33 research outputs found

    FinTech, blockchain and Islamic finance : an extensive literature review

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    Purpose: The paper aims to review the academic research work done in the area of Islamic financial technology. The Islamic FinTech area has been classified into three broad categories of the Islamic FinTech, Islamic Financial technology opportunities and challenges, Cryptocurrency/Blockchain sharia compliance and law/regulation. Finally, the study identifies and highlights the opportunities and challenges that Islamic Financial institutions can learn from the conventional FinTech organization across the world. Approach/Methodology/Design: The study collected 133 research studies (50 from Social Science Research Network (SSRN), 30 from Research gate, 33 from Google Scholar and 20 from other sources) in the area of Islamic Financial Technology. The study presents the systematic review of the above studies. Findings: The study classifies the Islamic FinTech into three broad categories namely, Islamic FinTech opportunities and challenges, Cryptocurrency/Blockchain sharia compliance and law/regulation. The study identifies that the sharia compliance related to the cryptocurrency/Blockchain is the biggest challenge which Islamic FinTech organizations are facing. During our review we also find that Islamic FinTech organizations are to be considered as partners by the Islamic Financial Institutions (IFI’s) than the competitors. If Islamic Financial institutions want to increase efficiency, transparency and customer satisfaction they have to adopt FinTech and become partners with the FinTech companies. Practical Implications: The study will contribute positively to the understanding of Islamic Fintech for the academia, industry, regulators, investors and other FinTech users. Originality/Value: The study believes to contribute positively to understanding of Fintech based technology like cryptocurrency/Blockchain from sharia perspective.peer-reviewe

    An artificial intelligence and NLP based Islamic FinTech model combining Zakat and Qardh-Al-Hasan for countering the adverse impact of COVID 19 on SMEs and individuals

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    Pursose: The ongoing Corona virus (COVID 19) pandemic has already impacted almost everyone across the globe. The focus has now shifted from spread of the disease to the economic consequences it will bring to the society. The shortage of production will result into the shortage of supply and consequently will end as loss of jobs and employment for millions of people around the world. Two of the most important section of our society i.e., daily wage laborers and Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) will have to bear the major burnt of this crisis. The proposed integrated Artificial Intelligence and NLP based Islamic FinTech Model combining Zakat (Islamic tax) and Qardh-Al-Hasan (benevolent loan) can help the economy to minimize the adverse impact of COVID 19 on individuals and SMEs. Design/Methodology/Approach: The present study explores the possibility of Zakat and Qardh-Al-Hasan as a financing method to fight the adverse impact of Corona virus on poor individuls and SMEs. It provides the solution by proposing an Artificial Intelligence and NLP based Islamic FinTech Model combining Zakat and Qardh-Al-Hasan. Findings: The findings of the study reveals that Islamic finance has immense potential to fight any kind of situation/pandemic. Zakat and Qardh-Al-Hasan, if combined together can prove to be a deadly combination to fight the adverse effect of COVID 19. Practical Implications: To be used as an effective way to support individuals and SMEs in the period during and after the pandemic of COVID 19. Originality/value: There is no study combining Zakat and Qardh Al-Hasan to fight the adverse effect of poor individuals and SMEs. The study will contribute massively to the existing literature and will help the government and civil societies in fighting the economic impact of COVID 19 on individuals and SMEs.peer-reviewe

    Socioeconomic Impact of COVID-19 in MENA region and the Role of Islamic Finance

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    This paper analyses the socio-economic impact of the noble Corona virus (COVID-19) on ‘Middle East and North Africa’ (MENA) region as well as the role and opportunities of Islamic finance post COVID-19. The findings show that pandemic has affected the MENA region massively like any other region in the world. Since around 69% of the word’s crude oil supply is from this region alone, this causes it to suffer from dual shocks of COVID-19 pandemic as well as the declining crude prices that is caused by shocks from both ends, negative supply shock and a negative demand shock. The 19 countries in MENA region include from some of the richest countries of the world such as, Qatar, Kuwait, and Saudi Arabia, to some of the most vulnerable, poor and war ridden countries like Yemen, Syria, and Morocco. To mitigate the adverse effects of the pandemic, we suggest some immediate actions that can be taken such as a public fund to support health system, financial support to individuals and SME’s, financial support to corporations in order to prevent job loss and layoff and assurance of liquidity in domestic markets to prevent liquidity crunch. Finally, the paper analyses the role of Islamic finance in the region in recovery post COVID-19 and show that Islamic finance can be utilized as an alternative financial system in providing the relief to the COVID-19 affected people and entrepreneurs

    An Empirical Study of Consumer Buying Behaviour Towards Organised Retailing

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    The main objective of this study is to examine the consumer buying behaviour and to identify the factors involving in purchase decisions in organized retail sector. In order to establish a structure for consumer behaviour research towards organised retail, it is helpful to begin the study by taking into consideration different models and theories of consumer behaviour given by a number of authors.  Under this article the researcher tried to identify a set of dimensions in the literature which can be used to exemplify and differentiate the various viewpoints on consumer behaviour research. During 1960s the consumer behaviour emerges as a different field of research and was characterized by two different aspects, the positivist and the non-positivist. The positivist model covers the economic, behavioural, cognitive, motivational, attitudinal, qualitative and situational perspectives; these aspects are referred to as the traditional models as they occur before the development of non-positivist models.The positivist factor, which is still the dominant factor, accentuates the dominance of human cause and that there is a single, objective fact that can be exposed by science. This paradigm regards the world as a rational and ordered place with a clearly defined past, present, and future. The assumption of rationalism is therefore fundamental to the traditional perspective

    Sustainable banking regulations pre and during coronavirus outbreak: the moderating role of financial stability

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    With the worldwide dispersion of COVID-19, banking sector, among others, needs to adapt to unexpected challenges. For this purpose, this study examines the impact of sustainable banking regulations on bank-specific characteristics pre and during COVID19 period in Pakistan for the period spanning from 2006 to 2020. Moreover, financial stability is employed to test its moderating role on sustainable banking regulations. The dynamic estimator, named the system-Generalized Method of Moments, is used to analyze the endogenous nature of the data. Findings suggest that capital adequacy ratio, deposit ratio, and loan ratio are positive whereas leverage ratios are negatively related to profitability and market return. Overall, findings reveal that sustainable banking regulations influenced the bank-specific characteristics substantially. Importantly, the year-wise averages of variables reveal that Pakistani banks have made significant improvements in profitability, market return, capital adequacy, and deposit ratio pre and during pandemic era. Additionally, the financial stability significantly moderates the relationship highlighting lower default risk and the effectiveness of sustainable banking operations. Practically, despite global lockdowns, economic and trade restrictions during COVID-19, State Bank of Pakistan, sustained health of banking sector through its well-regulated monitoring mechanism

    Service Quality, Customer Satisfaction and Customer Loyalty: An Empirical Study on Banks in India

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    Service quality is one of the most important factors behind customer satisfaction in commercial banks. Various studies revealed that service quality plays a decisive role in satisfaction of customers and satisfaction of customers to a great extent lead to the customer loyalty vis-a-vis profitability of banks. Against such a backdrop, an attempt has been made to examine the impact of service quality of the bank on customer satisfaction and impact of customer satisfaction on the customer loyalty. This study points out that satisfaction and service quality relationship is critical for commercial banks. The broad objective of the study is to identify the determinants of customer satisfaction in the context of public sector and private sector banks in India and to examine the relationship between customer satisfactions, service quality and customer loyalty of banks. An attempt has also been made to study the impact of satisfaction on the loyalty of the customers. For this purpose responses have been elicited through a pre-tested structured questionnaire from 568 customers of public sector and private sector banks located in NCR

    Determinants of Behavioral Intentions to Use Islamic Financial Technology: An Empirical Assessment

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    This study examines the antecedents/determinants of behavioral intentions toward the utilization of Islamic financial technology for Middle Eastern customers. The study applied structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM). After robust research efforts were invested in the identification of factors, they and were converted into measures, and the results were analyzed. The results demonstrate that the independent variables shown in the UTAUT model have a significant impact on the behavior to adopt Islamic financial technology, which implies that the people are ready to use Islamic financial technology while making online transactions. The work in this study adds to the knowledge regarding the factors affecting behavioral intention to use Islamic fintech, as there is scarcity of studies in this domain, especially in the context of Middle Eastern online customers. Moreover, this study also considers the major categories of online payments

    Impact of Bank Efficiency on the Profitability of the Banks in India: An Empirical Analysis Using Panel Data Approach

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    This study aims to determine the impact of banking efficiency on the profitability of the Indian banking division. The ratios (key variables) used in the study are mentioned by the Reserve Bank of India—RBI (Central bank of India). Through a quantitative approach, pooled panel regression, univariate analysis, correlation, and descriptive statistics models are used by taking annual data of the Indian banking division from 2001 to 2020 available on the Thomson Reuters (Refinitiv) Database. Unbalanced cross-sectional data (panel data) comprising 527 bank-year observations for 33 Indian banks were studied. It was decided to evaluate the impact of efficiency (cost to income ratio and staff expenses to total expenses ratio) on the profitability (return on assets and net interest margin ratio) of the banks from the Indian banking division. The results revealed that the cost to income ratio has a significant negative impact on the bank return on assets and net interest margin ratio. The staff expenses to total expenses ratio has a significant positive impact on the bank return on assets and a positive nonsignificant impact on the bank net interest margin ratio

    Banks’ Performance and Economic Growth in India: A Panel Cointegration Analysis

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    The banking sector plays a crucial role in the economic growth of a nation. The purpose of this study is to examine the long-term association between banks’ performance and the economic growth of a developing economy: India. The study used a panel of data of 20 public sector banks for the period 2009 to 2019. It applied the Pedroni and Kao test of co-integration, panel vector error correction model (VECM) dynamic, panel fully-modified ordinary least squires OLS (FMOLS), and dynamic OLS (DOLS) to estimate the relationship of interest margin return on assets, bank investment, and lending capacity of the bank with gross domestic product (GDP) of the country. The identification and incorporation of these bank-related variables are the innovations of this study. The results indicate that the bank-related variables are co-integrated with economic growth. Further analysis indicates a significant relationship between interest margin and return on assets with economic growth. In addition, lending capacity and investment activities are not significantly associated with economic growth, leading to the policy recommendation to improve upon these two factors in order to achieve higher growth rates