3 research outputs found

    Green and Sustainable Development for TVET in Asia

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    Green paradigm is emerging in Asia. In order to achieve sustainability, embracing green paradigm is critical. The growing significance of sustainability is having a major impact on business, industry, and society as a whole. Hence, preparing the future workforce for the coming green economy is a challenging task for many Asian countries especially in Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) in the post-2015 agenda. As a ground work, transforming TVET in Asia to meet the challenges of the green economy for the purpose of sustainability should begin now. The aim of this paper is to map the sustainable development in terms of green mindset, lifestyle, economy, education, training, employability and sustainability in selected Asian countries. A country's quantum leap or leap-frogging in sustainable economy is dependent of its transformation of human resources especially in TVET sector. Thus, TVET should be transformed to fit the requirements of the sustainable green paradigm. The results posit the country's policies, best practices, and challenges toward green economy in order to achieve sustainable development. Finally, the implication of green paradigm on TVET system in selected countries in the Asia Pacific will be discussed

    Environmental Factors and Students\u27 Learning Approaches: a Survey on Malaysian Polytechnics Students

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    Several studies have shown the impact of environmental factors on student learning approaches. Despite the importance of such studies, studies on technical learners are few. Thus, this study aimed to determine the influence of learning environment on Polytechnics students\u27 learning approaches in Malaysia. Learning environment plays an important role in the cognitive, effective and social domains of students because it could improve students\u27 learning outcomes. Learning approaches refer to the ways students deal with academic tasks that are related to learning outcomes. This study used Course Experience Questionnaire (CEQ) and Revised Two-Factor Study Process Questionnaire (RSPQ-2F) to collect the research data. Data were analyzed using AMOS Version 18. Multiple regressions were conducted to predict learning environment factors that influenced the level of students\u27 learning approaches. The result shows that effective teaching is a major factor that influences students\u27 deep approach followed by the assessment, learning resources and clear objectives

    Assessing the Vocational Taxonomy Hierarchy

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    English:Taxonomy recently defined as the naming or classification of an idea or name, in terms of one discipline. However, there is a lack of regulation in the concept of vocational education. Based on Bloom, the taxonomy is built to determine the level of cognitive, affective, and psychomotor ability. Higher Vocational education (SMK) cannot fully use Bloom's Taxonomy. Vocational Taxonomy is dependent on the psychomotor theory which emphasizes aspects of physical movement. However, the purpose of this research is to determine the Vocational Taxonomy hierarchical structure for SMK N 1 Jeunib. The design of this research is a qualitative research which using the interview method to assess the perception of the Vocational teacher in terms of determining the Vocational Taxonomy. The sample chosen was SMKN 1 Jeunib, Bireun, Aceh, which selected 54 teachers from all departments. From the data, the respondents presented that they believed the Vocational Taxonomy is important in terms of learning and teaching. Then, the taxonomic function is very important and assisting in teaching and learning, aiding the curriculum preparation, and contributing the practical activities. However, the taxonomy function is important in the measurement and assessment of psychomotor activities. It was recommended that Vocational Taxonomy was important to apply. The research also stated that there was a need for a link between cognitive and psychomotor aspects. Bahasa: Taksonomi diartikan sebagai penamaan atau klasifikasi suatu gagasan atau nama, dalam satu disiplin ilmu. Berdasarkan Bloom, taksonomi dibangun untuk mengetahui tingkat kemampuan kognitif, afektif, dan psikomotorik. Pendidikan Tinggi Kejuruan (SMK) tidak dapat sepenuhnya menggunakan Taksonomi Bloom. Taksonomi Vokasi bergantung pada teori psikomotorik yang menekankan pada aspek gerak fisik. Adapun, tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui struktur hierarki Taksonomi Kejuruan SMK N 1 Jeunib. Desain penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif dengan metode survey untuk menilai persepsi guru SMK dalam menentukan Taksonomi SMK. Sampel yang dipilih adalah SMKN 1 Jeunib, Bireun, Aceh yang memilih 54 guru dari semua jurusan. Dari data tersebut, responden menyatakan bahwa mereka percaya Taksonomi Kejuruan penting dalam hal belajar dan mengajar. Kemudian, fungsi taksonomi sangat penting dan membantu dalam proses belajar mengajar, membantu penyusunan kurikulum, dan menyumbangkan kegiatan praktis. Fungsi taksonomi penting dalam pengukuran dan penilaian aktivitas psikomotorik. Direkomendasikan bahwa Taksonomi Kejuruan penting untuk diterapkan. Penelitian tersebut juga menyatakan bahwa perlu adanya keterkaitan antara aspek kognitif dan psikomotorik