34 research outputs found

    Wide-field quantitative magnetic imaging of superconducting vortices using perfectly aligned quantum sensors

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    Various techniques have been applied to visualize superconducting vortices, providing clues to their electromagnetic response. Here, we present a wide-field, quantitative imaging of the stray field of the vortices in a superconducting thin film using perfectly aligned diamond quantum sensors. Our analysis, which mitigates the influence of the sensor inhomogeneities, visualizes the magnetic flux of single vortices in YBa2_2Cu3_3O7δ_{7-\delta} with an accuracy of ±10 %\pm10~\%. The obtained vortex shape is consistent with the theoretical model, and penetration depth and its temperature dependence agree with previous studies, proving our technique's accuracy and broad applicability. This wide-field imaging, which in principle works even under extreme conditions, allows the characterization of various superconductors

    Processes for Instilling Confidence in Mothers to Continue BreastFeeding

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    This study clarifies the process through which mothers gain confidence during continued breastfeeding. Using an interview guide, semi-structured interviews were conducted with eight mothers. The interviews focused on the process through which mothers gain confidence during continued breastfeeding. The data were analyzed using constant comparative analysis, drawing on Saiki\u27s grounded theory approach. The average age of the particpants was 31.3 (+-4.34). The mothers displayed desire and enthusiasm from the time of their pregnancy as they . Then, as the mothers , they moved from having the perception that {communication by way of breastfeeding is something special} to achieving a sense of oneness by feeling that they were [always together with their infant during breastfeeding]. The mothers succeeded in through consultations with midwives and other medical professionals. Moreover, as the mothers came to {understand the simplicity and virtue of breasts by investing effort in breastfeeding}, they {recognized the possibility of feeding the infant only breast milk}, affording them a degree of . On the other hand, {early anxiety about breastfeeding} led to increased and fatigue among the mothers, as well as a sense of . In addition, the notion that {doing nothing would lead to the use of powdered milk} led mothers to experience . Both before and after giving birth, the mothers maintained a strong desire and enthusiasm as they , as well as a strong sense of oneness with their infant because they were [always together with their infant during breastfeeding]. Repeated breastfeeding helped the mothers acquire the ability to care for themselves, affording them a degree of emotional comfort, which, in turn, helped them develop confidence as they recognized that breastfeeding is possible precisely because it involves engagement with their own child

    Qualitative analysis of emotional process mothers go through before becoming confident with breast-feeding

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    Objective: The Healthy Parents and Children 21 Project in Japan has set an objective to achieve a 60% breast-feeding rate among mothers who have one-month-old children. Using qualitative analysis, this study clarifies the emotional process that mothers experience before they feel confident with breast-feeding. Methods: Semi-structured interviews were conducted with four mothers who were breast-feeding children ranging in age from 2 to 24 months, on their emotional transitions before they felt confident with breast-feeding, and analysis was performed with the use of Saiki\u27s grounded theory approach. With the agreement of the appropriate ethics committee, we explained our objective and protocol, and obtained final approval for the research in writing. Results: The average age of the mothers was 31.8 (+-4.3) years old, and the average interview time was 35.0 (+-17.3) minutes. On analyzing the emotional process the mothers we identified 【single-minded continuation of breast-feeding】 as the core category, and five sub-categories such as >, >, and > We created a single integrated diagram. Discussion: The mothers had had a strong desire to breast-feed even during pregnancy and >. Once they began breast-feeding the mothers gained a sense of security and confidence as they felt "relieved while breast milk was being released from their body". These feelings encouraged them to "single-mindedly continue to breast-feed", and "keeping up with it led them to appreciate the simplicity and beauty of breast-feeding" Conclusion: The Surveyed mothers developed affection for their children through mutual interactions between them by means of breast-feeding. Realizing that their breast milk is adequate to feed their children gave them the confidence to know that their bodies alone can support the growth of their children. The results of this study indicate the need for environments and support that help mothers remain motivated to breast-feed their children

    The Japanese space gravitational wave antenna; DECIGO

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    DECi-hertz Interferometer Gravitational wave Observatory (DECIGO) is the future Japanese space gravitational wave antenna. DECIGO is expected to open a new window of observation for gravitational wave astronomy especially between 0.1 Hz and 10 Hz, revealing various mysteries of the universe such as dark energy, formation mechanism of supermassive black holes, and inflation of the universe. The pre-conceptual design of DECIGO consists of three drag-free spacecraft, whose relative displacements are measured by a differential Fabry– Perot Michelson interferometer. We plan to launch two missions, DECIGO pathfinder and pre- DECIGO first and finally DECIGO in 2024

    DECIGO pathfinder

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    DECIGO pathfinder (DPF) is a milestone satellite mission for DECIGO (DECi-hertz Interferometer Gravitational wave Observatory) which is a future space gravitational wave antenna. DECIGO is expected to provide us fruitful insights into the universe, in particular about dark energy, a formation mechanism of supermassive black holes, and the inflation of the universe. Since DECIGO will be an extremely large mission which will formed by three drag-free spacecraft with 1000m separation, it is significant to gain the technical feasibility of DECIGO before its planned launch in 2024. Thus, we are planning to launch two milestone missions: DPF and pre-DECIGO. The conceptual design and current status of the first milestone mission, DPF, are reviewed in this article

    The status of DECIGO

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    DECIGO (DECi-hertz Interferometer Gravitational wave Observatory) is the planned Japanese space gravitational wave antenna, aiming to detect gravitational waves from astrophysically and cosmologically significant sources mainly between 0.1 Hz and 10 Hz and thus to open a new window for gravitational wave astronomy and for the universe. DECIGO will consists of three drag-free spacecraft arranged in an equilateral triangle with 1000 km arm lengths whose relative displacements are measured by a differential Fabry-Perot interferometer, and four units of triangular Fabry-Perot interferometers are arranged on heliocentric orbit around the sun. DECIGO is vary ambitious mission, we plan to launch DECIGO in era of 2030s after precursor satellite mission, B-DECIGO. B-DECIGO is essentially smaller version of DECIGO: B-DECIGO consists of three spacecraft arranged in an triangle with 100 km arm lengths orbiting 2000 km above the surface of the earth. It is hoped that the launch date will be late 2020s for the present

    DECIGO and DECIGO pathfinder

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    Polynomial remainder sequence and approximate GCD

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