11 research outputs found

    Structural characteristics and problems of beekeeping enterprises in aegean region example

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    Aim: In this study, structural characteristics and production problems of the beekeeping enterprises are examined in the Denizli, Mugla and Aydin provinces. Materials and Methods: The material of the research was provided through questionnaires from Turkish Association of Beekeepocooperatives member beekeeping enterprises. In the study, 73 enterprises were determined by stratified random sampling method. Frequency, and percent distribution of these enterprises according to their survey findings for the 2014- 2015 operating period. Differences between the two dependent groups were examined by the "Wilcoxon test". Results: The average age and beekeeping experience (year) of producers with primary school graduates (61.6%) was 50,08 ± 9,25 and 17,52 ± 11,02 respectively. In the enterprises where the rate of specialization is low (20.5%), average honey yield per hive was found to be 14.44 ± 6.56. Among the problems experienced in the production, not to be taken into village land (26,9%) and transportation (17,7%) took the first two places. The producers expect more support from the TAB Associations, where they are members, for storage-marketing and accommodation- transporting. Conclusion: According to the research findings, it can be said that the producer profile is important for sustainable beekeeping In particular, young producers are encouraged to use promoting policies in this area. Moreover, in terms of quality and productive honey production, bee diseases should be more effectively fighted and necessary limitations should be given to hive mobility. Current support policies should be revised

    The importance and development of carcass classification and grading in beef cattle: an update

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    This study was conducted to evaluate the current situation in Turkey by providing information about the systems used in carcass classification and grading in beef cattle. Industrial goods and services must have a standard in their economy. Obtaining quality products is provided by production within the framework of determining standards. The carcasses obtained from beef cattle are standardized and graded to ensure their recognition in the market. Standardization and grading; ıt simplifies, facilitates and makes it less costly to move goods across the market channel. In livestock quality standardization, current production is divided into standard shares as much as possible; therefore, animal products are produced in a wide range of quality. The trend in the marketing of high-quality beef animals and carcasses is geared towards grading and yield. Carcass classification is used to accurately define the suitability and values of cattle and sheep carcasses according to their intended use. The main criteria used in the classification of cattle carcasses are weight, conformation and fatness. In the USA and European Union countries, the classification of beef carcasses plays an essential role in international meat trade marketing

    Current problems and suggestions for the marketing and use of medical products in the field of animal health and breeding

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    Aim: In this study, the current situation in the supply, use and marketing of medicinal products of the veterinary clinic, policlinic and animal hospital services in Konya, Aydın, İstanbul and İzmir provinces has been tried to be revealed. Materials and Methods: The data of the study were obtained from the enterprises with data collection form, operating in 4 different cities (56 of them total).Simple random and snowball sampling methods were used in the determination of the enterprises included in the study.A 5-point Likert-type scale was applied for the opinions of the responsible veterinarian. Results: Within the scope of the survey, 30,4% of the organizations interviewed are in İzmir, 33,8% in Konya, 17,9% in Istanbul and 17,9% in Aydın. In the proportional distribution of business revenues, the gains obtained from patient visit fees were ranked first with 24%, artificial insemination revenues are second with 19% and the income from chemical agents such as drugs was the third with 16%. It has been reported that the primary factor in the supply of medicines is the drug's effectiveness and the most important problem in marketing is the difficulty of collecting money from customers. It has been reported that the most important factor in spot market formation is the veterinarians themselves. Conclusion: Distribution of medicines for solving the problems encountered, sales process, monitoring after the licensing process, etc. it is necessary to establish a comprehensive legislation covering all aspects. The findings of the study reveal that the e-prescription system, which has recently been introduced into practice, is an important opportunity in terms of eliminating existing problems completely and making the industry closed to unjustified and unfounded accusations. It has been agreed that an e-prescription system should be planned to encourage animal owners / breeders and veterinarians to achieve the desired goal

    Determining the factors affecting cattle and small ruminant enterprises to get animal life insurance

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    Aim: This research is aimed to determine the reasons why producers have/do not have animal life insurance (ALI), as well as to determine the factors that affect this situation and to suggest solutions that will contribute to increasing the rate of insurance. Materials and Methods: The material of the research was determined by the Agricultural Insurance Pool (TARSİM) as the enterprises engaged in small ruminant and cattle breeding in the provinces of Afyonkarahisar, Aksaray, Ankara, Burdur, Karaman and Konya. The minimum number of enterprises targeted to be visited and their distribution according to the provinces was calculated according to the Neyman stratified sampling method. Within the scope of the research, data collected from 252 enterprises were evaluated. In the analysis of the data, the relationship between the two variables was evaluated using the Pearson Correlation Coefficient and the Spearman Correlation Coefficient when it did not meet the prerequisites for parametric testing. Categorical data were analyzed by Fisher's Exact Test and Chi-Square test. In order to determine the reasons for not taking out insurance, the obtained data were evaluated by explanatory factor analysis method. Results: In terms of professional experience; Having less than 5 years of professional experience, having a certificate of disease freeness in enterprises, and have additional income sources other than animal husbandry the insurances rate of the enterprises are increasing. It can be said that the data of the relevant scale are suitable for factor analysis (p <0,05) and that the construct validity of the measuring tool is generally provided according to the factor analysis results. In the ALI Attitude Scale, which was developed as a result of factor analysis, the questions were distributed to 4 factors. The factors are respectively; Expectations from Insurance, Insurance Awareness, Procedure and Belief, Financial Factors, and Cost. Conclusion: The first condition for increasing the rate of having ALI is that producers should be constantly informed about ALI. It should be taken into consideration that some positive additional support and incentives, additional scoring, incentive payment priority, etc., may contribute positively to the system in producing policies and premiums

    Factors affecting poultry meat consumption status and consumption habits of students from Faculty of Veterinary Medicine

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    Bu araştırma, Burdur, Konya ve Elazığ illerinde yer alan üniversitelerin veteriner fakültelerinde eğitim görmekte olan farklı sınıflardaki öğrencilerin kanatlı eti tüketim düzeylerine etkili olan faktörlerin güncel olarak ortaya konması amacıyla yapılmıştır. Araştırmanın materyalini, 2018-2019 eğitim-öğretim yılı içerisinde üç farklı fakültede toplamda 242 öğrenci ile yapılmış olan anketlerden elde edilen veriler oluşturmaktadır. Elde edilen veriler SPPS programı ile analiz edilmiştir. Araştırma sonucunda; öğrencilerin %51,7’sinin aylık bireysel gıda harcama tutarının 250 TL altında olduğu belirlenmiştir. Yine bu öğrencilerin bireysel gıda harcamaları içerisinde hayvansal gıda harcama tutarlarının 100 TL ve altında olanların oranı ise %59,1 olarak bulunmuştur. Öğrencilerin aylık kanatlı eti tüketim oranları incelendiğinde; hiç tüketmeyenlerin oranı %5,8, 500 gr’dan az tüketenlerin oranı %31 ve 500-999gr arası tüketenlerin oranı ise %37,2 düzeyinde tespit edilmiştir. Ankete katılan öğrencilerin aylık ortalama 1,1 kg kanatlı eti tükettikleri belirlenmiştir. Öğrencilerin eğitim gördükleri şehir, sınıf düzeyi ve barınma durumları ile kanatlı eti tüketim miktarı arasında istatistiki olarak anlamlı bir ilişkinin olmadığı belirlenmiştir. Nitekim, cinsiyet, gelir düzeyi, gıda maddelerine ayrılan aylık bütçe ile hayvansal gıdalara ayrılan aylık bütçe miktarı arasında istatistiki olarak anlamlı bir ilişkinin olduğu belirlenmiştir.This research was carried out to in Burdur, Elazığ and Konya provinces in order to evaluate the factors affecting the poultry meat consumption status and consumption habits of students belonging to different classes of veterinary faculties. The material of the study was obtained from surveys conducted with 242 students in three different faculties during the academic year 2018-2019. The data were analyzed by SPPS. According to the results of the research; It has been determined that 51.7% of the students are under 250 TL of the monthly individual food expenditure. The ratio of animal food expenditures in individual food expenditures of those students to be 100 TL and below is determined as 59.1%. When the monthly poultry meat consumption rates of the students are examined; The rate of those who did not consume was 5.8%, the rate of those consuming less than 500 gr and 31% of those consuming 500-999gr was determined as 37.2%. It was determined that the students who participated in the survey consumed 1.1 kg of poultry meat per month. It was determined that there was no statistically significant relationship between the poultry meat consumption and the city, class level and shelter status of the students. In fact, a statistically significant relationship was found between the gender, income level, monthly budget for food and amount of monthly budget allocated to animal food

    Cointegration analysis of broiler meat and broiler feed prices in turkey

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    Aim: The high share of feed costs among the costs of inputs used in broiler breeding plays a significant role in the formation of broiler meat price. As the production of raw materials used in the broiler feed industry is not sufficient to meet the demand in the domestic market, the demand is met by importation. As such, the fluctuations in the exchange rates are reflected in the price of the final product. The aim of this study is to analyze the relationships between the variables of broiler meat and broiler feed price series. Materials and Methods: In Turkey, the relations between the variables related to the price series of broiler meat and broiler feed in TL and in USD between 2006 and 2018 were determined by johansen cointegration analysis technique. Results: The results of the analysis indicate that the broiler feed and broiler meat prices in Turkey are cointegrated in the short-term and follow each other's pattern. It was found that the change in the prices of feed had an effect on the TRY-denominated prices of poultry meat in two months and USD-denominated prices of poultry meat in one month. Conclusion: Consequently, broiler meat prices should be set taking into account the costs of inputs in the short-term. However, since the fluctuations in the USD exchange rate affect the input prices immediately, an effective price mechanism for broiler prices cannot be developed

    Reporting observational studies in veterinary research: turkish adaptation of the strobe-vet criterias

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    Aim: This study, the Turkish version of the STROBE-VET was made to strengthen the reporting of observational studies in the veterinary field and making the usage of the STROBE-VET better understood by the researchers. Materials and Methods: STROBE-VET criteria have been translated into Turkish by 4 researchers (TB, FG, ES, MAT), each independent from the other. The translation was finalized with the collection of the group. Then, an expert translator was reversed and its compliance with the criteria was evaluated. Secondly, in order to assess the Turkish control list whether it is understood correctly by the researchers, 20 studies in the field of veterinary sciences have been evaluated by two veterinarians (DÖ and MBÇ). The correspondence between the responses of the researchers was examined using the percentage of compliance between researchers for each criterion. In addition, it was assessed using the Bland-Altman Method and the Intraclass Correlation Coefficient (ICC) using the total number of reported criteria. Results: According to results, criteria has a great variation in the frequency of reporting in the studies. ICC values ranged from 0.351 to 0.890. Conclusion: The Turkish version of STROBE-VET will be a guide for the referees and editors of journals as well as researchers studying in the field of veterinary science

    Evaluation in terms of various parameters the selçuk university faculty of veterinary medicine graduates opinions

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    Aim: The Selçuk University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine started to education in 1982. The thousands of veterinarians graduated from Selçuk University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine since then. The present study aimed to identify the status of the veterinarians that graduated from Selçuk University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, inquired into their areas of employment, constructed their profiles and presented their opinions according to various parameters. Materials and Methods: An Information Collection Form was drawn up via to implement and distributed to the respondents. SPSS 25 was used to evaluate the collected data. The median (IQR), percentage and frequency values of the variables were used. The categorical datas were analysed by Fishers Exact Test and Chi-Square Test. Results: It was found that 45.70% of the respondents had started career within one year, 64.40% had made an informed choice to enter the faculty, 86.50% were satisfied with their current job, and 73.10% had gained an understanding of professional and ethical responsibility during their education. Conclusion: Selçuk University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine has made significant contributions to the animal husbandry in almost all industry of the profession since its establishment. The present study can help raise the professional standards and pave the way for future studies required for this purpose if it is applied to the veterinarians that graduated from other veterinary faculties across the country

    Tarsim Arılı Kovan Sigorta Uygulamaları TR32 Bölgesi Örneği

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    Arıcılık doğa koşullarına bağlı olarak gerçekleştirilen ve doğa koşullarından en çok etkilenen hayvancılık alt sektörlerinin başında gelmektedir. Gerek iklime, gerek doğal afetlere gerekse diğer faktörlere bağlı olarak yaşanabilecek olumsuzluklar arıcılık işletmelerinin kârını azaltmakta hatta bazı durumlarda işletmeler zarar edebilmekte ve gelecek yıllar için işletmenin ekonomik durumunun uzun süre normale dönmesini imkânsız kılmaktadır. Bahsi geçen risklerin bir kısmının ya da tamamının sigorta ile güvence altına alınması mümkündür. Bu çalışma ile 2014-2015 üretim döneminde, arıcılık faaliyetlerinin yoğun olarak yapıldığı Muğla, Aydın ve Denizli illerini kapsayan TR32 Bölgesinde tabakalı örnekleme yöntemiyle belirlenen 73 adet arıcılık işletmesinin TARSİM uygulamalarına ilişkin bilgi ve görüşlerinin araştırılması amacıyla gerçekleştirilmiştir. Arıcılık işletmelerinin 59 tanesi (%80) iller-bölgeler arası gezginci arıcılık faaliyeti yapmakta olup 14 tanesi (%20) il içi gezginci arıcılık faaliyeti gerçekleştirmektedir. İşletmelerin 28 tanesi (%38) arılı kovan sigortası yaptırdığını, 45 tanesi (%62) çeşitli nedenlerden dolayı sigorta yaptırmadığını bildirmiştir. Arıcılık işletmelerinin 20 tanesi (%27,4) TARSİM hakkında bilgi sahibi olduklarını, 53 tanesi (%72,6) bilgi sahibi olmadıklarını belirtmişlerdir. Sigorta yaptıran işletmelerin %32,1’i kovan başına ödedikleri sigorta prim bedelini bildiği, %67,9’unun bilmediği tespit edilmiştir. Sigorta yaptıran arıcılık işletmelerinin arılı kovan sigorta maliyeti 123 TL ile 738 TL arasında değiştiği ve ortalama sigorta masrafının işletme başına 328 TL olduğu saptanmıştır. Arılı kovan sigortası yaptırmayan işletmelerin sigorta yaptırmama nedenleri; sigorta teminatının dar kapsamlı olması, işletme giderlerine fazladan mali yük getirmesi, kendi ihmalinden dolayı, sigorta kapsamında yapılan ödemelerde mağduriyet yaşanması veya mağduriyet yaşayacağına inanması şeklinde tespit edilmiştir. Arıcılık işletmeleri, tarımsal ilaçlamaya bağlı zehirlenmeler, bir takım arı hastalıklarına bağlı oluşan ekonomik kayıplar, hırsızlık ve meydana gelebilecek bir takım ürün kayıplarının da teminat kapsamına alınması gerektiğini belirtmişlerdir. Sonuç olarak, sigorta yaptırma oranlarının ileriye dönük olarak artırılması, TARSİM’in tanınırlık ve bilinirlilik oranının arıcılık işletmeleri nazarında artırılması ve bu konularda mutlak bir başarı sağlanması durumunda, arıcılık işletmelerinin beklentileri arasında olan teminatların bir kısmının ya da tamamının güvence altına alınarak, kovan başına yapılan ödeme primlerinin azaltılması mümkün görülmektedir

    Economic analysis of beekeeping enterprises producing chestnut honey Black Sea region in Türkiye

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    AbstractIn the present study, we economically analyzed the enterprises producing chestnut honey in the TR82 region provinces of the Black Sea region of Turkey (Kastamonu, Çankırı, and Sinop provinces). Face-to-face interviews were conducted to collect data from 74 small, medium, and largescale enterprises, and data were analyzed by simple random sampling. Furthermore, a backward regression model was developed to assess the input and output relationships in the enterprises. The average honey yield per hive was 4.06 kg. The statistically significant difference was found between scales and provinces in unit cost. The unit cost average of small-scale enterprises was statistically different from that of large-scale enterprises. A statistical difference was found between provinces in sales price and profit per hive (p < 0.05). The adjusted R2 value was found to be 0.865 for the regression model created with the variables affecting the unit cost. The lowest honey production cost (10.52 US)wasfoundinsmallscaleenterprisesandtheC\cankırıprovince(9.17US) was found in small-scale enterprises and the Çankırı province (9.17 US/kg), whereas the highest production cost (12.34 US/kg)wasfoundinlargescaleenterprisesandtheSinopprovince(12.38US/kg) was found in large-scale enterprises and the Sinop province (12.38 US/kg). The net profit per hive was calculated to be US52.83forsmallscaleenterprisesandUS52.83 for small-scale enterprises and US46.47 for medium and large scales. Thus, chestnut honey can be marketed as a geographically indicated product at a high price. However, the increased number of enterprises producing chestnut honey, along with a lack of professionalism and insufficient technical knowledge and interest, has raised production costs. These findings suggest that producers should be encouraged to reduce their unit costs to increase their profit