27 research outputs found

    The Constructional Analysis of Emanation Fictive Motion in Arabic: A Cognitive Semantic-Syntactic Study

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    تدور الورقة البحثية الحالية في فلك علم اللغة المعرفي  حيث تدرس الشبكات المعرفية والدلالية لتراكيب الحركة التخيلية لانبثاق المسارات في اللغة العربية ضمن الاطار النظري لعالم اللغة المعرفي تالمي. يتبنى علماء اللغة المعرفيون فرضية امكانية استعمال الافعال الحركية لوصف المشاهد الجامدة التي لا تملك اي حركة في الواقع حيث تبنى المفاهيم لهذه المشاهد على انها متحركة وليست جامدة. لذلك تعبر الحركة التخيلية كظاهرة معرفية عالمية عن الكيانات الجامدة باستعمال تراكيب لغوية حركية. يعتبر الانبثاق احد الانواع المختلفة للحركة التخيلية الذي قام بتصنيفه ودراسته عالم اللغة المعرفي تالمي (1996, 2000). تهدف هذه الورقة البحثية لدراسة الانبثاق كحركة تخيلية في اللغة العربية ومعرفة فيما اذا كانت اللغة العربية تحتوي على ذات التراكيب التي صنفها تالمي. كذلك تهدف الدراسة لإمكانية ايجاد اصناف جديدة غير مذكورة في تصنيفات تالمي. وعلى وجه الدقة تبحث الدراسة الحالية عن اجابات لكيفية اكتساب وتمثيل او تركيب المفاهيم المجردة في اللغة العربية. اشارت نتائج البحث الى استعمال افعال ملموسة لتمثيل او وصف الحركة التخيلية في اللغة العربية. كما اشارت الى ان اللغة العربية تحتوي على اصناف غير موجودة ضمن نظرية تالمي.The study explores the cognitivenetwork and semantics of the Arabic fictive motion constructions of emanation paths within Talmy's framework. One of the claims in cognitive linguistics is that motion event can be used to describe an inherently static scene without any movement in reality, but linguistically, that scene is conceptualized as dynamic movement. Thus, fictive motion (hereafter FM), as a cognitively universal phenomenon, expresses a static physical entity by using dynamic linguistic structure. Emanation is one of the different types of FM which has been investigated by Talmy (1996, 2000). The central aim of this study is to investigate emanation FMin Arabic and to find whether ituses the same constructions that are used in Talmy's model. The study also aims to find if there are other categories that can be used in Arabic and absent in his categorization and vice versa. More precisely, the study looks for an answer to how abstract ideas are acquired and structured in Arabic. The results revealed that more concrete verbs are used in Arabic to describe FM. It also uses categories that are not classified within Talmy's framework

    Genetic Biomarkers of Antipsychotic-Induced Prolongation of the QT Interval in Patients with Schizophrenia.

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    Antipsychotics (AP) induced prolongation of the QT interval in patients with schizophrenia (Sch) is an actual interdisciplinary problem as it increases the risk of sudden death syndrome. Long QT syndrome (LQTS) as a cardiac adverse drug reaction is a multifactorial symptomatic disorder, the development of which is influenced by modifying factors (APs' dose, duration of APs therapy, APs polytherapy, and monotherapy, etc.) and non-modifying factors (genetic predisposition, gender, age, etc.). The genetic predisposition to AP-induced LQTS may be due to several causes, including causal mutations in the genes responsible for monoheme forms of LQTS, single nucleotide variants (SNVs) of the candidate genes encoding voltage-dependent ion channels expressed both in the brain and in the heart, and SNVs of candidate genes encoding key enzymes of APs metabolism. This narrative review summarizes the results of genetic studies on AP-induced LQTS and proposes a new personalized approach to assessing the risk of its development (low, moderate, high). We recommend implementation in protocols of primary diagnosis of AP-induced LQTS and medication dispensary additional observations of the risk category of patients receiving APs, deoxyribonucleic acid profiling, regular electrocardiogram monitoring, and regular therapeutic drug monitoring of the blood APs levels

    Pathophysiological Mechanisms of Antipsychotic-Induced Parkinsonism

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    Among neurological adverse reactions in patients with schizophrenia treated with antipsychotics (APs), drug-induced parkinsonism (DIP) is the most common motility disorder caused by drugs affecting dopamine receptors. One of the causes of DIP is the disruption of neurotransmitter interactions that regulate the signaling pathways of the dopaminergic, cholinergic, GABAergic, adenosinergic, endocannabinoid, and other neurotransmitter systems. Presently, the development mechanisms remain poorly understood despite the presence of the considered theories of DIP pathogenesis

    Cytokine Imbalance as a Biomarker of Treatment-Resistant Schizophrenia

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    Treatment-resistant schizophrenia (TRS) is an important and unresolved problem in biological and clinical psychiatry. Approximately 30% of cases of schizophrenia (Sch) are TRS, which may be due to the fact that some patients with TRS may suffer from pathogenetically “non-dopamine” Sch, in the development of which neuroinflammation is supposed to play an important role. The purpose of this narrative review is an attempt to summarize the data characterizing the patterns of production of pro-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory cytokines during the development of therapeutic resistance to APs and their pathogenetic and prognostic significance of cytokine imbalance as TRS biomarkers. This narrative review demonstrates that the problem of evaluating the contribution of pro-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory cytokines to maintaining or changing the cytokine balance can become a new key in unlocking the mystery of “non-dopamine” Sch and developing new therapeutic strategies for the treatment of TRS and psychosis in the setting of acute and chronic neuroinflammation. In addition, the inconsistency of the results of previous studies on the role of pro-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory cytokines indicates that the TRS biomarker, most likely, is not the serum level of one or more cytokines, but the cytokine balance. We have confirmed the hypothesis that cytokine imbalance is one of the most important TRS biomarkers. This hypothesis is partially supported by the variable response to immunomodulators in patients with TRS, which were prescribed without taking into account the cytokine balance of the relation between serum levels of the most important pro-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory cytokines for TRS

    The Role of Type I Collagen in Intervertebral Disc Degeneration

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    The intervertebral discs degeneration (IDD) is one of the leading structural substrates, causing chronic low back pain (LBP). LBP is a common neurological disorder but the LPB genetic predictors have not been sufficiently studied. Fibril collagens are important components of the nucleus pulposus, the anulus fibrosus and the vertebral endplate. Collagen type I is most studied as a structural component of the nucleus pulposus and the anulus fibrosus of the intervertebral disc. Single nucleotide variants (SNVs) of genes encoding alpha-1 and alpha-2 chains of collagen type I are associated with IDD, but the results of genetical studies are not translated into action. (1) The purpose of the study is the analysis of associative genetic and genome-wide studies of the COL1 gene family role in the development of IDD and LBP. The study of the COL1A1 gene's SNVs association of with the IDD is important for the perspective of personalized neurology. A personalized approach can help to identify patients at high risk of the IDD developing and its complications, including intervertebral disc herniation and spinal stenoses in young and working age patients. On the other hand, the role of nutritional support for patients, carriers of the SNV risk alleles in the COL1A1 gene, including collagen hydrolysates and oxyproline preparations has not been sufficiently studied

    Характеристика анальгезирующего эффекта различных модальностей транскожной электронейростимуляции

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    Objective: To study the features of the analgesic effect of various modalities of transcutaneous electroneurostimulation using various algic tests aimed at studying the quantitative, verbal and projection characteristics of pain syndrome. Materials and methods: 135 patients with severe neuropathic pain syndrome 44 were studied. They underwent a course of standard medical therapy and in addition to drug therapy 45 patients underwent high-frequency low-amplitude TENS and 46 patients low-frequency high-amplitude TENS. The severity of pain syndrome in YOUR, RMBO, ND4 was determined before and after treatment and in the long-term period within 6 months. Results: TENS reliably enhances the analgesic effect of drug therapy in all applied algic tests. At the same time, the analgesic effect after TENS has a prolonged nature and lasts for the first 6 months of a remote period. Immediately after treatment, it was revealed that VN TENS has a more pronounced analgesic effect than NV TENS in the study of a patient using the sensory class of RBO and DN4. In determining pain syndrome with the help of affective class of rmbo and body schema, NV TENS turned out to be more effective than VN TENS. Conclusion: There are significant differences between analgesic effects of HL TENS and LH TENS in different pain Assessments tools. Quantitative parameter and the sensory aspect of pain syndrome regresses more on the background of HL TENS, and the affective aspect of pain syndrome and the area of projection of pain syndrome regresses more on the background of LH TENS.Цель: Изучить особенности анальгезирующего эффекта различных модальностей транскожной электронейростимуляции с помощью различных алгических тестов направленных на изучении количественных, вербальных и проекционных характеристик болевого синдрома Материалы и методы: были исследованы 135 пациентов с выраженным нейропатическим болевым синдромом 44 прошли курс стандартной медикаментозной терапии и кроме медикаментозной терапии 45 пациент прошли высокочастотную низкоамплитудную ТЭНС и 46 пациентов - низкочастотную высокоамплитудную ТЭНС. Выраженность болевого синдрома по ВАШ, РМБО, ND4 определена до и после лечения и в отдаленном периоде в течении 6 месяцев. Результаты: ТЭНС достоверно усиливает анальгезирующий эффект медикаментозной терапии во всех применяемых алгических тестах. При этом, анальгезирующий эффект после ТЭНС имеет пролонгированный характер и сохраняется в течении первых 6-и месяцев отдаленного периода. Непосредственно после лечения было выявлено что ВН ТЭНС имеет более выраженный анальгезирующий эффект чем НВ ТЭНС при исследовании больного с помощью сенсорного класса РМБО и DN4. При определении болевого синдром с помощью аффективного классе РМБО и схеме тела НВ ТЭНС оказалась более эффективной чем ВН ТЭНС. Заключение: Имеются достоверные отличия между ВН ТЭНС и НВ ТЭНС при определении болевого синдрома различными алгическими тестами. Что отражает различные воздействия различных модальностей ТЭНС на различные аспекты болевого синдрома. При этом количественный параметр и сенсорный аспект болевого синдрома больше регрессирует на фоне ВН ТЭНС, а аффективный аспект болевого синдрома и площадь проекции болевого синдрома больше регрессирует на фоне НВ ТЭНС

    Perspectives of personalized approach to prevention and treatment of anticonvulsant-induced osteoporosis via action on vitamin D exchange and VDR expression

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    Anticonvulsant-induced osteoporosis (AIO) and associated pain syndromes and patient disabilities are an important interdisciplinary medical problem generated by various molecular, genetic and pathophysiological mechanisms. AIO are the most important pathological processes associated with chronic pain in adults with epilepsy. Standard approaches to their prevention and treatment do not always solve the problem of the progression of the pathological process and chronicity of AIO. This is the reason for the search for new personalized strategies for the prevention and treatment of AIO. Vitamin D metabolism, expression and specificity of vitamin D receptors (VDRs) may play a key role in the development of AIO and chronic back pain in patients with epilepsy. The aim of the study was to review publications on changes in the vitamin D system in patients with AIO. We searched for articles published in e-Library, PubMed, Oxford Press, Clinical Case, Springer, Elsevier, and Google Scholar. The search was carried out by keywords and their combinations. The role of vitamin D and VDR in the development of AIO and the chronicity of back pain has been demonstrated mainly in animal models and humans. Associative genetic studies have shown that single nucleotide variants (SNVs) of the VDR gene encoding VDR may be associated with the development of osteoporosis of the spine (including those associated with the intake of an anticonvulsants). The prospects for the use of vitamin D preparations for modulating the effect of anticonvulsants used to treat epilepsy are discussed. Genetic association studies of VDR gene SNVs are important for understanding the genetic predictors of AIO and chronic back pain in patients with epilepsy, as well as for developing new personalized pharmacotherapy strategies

    Сочетание демиелинизиующего поражения спинного мозга, атрофии головного мозга, прогрессирующей демиелинизирующей полиневропатии у пациента с болезнью Лебера. Клинический случай

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    In this article, a clinical case of Leber’s disease has been performed in conjunction with other neurological complications such as progressive demyelinating polyneuropathy, demyelinating brain and spinal cord damage, and progressive brain atrophy.В данной статьи проведен клинически случай болезни Лебера всочетании с другими неврологическими осложнениями как прогрессирующие димиелинизирующая полиневропатия, димиелинизирующеое поражение головного и спинного мозга и прогрессирующая атрофия головного мозга

    Leukocyte Telomere Length as a Molecular Biomarker of Coronary Heart Disease

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    Background. This work is a review of preclinical and clinical studies of the role of telomeres and telomerase in the development and progression of coronary heart disease (CHD). Materials and methods. A search for full-text publications (articles, reviews, meta-analyses, Cochrane reviews, and clinical cases) in English and Russian was carried out in the databases PubMed, Oxford University Press, Scopus, Web of Science, Springer, and E-library electronic library using keywords and their combinations. The search depth is 11 years (2010–2021). Results. The review suggests that the relative leukocyte telomere length (LTL) is associated with the development of socially significant and widespread cardiovascular diseases such as CHD and essential hypertension. At the same time, the interests of researchers are mainly focused on the study of the relative LTL in CHD. Conclusions. Despite the scientific and clinical significance of the analyzed studies of the relative length of human LTL as a biological marker of cardiovascular diseases, their implementation in real clinical practice is difficult due to differences in the design and methodology of the analyzed studies, as well as differences in the samples by gender, age, race, and ethnicity. The authors believe that clinical studies of the role of the relative length of leukocyte telomeres in adult patients with coronary heart disease are the most promising and require large multicenter studies with a unified design and methodology

    Association of Single-Nucleotide Polymorphisms Rs2779249 (chr17:26128581 C>A) and Rs rs2297518 (chr17: chr17:27769571 G>A) of the <i>NOS2</i> Gene with Tension-Type Headache and Arterial Hypertension Overlap Syndrome in Eastern Siberia

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    Inducible nitric oxide (NO) synthase (iNOS), encoded by the NOS2 gene, promotes the generation of high levels of NO to combat harmful environmental influences in a wide range of cells. iNOS can cause adverse effects, such as falling blood pressure, if overexpressed. Thus, according to some data, this enzyme is an important precursor of arterial hypertension (AH) and tension-type headache (TTH), which are the most common multifactorial diseases in adults. The purpose of this study was to investigate the association of rs2779249 (chr17:26128581 C>A) and rs2297518 (chr17: chr17:27769571 G>A) of the NOS2 gene with TTH and AH overlap syndrome (OS) in Caucasians in Eastern Siberia. The sample size was 91 participants: the first group—30 patients with OS; the second group—30 patients AH; and the third group—31 healthy volunteers. RT-PCR was used for the determination of alleles and genotypes of the SNPs rs2779249 and rs2297518 of the NOS2 gene in all groups of participants. We showed that the frequency of allele A was significantly higher among patients with AH compared with healthy volunteers (p-value p-value = 0.03), and in the second group vs. the control (p-value = 0.045). The frequency of the heterozygous genotype GA of rs2297518 was higher in the first group vs. the control (p-value = 0.035), and in the second group vs. the control (p-value = 0.001). The allele A of rs2779249 was associated with OS (OR = 3.17 [95% CI: 1.31–7.67], p-value = 0.009) and AH (OR = 2.94 [95% CI: 1.21–7.15], p-value = 0.015) risks compared with the control. The minor allele A of rs2297518 was associated with OS (OR = 4.0 [95% CI: 0.96–16.61], p-value = 0.035) and AH (OR = 8.17 [95% CI: 2.03–32.79], p-value = 0.001) risks compared with the control. Therefore, our pilot study demonstrated that the SNPs rs2779249 and rs229718 of the NOS2 gene could be promising genetic biomarkers for this OS risk in Caucasians from Eastern Siberia