3 research outputs found

    Pengembangan Buku Panduan Pengelolaan Emosi Marah dengan Strategi Emotional Literacy untuk Siswa Kelas VIII SMP 3 Candi Sidoarjo

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    Berdasarkan hasil studi pendahuluan di SMP Negeri 3 Candi Sidoarjo, ditemukan beberapa permasalahan siswa terkait dengan pengelolaan emosi marah. Hal ini disebabkan karena kurangnya pengetahuan dan pemahaman siswa tentang pengelolaan emosi marah. Selain itu, kurangnya media yang digunakan konselor dalam memberikan layanan informasi terkait dengan pengelolaan emosi marah. Karena itulah perlu adanya informasi yang tepat sebagai bentuk informasi bagi siswa salah satunya adalah buku panduan.  Pengembangan buku panduan pengelolaan emosi marah dengan strategi emotional literacy untuk siswa SMP kelas VIII  ini merupakan bentuk pengembangan media cetak berupa buku yang berisi pembahan tentang emosi marah, pengelolaan emosi marah, strategi emotional literacy, serta tahap-tahap strategi emotional literacy yang dikemas dalam bentuk cerita dan terdapat lembar kerja siswa. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian pengembangan dengan menggunakan model pengembangan dari Bolg and Gall(1983) yang telah disederhanakan oleh Tim Puslitjaknov(2008). Tujuan buku panduan pengelolaan emosi marah dengan strategi emotional literacy untuk siswa SMP kelas VIII  yang kemudian diuji akseptabilitasnya dengan empat aspek yaitu kegunaan, kelayakan, ketepatan dan kepatutan dengan keterbatasan sampai uji ahli pengguna(konselor). Hasil analisis buku panduan pengelolaan emosi marah dengan strategi emotional literacy untuk siswa SMP kelas VIII  menunjukan persentase kegunaan dengan hasil 90,8%, kelayakan dengan hasil penilaian 91,05%, ketepatan dengan hasil penilaian 95%, kepatutan dengan hasil penilaian 94,95% hasil penilaian rata-rata 92,70%, yang termasuk ke dalam kategori sangat baik dan tidak perlu direvisi. Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa buku panduan pengelolaan emosi marah dengan strategi emotional literacy untuk siswa SMP kelas VIII  telah memenuhi kriteria akseptabilitas yang meliputi kegunaan, kelayakan, ketepatan, dan kepatutan untuk diberikan kepada siswa kelas VIII di SMP Negeri 3 Candi Sidoarjo.   Kata kunci : Pengembangan, Buku Panduan, Pengelolaan Emosi Marah, Strategi Emotional Literac

    Integrasi Etnis India Pasca Penetapan Kebijakan 1malaysia Policy

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    The diversity of Malaysian society which consists of Malay race, Chinese and India has a myriad of policies that make the country engaged in racial conflict. In 1971, Tun Abd Razak submit proposals regarding economic policy that NEP (New Economy Programme). The policy aims to protect the ethnic Malay. It was based on concerns raised that the residents are ethnic Chinese and Indians at the time had a better life than the residents are ethnic Malays. The condition is feared to turn off citizens to ethnic Malays, these policies have been positive discrimination a form of affirmative action policies designed to rectify the shortcomings of a group.One of the main objectives in the process of nation building in Malaysia is the formation of national identity, which previously no single identity that unites the various ethnic groups in Malaysia. Then development the Malaysian government thinking to make a policy formula to unite the community in strengthening the country in facing globalization for the sake of national achievement. In 2010, the Malaysian government has a new policy in the know with the policy of One Malaysia. This study aims to reveal how Integratin Of Ethnic Indian After The Determination Of 1Malaysia Policy. The reality of the existence of the theory of constructivism researchers used the National Integration Theory of Ethnicity and Nation State and National-Building concept in the process of this thesis research. Mechanical research is interview and direct observation by researchers.The results showed the Process Of Integration Of Ethnic Indians After The Determinationt Of 1Malaysia Policy has not gone well. Still there are some forms of discrimination against ethnic Indians in which the government is legally legalize discrimination

    Implementation of Scientific Approach in English Teaching at SMPN 1 Gringsing Batang

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    This research aimed: 1) to identify the implementation of scientific approach in English teaching at SMP N 1 Gringsing, 2) to identify the problems faced by the teachers and students implementing scientific approach in English teaching, and 3) to know the teachers' solutions of the problems. The method used in this final project is descriptive qualitative. The writer used observation sheet and documentation gotten by recording the activities, and the lesson plan of the teachers in collecting data. The result of the analysis shows: 1) the implementation of scientific approach in teaching learning process at SMP N 1 Gringsing Batang is running well, although the five steps are not working well because the time was not enough to finish all of steps of scientific approach in one meeting. 2) the problems in teaching learning process were divided into two parts. The first was problems of the teachers. Here, the first teacher often forgot to give apperception in the opening step as stated in the lesson plan. The teachers found the students were less active in learning process of questioning step. Moreover, the teachers gave same instruction in exploring and associating step by giving same questions but different pattern (written and orally). Then, the teachers were lack in the media of teaching learning process, so it made students bored. The second was problems faced by the students that they were being nervous, afraid, or ashamed if they made a mistake in arranging the question or sentence, and show their work. Sometimes they felt difficult when they found new vocabularies. 3) there were some solutions made by the teachers to solve the problems. They corrected the students' pronunciation and wrong sentence. The teachers let students to open their dictionary to find the meaning of difficult words. Furthermore, they gave motivation to the students that they should be more active in the teaching and learning process. In addition, the teachers gave punishment by giving questions to students who did not focus in learning process and the students were asked to write what they had learnt on that day in “My Journal”. It was to know the students' development. Finally, the teachers should improve the techniques in learning process, so the students can receive the material easily