11 research outputs found

    The Influence of Modern Business Environment on Management Changes

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    The business environment that is characterized by the dynamics of change has had a significant impact in the development of scientific thinking in the field of management from the beginning of the nineteenth century until today. In the 1950s, modern theories and management concepts were developed as a response to the demands of a new business environment. That particular feature, as well as the way in which its influence is accepted, enables them a potential application and importance even in a modern business environment. But, on the other hand, there are great differences between the environment in the world of the 1950s, when modern management theory appear, and the world and the environments that today are. Globalization, internationalization, virtual economy, and smart cities are just some of the features that are changing the contemporary environment and the world we live in, and which have a significant impact on the need for change and adaptation of traditional theories in business and management. The aim of the paper is to highlight the need for developing new theories and management concepts according to the problems that mangement and managers face today as the first as well as modern management theory has not been developed in accordance with today\u27s business and general environment. This work is licensed under a&nbsp;Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.</p

    The Influence of Modern Business Environment on Management Changes

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    The business environment that is characterized by the dynamics of change has had a significant impact in the development of scientific thinking in the field of management from the beginning of the nineteenth century until today. In the 1950s, modern theories and management concepts were developed as a response to the demands of a new business environment. That particular feature, as well as the way in which its influence is accepted, enables them a potential application and importance even in a modern business environment. But, on the other hand, there are great differences between the environment in the world of the 1950s, when modern management theory appear, and the world and the environments that today are. Globalization, internationalization, virtual economy, and smart cities are just some of the features that are changing the contemporary environment and the world we live in, and which have a significant impact on the need for change and adaptation of traditional theories in business and management. The aim of the paper is to highlight the need for developing new theories and management concepts according to the problems that mangement and managers face today as the first as well as modern management theory has not been developed in accordance with today\u27s business and general environment. This work is licensed under a&nbsp;Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.</p

    e-Health Application, Implementation and Challenges: A Literature Review

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    Background: World Health Organization, through a partnership with European Union, encourages the implementation e-health systems. E-health is a relatively old concept that is upgraded with new technologies and is directed toward monitoring different health conditions with the help of technology. Objectives: This paper\u27s main objective is to demonstrate e-health application possibilities in today’s healthcare organisations and its impact on the quality of provided health care services using ISO/TR 14639 Health informatics Capacity-based eHealth architecture roadmap. Methods/Approach: In this paper, we used the e-health architecture model for literature review based on individual areas of the model - ICT infrastructure, e-health infastructure, health process domain components, governance and national ownership. Results: Research confirms that new technologies have a favourable and significant impact on population health; however, more developed countries show a better understanding of the concept and are moving towards implementing laws and regulations for e-health practices. Conclusions: Through this research, we concluded that new technology significantly impacts health, but this impact is limited due to different development of countries. That is why it is very important to develop health literacy, which is the ability to comprehend, access, retrieve, and use health information or health services

    Using Artificial Intelligence for Creating and Managing Organizational Knowledge

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    With changes in organizational environment organizations must adopt their business model to the new conditions that are arising. By adapting to the new conditions, organization create knowledge. The main aim of the paper is to show the possibilities of using AI in managing and creating organizational knowledge within the organization and using once created knowledge for competitive advantage. This paper presents the results of the conducted secondary research on the application of artificial intelligence in knowledge creation, and based on the conducted research, a framework for knowledge creation was proposed. This framework starts with collecting data from different sensors on devices or machines and from employees. Gathering large amount of data then creates Big Data databases from which through data mining knowledge is created. In further research, the proposed framework will be used to conduct primary research on the impact of artificial intelligence on creating knowledge and managing it

    Methodological approach to determining the organization context

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    Kako bi organizacije zadržale ili postigle konkurentnost, u suvremenom okruženju, potrebno je da budu održive. Održivost je preduvjet konkurentnosti, a kako bi se postigla potrebno je sagledati i odrediti cjelokupan kontekst organizacije. Kontekst organizacije obuhvaća sve tri razine okoline organizacije i povezuje ih u jedinstveni model, kojim organizacija dobiva cjelokupni prikaz trenutnog stanja. Proces određivanja konteksta organizacije započinje prikupljanjem podataka te analiziranjem sve tri razine okoline organizacije. Rezultat analiziranja svih razina okruženja organizacije povezuje se u SWOT analizi, gdje se povezuju svi vanjski utjecaji (prilike i prijetnje) te svi unutarnji utjecaji (snage i slabosti). Temeljem pokazatelja SWOT matrice definira se kontekst organizacije. Nakon definiranja konteksta, menadžment odlučuje o smjeru kretanja organizacije, koja mora biti sukladan zahtjevima svih zainteresiranih strana.In order for organizations to maintain or achieve competitiveness, in a contemporary environment, they need to be sustainable. Sustainability is a prerequisite for competitiveness, and in order to achieve it, it is necessary to look at and define the overall context of the organization. The organization's context encompasses all three levels of the organization's environment and connects them to a unique model that gives the organization a complete overview of the current state. The process of determining the context of an organization starts by gathering data and analyzing all three levels of the organization's environment. The result of analyzing all levels of organization environment is linked to SWOT analysis, where all external influences (opportunities and threats) and all internal influences (strengths and weaknesses) are linked. Based on the SWOT indicator, the organization's context is defined. After defining the context, management decides on the direction of the organization's movement, which must be in accordance with the requirements of all interested parties

    Methodological approach to determining the organization context

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    Kako bi organizacije zadržale ili postigle konkurentnost, u suvremenom okruženju, potrebno je da budu održive. Održivost je preduvjet konkurentnosti, a kako bi se postigla potrebno je sagledati i odrediti cjelokupan kontekst organizacije. Kontekst organizacije obuhvaća sve tri razine okoline organizacije i povezuje ih u jedinstveni model, kojim organizacija dobiva cjelokupni prikaz trenutnog stanja. Proces određivanja konteksta organizacije započinje prikupljanjem podataka te analiziranjem sve tri razine okoline organizacije. Rezultat analiziranja svih razina okruženja organizacije povezuje se u SWOT analizi, gdje se povezuju svi vanjski utjecaji (prilike i prijetnje) te svi unutarnji utjecaji (snage i slabosti). Temeljem pokazatelja SWOT matrice definira se kontekst organizacije. Nakon definiranja konteksta, menadžment odlučuje o smjeru kretanja organizacije, koja mora biti sukladan zahtjevima svih zainteresiranih strana.In order for organizations to maintain or achieve competitiveness, in a contemporary environment, they need to be sustainable. Sustainability is a prerequisite for competitiveness, and in order to achieve it, it is necessary to look at and define the overall context of the organization. The organization's context encompasses all three levels of the organization's environment and connects them to a unique model that gives the organization a complete overview of the current state. The process of determining the context of an organization starts by gathering data and analyzing all three levels of the organization's environment. The result of analyzing all levels of organization environment is linked to SWOT analysis, where all external influences (opportunities and threats) and all internal influences (strengths and weaknesses) are linked. Based on the SWOT indicator, the organization's context is defined. After defining the context, management decides on the direction of the organization's movement, which must be in accordance with the requirements of all interested parties

    The Influence of Modern Business Environment on Management Changes

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    Na razvoj znanstvene misli u području menadžmenta s početka 19. stoljeća pa do danas, značajan utjecaj ima poslovno okruženje koje u današnje vrijeme karakterizira dinamika promjene. Pedesetih godina prošloga stoljeća razvijaju se moderne teorije i koncepti menadžmenta kao odgovor na zahtjeve novog poslovnog okruženja. Upravo ta značajka, kao i način na koji se prihvaća njen utjecaj, omogućuje im, donekle, mogućnost primjene i značaja čak i u suvremenom poslovnom okruženju. No, s druge strane, postoje velike razlike između okruženja u svijetu pedesetih godina, kada se javljaju moderne teorije menadžmenta, i svijeta i okruženja kakvo je danas. Globalizacija, internacionalizacija, virtualna ekonomija i pametni gradovi samo su neke od značajki nositelja promjena suvremenog okruženja i svijeta u kojem živimo i koje značajno utječu na potrebu promjena i prilagođavanja tradicionalnih teorija u poslovanju i upravljanju. Cilj rada je analizom ključnih karakteristika i zahtjeva okruženja ukazati na potrebu razvoja novih teorija i koncepata menadžmenta sukladno problemima s kojima se menadžment i menadžeri suočavaju danas budući prve kao i moderne teorije menadžmenta nisu razvijane sukladno današnjem poslovnom i općem okruženju.On the development of scientific thinking in the field of management from the beginning of the nineteenth century until today, the business environment that is characterized by the dynamics of change has a significant impact. In the 1950s, modern theories and management concepts were developed as a response to the demands of a new business environment. That particular feature, as well as the way in which its influence is accepted, enables them a potential application and importance even in a modern business environment. But, on the other hand, there are great differences between the environment in the world of the 1950s, when modern management theory appear, and the world and the environments that today are. Globalization, internationalization, virtual economy, and smart cities are just some of the features that are changing the contemporary environment and the world we live in, and which have a significant impact on the need for change and adaptation of traditional theories in business and management. The aim of the paper is to highlight the need for developing new theories and management concepts according to the problems that mangement and managers face today as the first as well as modern management theory has not been developed in accordance with today's business and general environment

    New Paradigm of Sustainable Urban Mobility: Electric and Autonomous Vehicles—A Review and Bibliometric Analysis

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    The growing relevance of sustainability, as well as the necessity to replace traditional forms of transportation with sustainable ones, has made sustainable urban mobility an imperative. In order to respond to the ever-increasing need to develop sustainable modes of transport, the importance of electric, autonomous, and electric autonomous vehicles is increasingly emphasized. In addition, as trends of growth and development in electric autonomous vehicle technology are increasing, one of the questions that has appeared is whether autonomous electric vehicles represent one of the mechanisms that will be used to increase the sustainability of urban mobility. With this in mind, the results of a systematic analysis of existing research in the WOS and Scopus databases using the keywords “urban mobility”, “electric vehicles”, and “autonomous vehicles” was carried out to identify research trends in the use of autonomous electric vehicles in urban areas. The research showed that authors focus on the advantages and disadvantages of autonomous electric vehicles and their usage in the urban mobility system, but an insufficient number of authors consider and define the need to plan the transition towards incorporating autonomous electric vehicles into the urban system. The results of this research also indicate an insufficient number of papers that research and describe the application of autonomous electric vehicles in distribution logistics. This paper provides an overview of existing research related to autonomous electric vehicles and the challenges of transition in the context of infrastructure and the development of a culture of sustainability among urban residents

    Measuring Digital Transformation Maturity of Supply Chain

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    Digital transformation signifies changes in all components and systems of the supply chain. It is also a strategic decision of the organization which, in the long run, can result in the creation of competitive advantage in the market. Digital transformation is affecting all organizations, regardless of their activity. Digital transformation of the supply chain involves the use of industry 4.0 based technologies as well as the replacement of traditional practices with new ones based on digital solutions. The implementation of digital solutions, such as artificial intelligence, IoT, cloud computing, etc., therefore, improve communication between stakeholders in the supply chain, as well as improve efficiency and effectiveness. When conducted, digital transformation must be measured by different levels of maturity. In this paper, authors research current models of measuring digital transformation maturity in supply chain and propose a new model based on identified theories and needs

    New Paradigm of Sustainable Urban Mobility: Electric and Autonomous Vehicles&mdash;A Review and Bibliometric Analysis

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    The growing relevance of sustainability, as well as the necessity to replace traditional forms of transportation with sustainable ones, has made sustainable urban mobility an imperative. In order to respond to the ever-increasing need to develop sustainable modes of transport, the importance of electric, autonomous, and electric autonomous vehicles is increasingly emphasized. In addition, as trends of growth and development in electric autonomous vehicle technology are increasing, one of the questions that has appeared is whether autonomous electric vehicles represent one of the mechanisms that will be used to increase the sustainability of urban mobility. With this in mind, the results of a systematic analysis of existing research in the WOS and Scopus databases using the keywords &ldquo;urban mobility&rdquo;, &ldquo;electric vehicles&rdquo;, and &ldquo;autonomous vehicles&rdquo; was carried out to identify research trends in the use of autonomous electric vehicles in urban areas. The research showed that authors focus on the advantages and disadvantages of autonomous electric vehicles and their usage in the urban mobility system, but an insufficient number of authors consider and define the need to plan the transition towards incorporating autonomous electric vehicles into the urban system. The results of this research also indicate an insufficient number of papers that research and describe the application of autonomous electric vehicles in distribution logistics. This paper provides an overview of existing research related to autonomous electric vehicles and the challenges of transition in the context of infrastructure and the development of a culture of sustainability among urban residents