21 research outputs found

    On the proliferation of support vectors in high dimensions

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    The support vector machine (SVM) is a well-established classification method whose name refers to the particular training examples, called support vectors, that determine the maximum margin separating hyperplane. The SVM classifier is known to enjoy good generalization properties when the number of support vectors is small compared to the number of training examples. However, recent research has shown that in sufficiently high-dimensional linear classification problems, the SVM can generalize well despite a proliferation of support vectors where all training examples are support vectors. In this paper, we identify new deterministic equivalences for this phenomenon of support vector proliferation, and use them to (1) substantially broaden the conditions under which the phenomenon occurs in high-dimensional settings, and (2) prove a nearly matching converse result

    The Complexity of Infinite-Horizon General-Sum Stochastic Games

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    We study the complexity of computing stationary Nash equilibrium (NE) in n-player infinite-horizon general-sum stochastic games. We focus on the problem of computing NE in such stochastic games when each player is restricted to choosing a stationary policy and rewards are discounted. First, we prove that computing such NE is in PPAD (in addition to clearly being PPAD-hard). Second, we consider turn-based specializations of such games where at each state there is at most a single player that can take actions and show that these (seemingly-simpler) games remain PPAD-hard. Third, we show that under further structural assumptions on the rewards computing NE in such turn-based games is possible in polynomial time. Towards achieving these results we establish structural facts about stochastic games of broader utility, including monotonicity of utilities under single-state single-action changes and reductions to settings where each player controls a single state

    Towards Last-layer Retraining for Group Robustness with Fewer Annotations

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    Empirical risk minimization (ERM) of neural networks is prone to over-reliance on spurious correlations and poor generalization on minority groups. The recent deep feature reweighting (DFR) technique achieves state-of-the-art group robustness via simple last-layer retraining, but it requires held-out group and class annotations to construct a group-balanced reweighting dataset. In this work, we examine this impractical requirement and find that last-layer retraining can be surprisingly effective with no group annotations (other than for model selection) and only a handful of class annotations. We first show that last-layer retraining can greatly improve worst-group accuracy even when the reweighting dataset has only a small proportion of worst-group data. This implies a "free lunch" where holding out a subset of training data to retrain the last layer can substantially outperform ERM on the entire dataset with no additional data or annotations. To further improve group robustness, we introduce a lightweight method called selective last-layer finetuning (SELF), which constructs the reweighting dataset using misclassifications or disagreements. Our empirical and theoretical results present the first evidence that model disagreement upsamples worst-group data, enabling SELF to nearly match DFR on four well-established benchmarks across vision and language tasks with no group annotations and less than 3% of the held-out class annotations. Our code is available at https://github.com/tmlabonte/last-layer-retraining.Comment: NeurIPS 202

    Harmless interpolation of noisy data in regression

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    A continuing mystery in understanding the empirical success of deep neural networks has been in their ability to achieve zero training error and yet generalize well, even when the training data is noisy and there are more parameters than data points. We investigate this "overparametrization" phenomena in the classical underdetermined linear regression problem, where all solutions that minimize training error interpolate the data, including noise. We give a bound on how well such interpolative solutions can generalize to fresh test data, and show that this bound generically decays to zero with the number of extra features, thus characterizing an explicit benefit of overparameterization. For appropriately sparse linear models, we provide a hybrid interpolating scheme (combining classical sparse recovery schemes with harmless noise-fitting) to achieve generalization error close to the bound on interpolative solutions.Comment: 17 pages, presented at ITA in San Diego in Feb 201

    Benign Overfitting in Multiclass Classification: All Roads Lead to Interpolation

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    The growing literature on "benign overfitting" in overparameterized models has been mostly restricted to regression or binary classification settings; however, most success stories of modern machine learning have been recorded in multiclass settings. Motivated by this discrepancy, we study benign overfitting in multiclass linear classification. Specifically, we consider the following popular training algorithms on separable data: (i) empirical risk minimization (ERM) with cross-entropy loss, which converges to the multiclass support vector machine (SVM) solution; (ii) ERM with least-squares loss, which converges to the min-norm interpolating (MNI) solution; and, (iii) the one-vs-all SVM classifier. First, we provide a simple sufficient condition under which all three algorithms lead to classifiers that interpolate the training data and have equal accuracy. When the data is generated from Gaussian mixtures or a multinomial logistic model, this condition holds under high enough effective overparameterization. Second, we derive novel error bounds on the accuracy of the MNI classifier, thereby showing that all three training algorithms lead to benign overfitting under sufficient overparameterization. Ultimately, our analysis shows that good generalization is possible for SVM solutions beyond the realm in which typical margin-based bounds apply

    The Complexity of Infinite-Horizon General-Sum Stochastic Games

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    We study the complexity of computing stationary Nash equilibrium (NE) in n-player infinite-horizon general-sum stochastic games. We focus on the problem of computing NE in such stochastic games when each player is restricted to choosing a stationary policy and rewards are discounted. First, we prove that computing such NE is in PPAD (in addition to clearly being PPAD-hard). Second, we consider turn-based specializations of such games where at each state there is at most a single player that can take actions and show that these (seemingly-simpler) games remain PPAD-hard. Third, we show that under further structural assumptions on the rewards computing NE in such turn-based games is possible in polynomial time. Towards achieving these results we establish structural facts about stochastic games of broader utility, including monotonicity of utilities under single-state single-action changes and reductions to settings where each player controls a single state