31 research outputs found

    The Influence of Pocketbook to Improve Student Learning Outcomes and Motivation on Electron Configuration Material

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    This study aims to determine the increase in motivation and learning outcomes of students on the use of pocketbooks. This type of research is a quasi-experiment which was carried out with a nonequivalent control group design. The population in this study were students of class X SMA Negeri 3 Banda Aceh with 66 samples selected by random sampling, data obtained through test questions, and questionnaires. The learning outcome data were analyzed by using the t test. It shows that there is an effect of the pocketbook on the learning outcomes of the experimental class with the control. The N-gain of the experimental class was 63.09 with a fairly effective value category, while the control class was 46.58. Pocketbook also affects learning motivation with the N-gain of the experimental class at 41.48, while the control class is 32.01

    Penentuan Daerah Penangkapan Ikan Tongkol (Euthynnus Affinis) Berdasarkan Sebaran Suhu Permukaan Laut Di Perairan Idi Rayeuk Kabupaten Aceh Timur

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    This study aimed to determine the potential fishing ground for tuna by remote sensing based on sea surface temperature in the waters of Idi Rayeuk, East Aceh regency. The Collection of field data in such as the number of catches and the coordinates of the fishing conducted from March to April 2016. Sea surface temperature downloadable on the site http://oceancolorgsfc.nasa.gov. Then processed using the device Seadas 7.3. The result showed that the distribution of sea surface temperatures in the waters of Idi Rayeuk from March to April 2016 ranges from 28°C to 30°C with the average of sea surface temperature was 29°C. There were two potential fishing ground identified during the study in East Aceh regency District of Idi Rayeuk, e.i 1) at the coordinates 5°04'88"N-98°23'51"E by the number of catches amounting to 13.293 kg and the sea surface temperature of 29°C 2) potential fishing ground at coordinates 5°29'46"N-98°28'09"E by the number of catches amounting to 13.310 kg with sea surface temperature of 30°C. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan daerah penangkapan yang potensial untuk ikan tongkol dengan penginderaan jarak jauh berdasarkan suhu permukaan laut di perairan Idi Rayeuk Kabupaten Aceh Timur. Pengambilan data seperti jumlah hasil tangkapan dan koordinat daerah penangkapan ikan dilaksanakan pada bulan Maret sampai April 2016. Suhu permukaan laut diunduh pada situs http://oceancolorgsfc.nasa.gov. Selanjutnya diolah menggunakan perangkat SeaDas 7.3. Hasil penelitian diperoleh bahwa sebaran suhu permukaan laut di perairan Idi Rayeuk pada bulan Maret sampai April 2016 berkisar antara 28°C sampai 30°C dengan suhu permukaan laut rata-rata adalah 29°C. Dua daerah penangkapan yang potensial diindetifikasi selama penelitian di perairan Kabupaten Aceh Timur Kecamatan Idi Rayeuk, yaitu 1) pada daerah penangkapan dengan koordinat 5°04'88"LU-98°23'51"BT dengan jumlah hasil tangkapan sebesar 13.293 kg serta suhu permukaan laut 29°C dan 2) pada koordinat 5°29'462"LU-98°28'09"BT dengan jumlah hasil tangkapan sebesar 13.310 kg dengan suhu permukaan laut 30°C


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh model discovery learning terhadap keterampilan proses sains (KPS), sikap sosial, dan respon peserta didik pada materi laju reaksi. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode pre-experimental design melalui one group pretest-posttest design yang dilaksanakan di MAS Ulumul Qur’an Banda Aceh sejak tanggal 16 Oktober – 1 Desember 2014. Sampel yang terpilih menggunakan teknik purposive sampling yaitu kelas XI IPA sebagai kelas eksperimen. Analisa data pretest dan posttest dilakukan untuk mengetahui KPS, lembar observasi untuk mengetahui sikap sosial peserta didik, dan angket untuk mengetahui respon peserta didik terhadap model pembelajaran discovery learning. Hasil gain nilai pretest dan posttest  sebesar 62,24 (kategori sedang ). Sedangkan, hasil uji normalitas dan homogenitas menunjukkan bahwa data pretest dan posttest berdistribusi normal dan tidak homogen. Selanjutnya hasil uji statistik (t’) menunjukkan bahwa thitung t(0,05,52) (14,81 1,66) yang berarti implementasi model discovery learning dapat meningkatkan KPS peserta didik secara signifikan. Nilai sikap sosial peserta didik mengalami peningkatan dari 67,22 pada pertemuan pertama menjadi 92,22 pada pertemuan kelima. Peserta didik memberikan respon positif terhadap implementasi model discovery learning. Simpulan penelitian ini adalah pembelajaran dengan model discovery learning dapat meningkatkan KPS, sikap sosial, dan peserta didik memberikan respon positif

    Validasi Daerah Potensial Penangkapan Ikan Pelagis Kecil Menggunakan Purse Seinedengancitra Satelitdi Perairan Pidie Jaya

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    Determination of small pelagic fishing ground could be done by estimate the water condition where the fish habitat life occurred. The indicator that used to estimate the presence of the fish was to lookedat the sea surface temperature (SST) and chlorophyll-a. The aim of this study were to see the relation between chlorophyll-a and the catch of small pelagic fishes,and to determine the potential fishing ground of small pelagic fish in Pidie Jaya waters. The concentration of chlorophyll-aobtained from MODIS satellite by using SeaDas processing software. The data result of small pelagic fishes catches was obtained by observed the landed fish in PPI Meureudu, Pidie Jaya district. The total small pelagic fish catches on February and March 2016 reached 35.258 kg. Relation between the catches and chlorophyll-a showed the higher concentration of chlorophyll-a tends to increased the catch of small pelagic fish as it proved the phytoplankton play the important role as the main producer in ocean food chain. The potential fishing ground during February and March 2016 showed at point A, B and E, while potential fishing ground on February and March 2016 occured on point C and D, and less potential on point F. Penentuan daerah penangkapan ikan pelagis kecil dapat dilakukan dengan cara pendugaan kondisi perairan, yang menjadi habitat ikan tersebut. Salah satu indikator yang dapat digunakan untuk pendugaan keberadaan ikan tersebut di perairan adalah suhu permukaan laut (SPL) dan klorofill-a. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk melihat hubungan klorofil-a dengan hasil tangkapan ikan,dan menentukan daerah potensial penangkapan ikan pelagis kecil di perairan Pidie Jaya. Konsentrasi klorofil-adiperoleh dari satelit MODIS dandiprosesdengansofware SeaDas. Hasil tangkapan ikan pelagis kecil diperoleh dari pendaratan ikan di PPI Meureudu kabupaten Pidie Jaya.Hubungan hasil tangkapan dengan klorofil-a menunjukkankecenderungan konsentrasi klorofil-a yang tinggiakanmeningkatkan hasil tangkapan ikan pelagis kecil.Daerah potensial untuk penangkapan ikan pelagis kecil selama periode bulan Februari dan Maret 2016 terdapat di wilayah penangkapan pada titik A, B, dan E, DPI yang sedang potensial pada bulan Februari dan Maret 2016 terjadi pada titik C dan D, dan yang kurang potensial terdapat pada titik F

    Selektivitas fraksi Rf < 0,5 ekstrak etil asetat (EtOAc) biji putat air (Barringtonia racemosa)terhadap keong mas (Pomacea canaliculata) dan ikan lele lokal (Clarias batrachus)

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    Abstract. Research to determine the selectivity of fraction Rf 0.5 of ethyl acetate extract (EtOAc) of putat air kernel (Barringtonia racemosa) on golden apple snail(Pomacea canaliculata) and local catfish (Clarias batrachus) was conducted in February 2012 at the Laboratory of Chemistry of Teacher Training and Education Faculty and Laboratory of Marine Chemistry of Coordinatorate of Marine and Fisheries of Syiah Kuala University. Thin-layer chromatography was used to separate components in the extract samples, and testing of biological activity based on the procedures recommended by FAO. Golden apple snail and local catfish mortality data were analyzed using Probit program, and value of selectivity (S) was processed according to the Wang and Feng’s formula.The values of LC50 of the fraction Rf 0.5 were 29.26 ppm for P. canaliculata and 44.47 ppm for C. batracus. The selectivity value for the tested organisms was 1.51. This study revealed that the tested extract has bioactive property as molluscicide of P. canaliculata.Key words. Biological activity, thin-layer chromatography, mortality, bioactive property, molluscicide, LC50

    Status klorofil-a di Perairan Teluk Pria Laot Sabang, Provinsi Aceh

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    Study about chlorophyll-a state in Teluk Pria Laot Sabang has been done in October 2016. The objective of this study was to analyze the chlorophyll-a concentration and phytoplankton abundance in Teluk Pria Laot Sabang. Samples were collected at a station located at 5,84653oN and 95,29001oE during 4 days (4, 6, 8, and 10th October 2016) which each day had 4 sampling times (07:00 am, 10:00 am, 01:00 pm, and 04:00 pm). Chlorophyll-a, phytoplankton, and nutrient analysis were conducted at chemistry laboratory of Teacher Training and Education Faculty, Syiah Kuala University, marine chemistry laboratory of Marine and Fisheries Faculty, Syiah Kuala University, and Unit of Environment Research and Development, Banda Aceh. The result showed that chlorophyll-a concentration ranged 0,02  – 1,7 µg/L withthe highest average (0,64 µg/L) was obtained at 01:00 pm. In addition,phytoplankton abundance was found ranged3539,4 ind/L – 8687,3 ind/L andthe highest average (6435,0 ind/L) appeared at 10:00 am. Nitrate and phosphate concentration which were above the minimum value of threshold revealed that this area was rich in nutrient availabilityto support the phytoplankton growth. Chlorophyll-a concentrations are likely influenced by light intensity with rich nutrient availability than phytoplankton abundance. According to chlorophyll-a concentration, Teluk Pria Laot Sabang is categorized as Oligothropic area.Penelitian tentang status klorofil-a di Teluk Pria Laot Sabang telah dilakukan pada Bulan Oktober 2016. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui konsentrasi klorofil-a dan kelimpahan fitoplankton di Teluk Pria Laot Sabang. Sampel dikumpulkan pada stasiun yang terletak pada koordinat 5,84653oLU dan 95,29001oBT selama 4 hari dengan 4 kali waktu pengambilan per hari (pukul 07.00, 10.00, 13.00, dan 16.00 WIB). Analisis klorofil-a, fitoplankton dan nutrien dilakukan di Laboratorium FKIP – kimia Unsyiah, Laboratorium Kimia Laut, FKP Unsyiah, Balai Penelitian dan Pengembangan Lingkungan (BPPL) Banda Aceh. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa konsentrasi klorofil-a berkisar 0,02– 1,7µg/Ldengan nilai rata – rata konsentrasi klorofil-a tertinggi 0,64µg/L didapatkan pada waktu pengambilan pukul 13:00 WIB. Kelimpahan fitoplankton yang diperoleh berkisar 3539,4 ind/L – 8687,3 ind/L dengan rata – rata tertinggi dengan nilai 6435,0 ind/L diperoleh pada pukul 10:00 WIB. Konsentrasi nitrat dan fosfat yang berada di atas ambang batas minimal menggambarkan bahwa daerah ini menyuplai nutrien yang cukup untuk pertumbuhan fitoplankton. Fluktuasi konsentrasi klorofil-a lebih cenderung mengikuti perubahan intensitas cahaya matahari dengan ketersediaan nutrien (nitrat dan fosfat) yang cukup. Berdasarkan konsentrasi klorofil-a yang diperoleh, Perairan Teluk Pria Laot Sabang dikategorikan sebagaidaerah oligotrofik

    Penentuan Daerah Penangkapan Potensial Ikan Tuna Mata Besar Dengan Menggunakan Citra Satelit Di Perairan Lhokseumawe

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    The study to determine a potential fishing ground of big-eye tuna using satellite images in the Lhokseumawe's waters was conducted in February until April 2016 at Fish Landing Areas (TPI) located in the Pusong Village, Lhokseumawe City. Methods of data collection used in this study were obtained through the primary and secondary data. Determining the location of the catching by seeing the spread of chlorophyll-a in a processing map of satellite image and conducted the data collection of the catch in the field. Data were analyzed by analysis of chlorophyll-a and temperature, analysis of the relationship between chlorophyll-a, temperature, and the catching crop, the determination of potential areas of big-eye tuna, and mapping by using Arc Map and Seadas applications.The spread of chlorophyll-a in the waters of Lhokseumawe in February until April ranged between 0.012 mg m-3 to 0.566 mg m-3.The highest temperature in the waters of Lhokseumawe in February by an average was 29°C and the lowest temperature in March with an average temperature was 28°C. The lowest catching of big-eye tuna in February was an amount of 223.4 tons, the highest catching in March was an amount of 513.8 tons, and the catching in April was an amount of 317.5 tons. The potential fishing ground in February was located at coordinates 96°17'30''E–5°14'30''N and the potentialfishing ground was located at coordinates 96°42'30''E–6°24'30''N. In March, the potentialfishing ground was located at coordinates 96°21'30''E–5°43'30''N and the potentialfishing ground was located at coordinates 95°23'30''E–6°33'30''N. The position of potentialfishing groundin April was located at coordinates 96°31'30'' E– 5°43'30'' N. Penelitian penentuan daerah penangkapan potensial ikan tuna mata besar dengan menggunakan citra satelit di perairan Lhokseumawe telah dilakukan pada bulan Februari sampai April 2016 di Tempat Pendaratan Ikan (TPI) yang berada di Desa Pusong Kota Lhokseumawe. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan dengan memperoleh data primer (mengikuti langsung operasi penangkapan) dan data sekunder (data dari dinas terkait). Metode analisis data menggunakan analisis klorofil-a dan suhu, hubungan antara klorofil-a, suhu, dan hasil tangkapan, penentuan daerah potensial ikan tuna mata besar, dan pemetaan menggunakan aplikasi Arc map dan Seadas.Penyebaran kandungan klorofil-a di Perairan Lhokseumawe pada bulan Februari sampai April berkisar antara 0,012 mg m-3 sampai 0,566 mg m-3. Suhu di Perairan Lhokseumawe tertinggi pada bulan Februari dengan rata-rata 29°C dan suhu terendah pada bulan Maret dengan suhu rata-rata 28°C. Hasil tangkapan ikan tuna mata besar terendah pada bulan Februari sebesar 223,4 ton, hasil tangkapan tertinggi pada bulan Maret sebesar 513,8 ton, dan hasil tangkapan pada bulan April sebesar 317,5 ton. DPI potensial pada bulan Februari terletak di koordinat 96°17' BT dan 5°14' LU dan DPI kurang potensial terletak di koordinat 96°42' BT dan 6,01°24' LU. Pada bulan Maret DPI potensial terletak di koordinat96°21' BT dan 5°43' LU dan DPI kurang potensial terletak di koordinat 95°23' BT dan 6°33' LU. Posisi DPI potensial pada bulan April terletak dikoordinat96°31' BT dan 5°43' LU

    Uji selektivitas ekstrak etil asetat (EtOAc) biji putat air (Barringtonia racemosa) terhadap keong mas (Pomacea canaliculata) dan ikan lele lokal (Clarias batrachus)

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    Abstract. This study examined the selectivity of ethyl acetate extract of putat air (Barringtonia racemosa) in controlling Pomacea canaliculata compared to local catfish (Clarias batrachus). Five concentration of putat air (25, 50, 100, 200, and 400 ppm) with triplicate were tested in this study. The powder of putat air kernel was extracted through increasing the polarity of solvent, i.e. dichloromethane, ethyl acetate, and methanol. The mortality data were analyzed using Trimmed Spearman Karber (TSK) program version 1.5. The selectivity value was calculated based on LC50 values obtained from TSK. The results showed that (1) LC50 values of putat air's kernel extract of putat air to P. canaliculata and C. batrachus were 25.00 and 87.06 ppm, respectively, (2) the selectivity value of putat air's kernel extract as molluscicide of P. canaliculata was 3.48. Key words: Pomacea canaliculata, local catfish (Clarias batrachus), putat air (Barringtonia racemosa)