15 research outputs found

    Distinct axo-protective and axo-destructive roles for Schwann cells after injury in a novel compartmentalised mouse myelinating coculture system.

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    Myelinating Schwann cell (SC)- dorsal root ganglion (DRG) neuron cocultures have been an important technique over the last four decades in understanding cell-cell signalling and interactions during peripheral nervous system (PNS) myelination, injury, and regeneration. While methods using rat SCs and rat DRG neurons are commonplace, there are no established protocols in the field describing the use of mouse SCs with mouse DRG neurons in dissociated myelinating cocultures. There is a great need for such a protocol as this would allow the use of cells from many different transgenic mouse lines. Here we describe a protocol to coculture dissociated mouse SCs and DRG neurons and induce robust myelination. Use of microfluidic chambers permits fluidic isolation for drug treatments, allows cultures to be axotomised to study injury responses, and cells can readily be transfected with lentiviruses to permit live imaging. We used this model to quantify the rate of degeneration after traumatic axotomy in the presence and absence of myelinating SCs and axon aligned SCs that were not induced to myelinate. We find that SCs, irrespective of myelination status, are axoprotective and delay axon degeneration early on. At later time points after injury, we use live imaging of cocultures to show that once axonal degeneration has commenced SCs break up, ingest, and clear axonal debris

    SARM1 detection in myelinating glia: sarm1/Sarm1 is dispensable for PNS and CNS myelination in zebrafish and mice

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    Since SARM1 mutations have been identified in human neurological disease, SARM1 inhibition has become an attractive therapeutic strategy to preserve axons in a variety of disorders of the peripheral (PNS) and central nervous system (CNS). While SARM1 has been extensively studied in neurons, it remains unknown whether SARM1 is present and functional in myelinating glia? This is an important question to address. Firstly, to identify whether SARM1 dysfunction in other cell types in the nervous system may contribute to neuropathology in SARM1 dependent diseases? Secondly, to ascertain whether therapies altering SARM1 function may have unintended deleterious impacts on PNS or CNS myelination? Surprisingly, we find that oligodendrocytes express sarm1 mRNA in the zebrafish spinal cord and that SARM1 protein is readily detectable in rodent oligodendrocytes in vitro and in vivo. Furthermore, activation of endogenous SARM1 in cultured oligodendrocytes induces rapid cell death. In contrast, in peripheral glia, SARM1 protein is not detectable in Schwann cells and satellite glia in vivo and sarm1/Sarm1 mRNA is detected at very low levels in Schwann cells, in vivo, in zebrafish and mouse. Application of specific SARM1 activators to cultured mouse Schwann cells does not induce cell death and nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD) levels remain unaltered suggesting Schwann cells likely contain no functionally relevant levels of SARM1. Finally, we address the question of whether SARM1 is required for myelination or myelin maintenance. In the zebrafish and mouse PNS and CNS, we show that SARM1 is not required for initiation of myelination and myelin sheath maintenance is unaffected in the adult mouse nervous system. Thus, strategies to inhibit SARM1 function to treat neurological disease are unlikely to perturb myelination in humans.CM was funded by a Medical Research Council (UK) studentship (2251399). PA-F (206634/Z/17/Z), AL (210904/Z/18/Z), CC (220027/Z/19/Z), RB (203151/Z/16/Z) and MC (220906/Z/20/Z) were funded by the Wellcome Trust (UK). BS was supported by a Henry Dale Fellowship jointly funded by the Wellcome Trust and the Royal Society (109408/Z/15/Z). KM was funded by the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke Awards (R01NS079445). JG-S was funded by a Miguel Servet Fellowship (CP22/00078) from the Instituto de Salud Carlos III and the Millennium Nucleus for the Study of Pain (MiNuSPain), Santiago, Chile. HC was funded by the Spanish “Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad” (BFU2016-75864R and PID2019-109762RB-I00), ISABIAL (UGP18-257 and UGP-2019-128), and Generalitat Valenciana (PROMETEO 2018/114). Y-PH and C-YC were funded by Academia Sinica, AS-IA-106-L04 to Y-PH.Peer reviewe

    The Schwann cell early injury response in mouse and zebrafish

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    Trabajo presentado al Seminario de Unidad Neurobiología Molecular y Neuropatología del Instituto de Neurociencias, celebrado online el 20 de julio de 2021.Peer reviewe

    Emerging Role of HDACs in Regeneration and Ageing in the Peripheral Nervous System: Repair Schwann Cells as Pivotal Targets

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    The peripheral nervous system (PNS) has a remarkable regenerative capacity in comparison to the central nervous system (CNS), a phenomenon that is impaired during ageing. The ability of PNS axons to regenerate after injury is due to Schwann cells (SC) being reprogrammed into a repair phenotype called Repair Schwann cells. These repair SCs are crucial for supporting axonal growth after injury, myelin degradation in a process known as myelinophagy, neurotropic factor secretion, and axonal growth guidance through the formation of Büngner bands. After regeneration, repair SCs can remyelinate newly regenerated axons and support nonmyelinated ax-ons. Increasing evidence points to an epigenetic component in the regulation of repair SC gene ex-pression changes, which is necessary for SC reprogramming and regeneration. One of these epigenetic regulations is histone acetylation by histone acetyl transferases (HATs) or histone deacetylation by histone deacetylases (HDACs). In this review, we have focused particularly on three HDAC classes (I, II, and IV) that are Zn2+-dependent deacetylases. These HDACs are important in repair SC biology and remyelination after PNS injury. Another key aspect explored in this review is HDAC genetic compensation in SCs and novel HDAC inhibitors that are being studied to improve nerve regeneration.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (BFU2016-75864R and PID2019-109762RB-I00) ISABIAL (UGP18-257 and UGP-2019-128) Conselleria Educació Generalitat Valenciana (PROMETEO 2018/114) Medical Research Council (UK) studentship (2251399

    Emerging role of HDACs in regeneration and ageing in the peripheral nervous system: Repair Schwann cells as pivotal targets

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    This article belongs to the Special Issue Neuroepigenetic: From Bench to Bedside.The peripheral nervous system (PNS) has a remarkable regenerative capacity in comparison to the central nervous system (CNS), a phenomenon that is impaired during ageing. The ability of PNS axons to regenerate after injury is due to Schwann cells (SC) being reprogrammed into a repair phenotype called Repair Schwann cells. These repair SCs are crucial for supporting axonal growth after injury, myelin degradation in a process known as myelinophagy, neurotropic factor secretion, and axonal growth guidance through the formation of Büngner bands. After regeneration, repair SCs can remyelinate newly regenerated axons and support nonmyelinated axons. Increasing evidence points to an epigenetic component in the regulation of repair SC gene expression changes, which is necessary for SC reprogramming and regeneration. One of these epigenetic regulations is histone acetylation by histone acetyl transferases (HATs) or histone deacetylation by histone deacetylases (HDACs). In this review, we have focused particularly on three HDAC classes (I, II, and IV) that are Zn2+-dependent deacetylases. These HDACs are important in repair SC biology and remyelination after PNS injury. Another key aspect explored in this review is HDAC genetic compensation in SCs and novel HDAC inhibitors that are being studied to improve nerve regeneration.This work has been funded by grants from the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (BFU2016-75864R and PID2019-109762RB-I00), ISABIAL (UGP18-257 and UGP-2019-128) to H. Cabedo and Conselleria Educació Generalitat Valenciana (PROMETEO 2018/114) to H. Cabedo. Medical Research Council (UK) studentship (2251399) to C. Mutschler.Peer reviewe