15 research outputs found

    Recent insights in nanotechnology-based drugs and formulations designed for effective anti-cancer therapy

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    The PSE-ID-CATEGO system

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    draft-saldana-tsvwg-tcmtf-04 This document describes a method to improve the bandwidth utilization of network paths that carry multiple streams in parallel sharing a common path. The method combines standard protocols that provide compression, multiplexing, and tunneling over a network path for the purpose of reducing the bandwidth used when multiple streams are carried over that path. Status of this Memo This Internet-Draft is submitted to IETF in full conformance with the provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79. Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF). Note that other groups may also distribute working documents as Internet-Drafts. The list of current Internet-Drafts is a

    Emerging real-time services: optimizing traffic by smart cooperation in the network

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    Abstract — The rise of new real-time interactive services, in which consumers demand a high subjective quality, makes it necessary to define new network mechanisms that can dynamically adapt to the traffic variations. Cooperation between the different actors is required in order to adapt the traditional network infrastructure to these new traffic patterns while guaranteeing delay requirements. Thus, standardization is needed in order to make cooperation possible. A method for Tunneling Compressed Multiplexed Traffic Flows (TCMTF) is proposed as an update to TCRTP, the current practice defined by the IETF for optimizing RTP flows. Some scenarios have been identified, in which traffic optimization can be deployed, while granting resource usage fairness and good user’s experience. This proposal could be used in different application environments, as operators ’ networks, Internet service providers, long distance transports and game providers. Keywords-multiplexing; header compression; real-time; standardization; tunneling; interactivit