38 research outputs found


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    End-tidal anaesthetic concentrations at first eye opening in response to a verbal command during recovery from anaesthesia (MAC-awake), were measured for isoflurane (n = 16), enflurane (n = 16) and halothane (n = 14). MAC-awake was measured during either slow or fast alveolar washout. Slow washout was obtained by decreasing anaesthetic concentrations in predetermined steps of 15min, assuming equilibration between brain and alveolar partial pressures. Fast alveolar washout was obtained by discontinuation of the inhalation anaesthetic, which had been maintained at 1 MAC for at least 15 min. Mean MAC-awake obtained with slow alveolar washout was similar for isoflurane (0.25 (SD 0.03) MAC), and enflurane (0.27 (0.04) MAC) and significantly greater than values obtained by fast alveolar washout (isoflurane: 0.19 (0.03) MAC; enflurane: 0.20 (0.03) MAC). The MAC-awake of isoflurane and enflurane was significantly less than that of halothane, which was 0.59 (0.10) MAC as evaluated by the slow and 0.50 (0.05) MAC as evaluated by the fast alveolar washout method. Recovery time from anaesthesia with fast alveolar washout was 8.8 (4.0) min for halothane, which was not different from isoflurane (15 (2.5) min), but significantly shorter than for enflurane (22 (10) min), reflecting differences in the anaesthetic concentration gradient between MAC and MAC-awake values. These data do not support the hypothesis of a uniform ratio between MAC and MAC-awake value

    Coherent States in Null-Plane Q.E.D

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    Light front field theories are known to have the usual infra-red divergences of the equal time theories, as wellas new `spurious' infra-red divergences. The formar kind of IR divergences are usually treated by giving a small mass to the gauge particle. An alternative method to deal with these divergences is to calculate the transition matrix elements in a coherent state basis. In this paper we present, as a model calculation the lowest order correction to the three point vertex in QED using a coherent state basis in the light cone formalism. The relevant transition matrix element is shown to be free of the true IR divergences up to O(e2)O(e^2).Comment: 20 pages and two figures, REVTEX, ITP-SB-93-7

    End-point singularities of Feynman graphs on the light cone

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    We show that some Lorentz components of the Feynman integrals calculated in terms of the light-cone variables may contain end-point singularities which originate from the contribution of the big-circle integral in the complex k_ plane. These singularities appear in various types of diagrams (two-point functions, three-point functions, etc) and provide the covariance of the Feynman integrals on the light-cone. We propose a procedure for calculating Feynman integrals which guarantees that the end-point singularities do not appear in the light-cone representations of the invariant amplitudes.Comment: final version to appear in PLB; few references adde

    Path Integral Approach to Two-Dimensional QCD in the Light-Front

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    Two-dimensional quantum cromodynamics in the light-front frame is studied following hamiltonian methods. The theory is quantized using the path integral formalism and an effective theory similar to the Nambu-Jona Lasinio model is obtained. Confinement in two dimensions is derived analyzing directly the constraints in the path integral.Comment: 13pp, Plain-TeX, Si-93-10, IF-UFRJ-93-13, USM-TH-6

    Nonperturbative renormalization in a scalar model within Light-Front Dynamics

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    Within the covariant formulation of Light-Front Dynamics, in a scalar model with the interaction Hamiltonian H=gψ2(x)ϕ(x)H=-g\psi^{2}(x)\phi(x), we calculate nonperturbatively the renormalized state vector of a scalar "nucleon" in a truncated Fock space containing the NN, NπN\pi and NππN\pi\pi sectors. The model gives a simple example of non-perturbative renormalization which is carried out numerically. Though the mass renormalization δm2\delta m^2 diverges logarithmically with the cutoff LL, the Fock components of the "physical" nucleon are stable when LL\to\infty.Comment: 22 pages, 5 figure

    Chiral Symmetry in Light-front QCD

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    The definition of chiral transformations in light-front field theory is very different from the conventional form in equal-time formalism. We study the consistency of chiral transformations and chiral symmetry in light-front QCD and derive a complete new light-front axial-vector current for QCD. The breaking of chiral symmetry in light-front QCD is only associated with helicity flip interaction between quarks and gluons. Remarkably, the new axial-vector current does not contain the pion pole part so that the associate chiral charge smoothly describes pion transitions for various hadronic processes.Comment: 15 pages, no figure, JHEP style, added reference and corrected typos and some changed conten

    Light Front Nuclear Physics: Toy Models, Static Sources and Tilted Light Front Coordinates

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    The principles behind the detailed results of a light-front mean field theory of finite nuclei are elucidated by deriving the nucleon mode equation using a simple general argument, based on the idea that a static source in equal time coordinates corresponds to a moving source in light front coordinates. This idea also allows us to solve several simple toy model examples: scalar field in a box, 1+1 dimensional bag model, three-dimensional harmonic oscillator and the Hulth\'en potential. The latter provide simplified versions of momentum distributions and form factors of relevance to experiments. In particular, the relativistic correction to the mean square radius of a nucleus is shown to be very small. Solving these simple examples suggests another more general approach-- the use of tilted light front coordinates. The simple examples are made even simpler.Comment: 19 pages, references adde

    1+11+1-Dimensional Large NN QCD coupled to Adjoint Fermions

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    We consider 1+1-dimensional QCD coupled to Majorana fermions in the adjoint representation of the gauge group SU(N)SU(N). Pair creation of partons (fermion quanta) is not suppressed in the large-NN limit, where the glueball-like bound states become free. In this limit the spectrum is given by a linear \lc\ Schr\" odinger equation, which we study numerically using the discretized \lcq. We find a discrete spectrum of bound states, with the logarithm of the level density growing approximately linearly with the mass. The wave function of a typical excited state is a complicated mixture of components with different parton numbers. A few low-lying states, however, are surprisingly close to being eigenstates of the parton number, and their masses can be accurately calculated by truncated diagonalizations.Comment: 22 pages + 9 figures (available by request from [email protected]), uses phyzzx.tex + tables.tex PUPT-1413, IASSNS-HEP-93/4

    A light-front coupled cluster method

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    A new method for the nonperturbative solution of quantum field theories is described. The method adapts the exponential-operator technique of the standard many-body coupled-cluster method to the Fock-space eigenvalue problem for light-front Hamiltonians. This leads to an effective eigenvalue problem in the valence Fock sector and a set of nonlinear integral equations for the functions that define the exponential operator. The approach avoids at least some of the difficulties associated with the Fock-space truncation usually used.Comment: 8 pages, 1 figure; to appear in the proceedings of LIGHTCONE 2011, 23-27 May 2011, Dalla