipandang sebagai seorang rawi yang berada pada tingkatan ta'dil ketiga dan Jarh kedua. Adapun ketadlīsannya, beliau dikelompokkan kedalam tingkatan tadlīs keempat, yang ditolak oleh para ulama untuk dijadikan hujjah kecuali jika diriwayatkan dengan sigat sima'. Didalam ­Shahīh Bukhārī ditemukan terdapat lima haris yang beliau riwayatkan dan semuanya bisa diterima diterima dikarenakan; pertama, hadis-hadisnya diriwayatkan dengan menggunakan lafaz sima' yang jelas. Kedua, riwayatnya hanya sebagai tābi' dan bukan menjadi hadis pokok; ketiga, terdapat tabi' yang memperkuat riwayatnya dan keempat hanya merupakan hadis mauqūf.[Mudallis Narrators in Shahih Bukhari: Study of al-Jarh wa al-Ta'dil on 'Umar bin 'Ali bin 'Atha' bin Muqaddam. 'Umar bin 'Ali bin' Athā` bin Muqaddam is a narrator who is considered to have done tadlīs heavy in narrating his hadiths by the scholars of Jarh ta'dil. However, his narration was still included by Imam Bukhārī who was known to be very selective in inserting the narration of a narrator into his Shahīh. This study aims to determine the quality of a narrator who is considered weak by the scholars, and find the reason for the inclusion of the narrator's narration in the book of Shahīh Bukhārī is accompanied by the argumentation of his hadiths. The method used in this study is historical and descriptive analysis with a qualitative approach. This research is focused on the application of the science of Jarh ta'dil, by going through the stages of orientation, exploration, and analysis. The results show that Umar bin 'Ali is seen as a narrator who is at the level of the ta'dil thirdand the Jarh second. As fortadlīshis, he is grouped into thelevel of tadlīs fourth, which is rejected by the scholars to be used as an argument unless it is narrated with sigat sima '. InShahīh Bukhārī found that there were five haris that he narrated and all of them were acceptable because of them; firstly, the hadiths are narrated usingword sima ' the clear; secondly, the narration is only as tābi' and not the main hadith; thirdly, there is a tabi ' which strengthens the narration; and Fourthly, it is only a hadith mauqūf.

    Machine Learning Methods for Identification Osteoarthritis: A Bibliometric Analysis and General Review

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    This study describes machine learning trends in identifying osteoarthritis in different ways. To present visualizations, we performed bibliographic analysis using Vosviewer. Bibliographic data were collected via the Scopus database as of (2018-2023) and obtaining as many 46 journals. We found that one study identified osteoarthritis (OA) with reaching scores AUC > 0.95. In the last five years, United State and China having the highest rate of publication and index citation. The journal Arthritis and Rheumatology had the highest percentage of annual citations (89%) in 2018. Support vector machines (SVM) and LASSO regression were the most commonly used techniques by researchers