18 research outputs found

    Pola Pengembangan Industri Perikanan Tangkap di Kabupaten Indramayu Menggunakan Pendekatan Analisis Persamaan Struktural

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    Indramayu regency render production rate 54,38% from the total rate production of sea fisheries production in north coastal West Java reaching Rp 216,9 billion per year. Capture fisheries effort can be developed further with maximizing the positive interaction and anticipate negative interaction of the Capture fisheries effort components. The research result show that suistainable of fisheries resources and human quality are the main internal focus of the capture fisheries industry development (kp = 2,41 by P = 0,042). While some components that become main interest for external aspect, governmental policy, and industry development performance is influence of culture (kp = 4,39 by P = 0,024), licensing (kp = 1,63 by P = 0,000), and ability in return of invesment (kp = 4,39 by P = 0,024). The height focus in cultural aspect because of Indramayu fishermen easy to follow behavior changing from outside. From fisherman point of view, the job assurance opportunity must become main focus to development, but the reasing of fisherman earn consider to be disregarded because the profit sharing from every trip remain high enough during this time

    Faktor-faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Kinerja Pembangunan Perikanan: Studi Kasus Pada Perikanan Tangkap Di Indramayu (Factors Affecting the Performance of Fisheries Development: a Case Study of Capture Fisheries in Indramayu)

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    Various policies of fisheries development have been implemented by Indonesian government. However, they have not reached the expected results. Until now the policy/program of empowerment has not been able to significantly increase fishermen income and welfare. Fishermen are still poor and underdeveloped compared to other community groups. Therefore, some corrective measures are needed to improve programs/policies that have been implemented over the years. To get the answer, a study that examines factors affect the success of a fisheries policy is conducted in Indramayu, West Java. By using analysis of Structural Equation Modelling (SEM), the research defines that fisheries institutions factor significantly led to the success of fisheries development

    Degradation of Reef Fish Catch as an Effect of Tourism Industry Activities in Gili Sulat and Gili Lawang Waters, East Lombok

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    The development of tourism activities in industrial scale since 2004 in the region of Gili Sulat and Gili Lawang have caused problem to local fishermen for catching reef fish. The objective of this research was to analyse the preeminent fishing gears of reef fish, the contamination types of tourism industries to fishing ground, and the degradation pattern of reef fish catch as an effect of tourism industry activities. The method used in this research was scoring method, quality standard test of water to fishery activities, and exponential regression model. The results showed that preeminent fishing gears of reef fish in the region of Gili Sulat and Gili Lawang were handline (Fgab = 2.000) and fish trap (Fgab = 1.556). The contamination types of tourism industries which bothering fishing ground of reef fish were total suspended solid (TSS), garbage, detergent, and timbal (Pb). The degradation pattern in quantity of reef fish catch (Y1) by activities of tourism industry (X) was formulated with moel Y1 = 31.574e-0.305X (R2=0.403, p=0.000). The degradation pattern of reef fish catch by activities of tourism industry (X) in the form of value of reef fish catch (Y2) and figuring waste in reef fishing (Y3) was formulated with model Y2=474823e-0.236X (R2=0.206, p=0.012), and Y3=1.296e0.329X (R2=0.071, p=0.156)

    Pengembangan Sistem Informasi Pengelolaan Sumberdaya Dan Lingkungan Perikanan Tangkap Di Kabupaten Padang Pariaman, Sumatera Barat (Development of Management Information System of Capture Fishery Resources and Environment in Padang Pariaman Regency, Ws)

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    UU Nomor 45 tahun 2009 pasal 46 dan 47 menekankan perlunya pengembangan pusat data dan informasi perikanan yang mudah diakses untuk kepentingan pemanfaatan danperlindungan sumberdaya ikan dan lingkungannya, termasuk di Kabupaten Padang Pariaman. Penelitian ini bertujuan merancang sistem informasi pengelolaan sumberdaya dan lingkungan perikanan tangkap di Kabupaten Padang Pariaman, Sumatera Barat. Analisis penelitian ini menggunakan Software Microsoft Access, Microsoft Visual Basic 6, Adobe Photoshop CS,CorelDRAW X4 dan ArcView 3.3. Sistem informasi yang dihasilkan diberi nama SI-PSLP 1.0. SI-PSLP untuk Kabupaten Padang Pariaman ini mempunyai lima menu utama, yaitu menu sumberdaya ikan, menu lingkungan, menu sarana prasarana, menu sosial ekonomi, dan menu manajemen data. Menu sumberdaya ikan memuat informasi jenis ikan, taksonomi ikan, tingkah laku ikan, penyebaran ikan, produksi dan nilai produksi ikan, dan menu lingkungan memuat informasi kondisi lingkungan fisika (suhu, cahaya, arus, gelombang dan bathimetri), kimia (salinitas, pH, fosfat, nitrat, logam berat dan DO), biologi, dan ekosistem pantai. Menusarana prasarana memuat informasi alat penangkapan ikan, kapal perikanan, alat bantu penangkapan dan PPI, sedangkan menu sosial ekonomi memuat informasi nelayan,pemberdayaan nelayan dan kelompok nelayan. Setiap menu terkoneksi dengan menu yang lainnya yang dikendalikan oleh menu manajemen data. SI-PSLP ini memiliki fasilitas dalammelakukan manipulasi data (penambahan, penghapusan, dan pengubahan), dan mencetak keluarannya

    Strategi Pengembangan Perikanan Cakalang Di Kabupaten Lombok Timur Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Barat (Skipjack Tuna Fisheries Development Strategy at East Lombok District West Nusa Tenggara Province)

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    East Lombok District has marine waters area that is transversed by skipjack tuna. This condition makes its production to be the third highest after yellow fin and black marlin. However, there are some conditions related to skipjack tuna fishery in east Lombok District that are necessary to be concerned for its development. Therefore, research on skipjack tuna development strategy in East Lombok District according to its condition in that area is needed to conduct. This research is aimed to formulate skipjack tuna fishing development strategy in East Lombok District. The methodology used in this research are descriptive and SWOT analysis. This study resulting to 7 (seven) alternative strategis for skipjack tuna fisheries development in East Lombok District that are optimizing skipjack tuna utilization, rationalizing the number of skipjack tuna fishing unit, training the fishermen about catch handling, improving fishermen institutional to raise their bargaining position, maximizing market potential for skipjack tuna commodity, and diversifying skipjack tuna processing types

    Kelayakan Finansial USAha Perikanan Pancing Tonda di Ppp Labuhan Lombok Kabupaten Lombok Timur

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    Pancing tonda merupakan alat tangkap yang banyak digunakan oleh nelayan di PPP Labuhan Lombok. Usaha perikanan pancing tonda tersebut perlu dihitung kelayakan finan-sialnya untuk mengetahui keberlangsungannya di masa yang akan datang. Penelitian ini bertu-juan untuk mengetahui modal awal, biaya produksi, pendapatan serta kelayakan finansial dari USAha perikanan pancing tonda di PPP Labuhan Lombok. Metodologi yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah analisis deskriptif, analisis USAha dan analisis investasi. Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pancing tonda di PPP Labuhan Lombok dioperasikan dengan kapal kayu yang berukuran antara 12-18 GT. Jumlah nelayan dalam satu unit penangkapan pancing tonda tersebut adalah 4-6 orang. Nelayan mengoperasikan pancing tonda di sekitar rumpon. Modal awal yang dibutuhkan untuk USAha pancing tonda di PPP Labuhan Lombok adalah Rp 222.250.000. Biaya produksi yang dikeluarkan untuk setiap trip penangkapan yaitu Rp 58.525.000 per tahun untuk biaya tetap dan Rp 114.889.500 per tahun untuk biaya tidak tetap. Adapun pendapatan yang diperoleh dari kegiatan penangkapan dengan pancing tonda tersebut yaitu Rp 1.242.600.000 per tahun. Usaha perikanan pancing tonda di PPP Labuhan Lombok merupakan USAha perikanan tangkap yang layak untuk dilakukan hingga 10 tahun ke depan

    Responsible Fisheries Management of Mini Purse Seine in the Lampung Bay Area

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    Lempasing is a Coastal Fishing Port (CFP) which located in Bandar Lampung. It is one of the centers of fisheries activities in the city. One of the fishing gear which operated by most of fishermen in Lempasing is mini purse seine. Mini purse seine fishing activities in the Lampung Bay Area and Lempasing CFP is not in accordance with the conditions of the surrounding waters area. The research was conducted in the Lampung Bay Area and Lempasing CFP, Lampung. This study aims to: 1) determine the status of fisheries resources utilization, 2) to describe the dominant fish caught by mini purse seine. Analysis methods were used in this study namely: 1) Fishing Power Index (FPI), Catch Per Unit Effort (CPUE), and Maximum Sustainable Yield (MSY) to determine the status of fisheries resource utilization. The dominant small pelagic fishes caught were scad fish Selaroides sp., mackerel fish Rastrelliger sp., longnose trevally fish Carangoides chrysophrys. The result showed that Fox model was the best fits models with estimated maximum sustainable yield of 15.5 ton and fishing effort of 992 trip/year for mini purse seine. The longnose trevally fish in Lampung bay area in do not exceeded the optimal catch fish condition can be used to sustainably. In these condition is necessary to wisely manage and setting the catches to not exceed the allowable catch of the small pelagic fish, so the stock of small pelagic fish in the Lampung Bay Area can be used sustainably