1,821 research outputs found

    Novel Computational Methods for the Analysis and Interpretation of MS/MS Data in Metaproteomics

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    Novel Computational Methods for the Analysis and Interpretation of MS/MS Data in Metaproteomics

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    Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg, Fakultät für Verfahrens- und Systemtechnik, Dissertation, 2016von Dipl.-Bioinf. Thilo MuthLiteraturverzeichnis: Seite 151-17

    A middle-income Uganda: aiming for mediocrity and failing

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    Karl T. Muth is a PhD candidate in LSE’s Department of International Development. Karl argues here that Uganda must invest in its non-farming economy if it is to achieve its goal of becoming a middle-income country

    Mutuals: An Area of Legal Climate Change

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    Underappreciated in its importance and often-misunderstood in its implications, the choice between a company limited by shares and a company organized as a mutual is an important decision in sectors ranging from agriculture to banking to insurance. Adding gravity to this particular decision is the difficulty and enormous cost of corporate metamorphosis between company types later in the company’s life. The authors examine the history of the mutual form, its popularity’s rise and fall during the twentieth century, and its advantages and disadvantages in today’s environment

    Discretized vs. continuous models of p-wave interacting fermions in 1D

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    We present a general mapping between continuous and lattice models of Bose- and Fermi-gases in one dimension, interacting via local two-body interactions. For s-wave interacting bosons we arrive at the Bose-Hubbard model in the weakly interacting, low density regime. The dual problem of p-wave interacting fermions is mapped to the spin-1/2 XXZ model close to the critical point in the highly polarized regime. The mappings are shown to be optimal in the sense that they produce the least error possible for a given discretization length. As an application we examine the ground state of a interacting Fermi gas in a harmonic trap, calculating numerically real-space and momentum-space distributions as well as two-particle correlations. In the analytically known limits the convergence of the results of the lattice model to the continuous one is shown.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figure

    Steady-state crystallization of Rydberg excitations in an optically driven lattice gas

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    We study resonant optical excitations of atoms in a one-dimensional lattice to the Rydberg states interacting via the van der Waals potential which suppresses simultaneous excitation of neighboring atoms. Considering two- and three-level excitation schemes, we analyze the dynamics and stationary state of the continuously-driven, dissipative many-body system employing time-dependent density-matrix renormalization group (t-DMRG) simulations. We show that two-level atoms can exhibit only nearest neighbor correlations, while three-level atoms under dark-state resonant driving can develop finite-range crystalline order of Rydberg excitations. We present an approximate rate equation model whose analytic solution yields qualitative understanding of the numerical results.Comment: 5 pages,3 figure

    The paradoxical “selfishness” of aid – Karl Muth on stifling development

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    “Why do certain countries develop?” asks Karl Muth, a recent PhD graduate and now Lecturer in Economics, Public Policy and Statistics at Northwestern University

    Particle number conservation in quantum many-body simulations with matrix product operators

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    Incorporating conservation laws explicitly into matrix product states (MPS) has proven to make numerical simulations of quantum many-body systems much less resources consuming. We will discuss here, to what extent this concept can be used in simulation where the dynamically evolving entities are matrix product operators (MPO). Quite counter-intuitively the expectation of gaining in speed by sacrificing information about all but a single symmetry sector is not in all cases fulfilled. It turns out that in this case often the entanglement imposed by the global constraint of fixed particle number is the limiting factor.Comment: minor changes, 18 pages, 5 figure

    Discriminating the quality of local pork from crossbred pork from extensive production of ethnic minorities in mountainous northern Vietnam

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    Developing short food supply chains for products from local pig (Sus scrofa domesticus) breeds may offer chances for smallholders in rural areas to participate in niche markets and obtain additional income. Because the authenticity and distinctness of products are crucial for establishing marketing, this study compared selected product characteristics of pork from the Vietnamese Ban breed with pork from crossbreds, each derived at their typical market weight and from their respective extensive and semi-extensive production environment; thus resembling the combination, the products are available for customers. Traditional Ban pork could be effectively discriminated from crossbred pork through cut dimensions, exemplified by the significantly reduced loin eye area (P 0.001), and by the significantly reduced backfat thickness (P 0.001). Also, marbling fat was significantly decreased in local pork (P 0.001), whereas differences in further meat quality parameters were rather weakly expressed. The significantly higher share of polyunsaturated fatty acids in loins of traditionally produced Ban pigs (P = 0.003) could possibly result in a preferred nutritional value, but lower oxidative stability of the products. This study provides novel information to improve the marketing of specialty pork in Vietnam and comparable situations in the Southeast Asian Massif
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