13 research outputs found

    طرق تدريس المفردات في كتاب الـمستوى الأول للـمبتدئين في مركز الدراسات الأساسية، بالجامعة الإسلامية العالمية بماليزيا

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    Abstract: The main objective of this research is to investigate the most appropriate methods in teaching vocabulary in the level one textbook for beginners and ways to learn it among the beginner students. In addition, this research aims to find out the teachers' opinions whether the vocabulary in the new textbook matches the students' level. To achieve these goals, the researchers use the analytical descriptive studies by distributing questionnaires related to teaching and learning vocabulary through a Google form. 22 teachers answered this questionnaire, and they are the ones who teach the level one in the Quranic Language Department in the Centre for Foundation Studies of this university, and 140 students also participated in answering the questionnaire, and they have taken the Quranic language level one during the first semester 2022. The result indicates that the most appropriate methods refer to the teacher himself in explaining vocabulary to his beginner students according to their educational background, through presenting pictures or referring to tangible things, using modern platforms and teaching synonyms and antonyms as well as encouraging students to search for the vocabulary meanings in the dictionary, in addition to preparing various exercises in order to motivate students to memorize vocabulary, remember it and use it in correct sentences. From the students’ perspectives, they rely a lot on reading Arabic texts in the textbook as a main source for learning vocabulary, and they prefer to search for meanings from the Internet. The researchers found that the vocabulary chosen by textbook authors is suitable with the beginners’ level, although the textbook is still in dire need of revision because it is one of the first Arabic language teaching books written according to the CEFR curriculum. Keywords: Methods of teaching vocabulary, Arabic language, beginner students

    Evaluation on Quranic language textbook for beginners (LQM0813): teachers’ and students’ perspectives

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    Textbook is the main tool and reference for the teaching and learning process in classroom. This research investigates the new Quranic Language textbook designed for the beginners (LQM0813) that contains four elements, which are language skills (reading, listening, writing and speaking), grammar, Sejahtera Academic Framework (SAF) and Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR). The purpose of this research is to evaluate the teachers’ and students’ perspectives towards this textbook and determine the pedagogical methods and suitability of the book towards students’ needs. 31 Quranic Language Department (QLD) teachers and 275 students are selected, and data are collected from the online survey through Google Form. The questionnaire consists of 57 items for both teacher’s and student’s version. The result shows that this textbook satisfies the students’ needs especially in encouraging them to participate in interactive activities and group discussions, besides enhancing their four language skills to understand Arabic language. From the teachers’ perspectives, the contents of this textbook improve students’ abilities in learning Arabic language, especially in pronouncing Arabic alphabets correctly, differentiating between ال قمرية and ال شمسية, identifying basic Masculine and Feminine nouns, and mentioning pillars of the prayer in Arabic. Keywords. Evaluation, Quranic Language textbook, language skills, Sejahtera Academic Framework (SAF

    Miftah Al-'Arabiyyah = مفتاح العربية

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    ABSTRACT Designing curriculum is not an easy task. It requires combination of various aspects in order to produce excellent curriculum. The curriculum should encourage high aspirations and ambitions for all. The curriculum should be organized so that they will learn and develop through a variety of contexts within both the classroom and other aspects of school life. If a curriculum is set for certain levels or stages, Each stage should build upon earlier knowledge and achievements. Furthermore, the curriculum should respond to individual needs and support particular aptitudes and talents. It should give each students opportunities for exercising responsible personal choice. This research aims to evaluate the effectiveness of the new designed curriculum to the teaching the Arabic language to science based students at the International Islamic University Malaysia. The book “Miftah Al-Arabiyyah” is considered as an integrated approach for Non- Arabic Speakers. This research was conducted through quantitative and qualitative research. This methodology may grant accuracy in research hypothesis, validity of research assessment, genuine result and comprehensive evaluation. This research started with series of workshops and meetings in order to prepare the text, exercises and activities. Once the preparation of book was completed, The book was then tested to the students. There were 10 lectures and 50 students involved in this process. Questionnaires were distributed to them once they teaching and learning processes were completed within specific time. Findings have shown that the overall result of the new syllabus is moderate. Some of the students prefer the new syllabus while the others do not. We do expect the result and it might be due to some reasons such as time constraints, poor vocabulary, students’ attitude and etc. After getting student’s feedback towards the new book, I would like to provide some recommendations which aim to improve the situation such as adding more language activities, providing more attractive pictures, replacing vague vocabularies and improving the lay out. To sum up, curriculum design is an endless work. Curriculum depends very much on time and environment. Curriculum needs to be refreshed or replaced as time pass b

    مفتاح اللغة العربية, طبعة ثانية

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    The aim of this book is to teach Arabic to non-native speakers, especially for beginners. Moreover, it is designed to give easy comprehension and understanding for students. The book is exposed to Arabic sounds and alphabets, dialogues and short reading texts. It focuses on the topics of daily life and simplifies religious and worldly or modern knowledge in the form of paragraphs on various topics such as the Holy Quran, Hadith, prayers (Doa), economy, arts, science, medicine and engineering. The book also offers some language structures to train students with a simple introduction to grammar. The book also contains moral values aimed at the formation of a good generation that helps to build the Islamic Ummah

    Al-nahw al-muyassar = Nahu mudah edisi kemas kini

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    A book that talks about the basic methods of Arabic grammar explained in Malay, still maintaining the concept of the previous edition with improvements in the updated edition and very suitable for the general public and beginner level Arabic students

    Al Nahw Al Muyassar = Nahu mudah 2

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    Buku Nahu Mudah 2 adalah lanjutan kepada Nahu Mudah yang memperkatakan tentang tajuk-tajuk utama dalam tatabahasa bahasa Arab. Ia di persembahkan dengan bahasa yang ringkas dan diperkemaskan dengan latihan untuk memastikan pemahaman yang berkesan bagi pelajar

    Soraf mudah

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    Buku Soraf Mudah ini merupakan sebuah buku soraf mudah yang menggunakan bahasa Melayu sebagai medium yang menjadi bahan bantu kepada para pelajar dalam memahami ilmu soraf dengan lebih baik. Tajuk-tajuk soraf yang dipaparkan dalam buku ini merupakan tajuk-tajuk soraf yang dipelajari di peringkat sekolah mahupun di peringkat universiti. Buku ini juga dilengkapi dengan nota ringkas, Penerangan dalam bahasa Melayu, peta minda dan gambarajah, ayat-ayat contoh, latihan dan skema jawapan

    Designing Arabic grammar exercise book for non-native speakers in Malaysia using Malay language as a medium

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    This project aims at the design of an Arabic grammar exercise book for non-native speakers in Malaysia using Malay language as a medium. The mixed-method approach was implemented which employed techniques such as quantitative survey, interviews, content analysis, field notes and observations. This project will contribute theoretically in the form of design a new approach in Arabic grammar studies and practically in the design of suitable Arabic grammar exercise book for Malay learners in Malaysia using Malay language as a medium

    Correlation study on Arabic Placement Test (APT) levels and SPM results for 2019/2020 new intake students

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    This study is an alternative plan for temporary replacement of Arabic Placement Test (APT) that could not be implemented during the Movement Control Order (MCO) in the year 2020 due to Covid-19 pandemic. The APT is an instrument used to identify students’ proficiency levels in Arabic language and to place them into Quranic Language levels accordingly. This study involves year 2019/2020 new intake students’ data. The aim of this study is to place 2020/2021 new intake students into Quranic language courses according to their Arabic in SPM results in line with the previous 2019/2020 new intake students’ data. The data is analyzed using Chi-Square test to measure the association between APT levels and Arabic in SPM results. This study is only an alternative plan for temporary placement of APT and it can never be as good as the original. However, this study offers a good solution to the placement issues which arise due to Covid-19 pandemic