33 research outputs found

    A Study on Market Opportunities

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    India has an extremely rich craft tradition recognized by its unique aesthetic and mythological emotions expressed through artistry The history of Indian Handicrafts dates back to one of the earliest civilizations of the world It is now home to more than 7 3 million artisans residing mostly in rural or semi urban areas of India This study will give a clear perception of the target consumers behaviour towards purchasing Indian handicrafts and would help stakeholders involved in Indian handicraft sectors to leverage on the critical findings stated in this study and devise a holistic marketing platform to explore the mentioned market opportunities of Indian Handicrafts Certain critical challenges faced by this sector is inefficient institutional framework relevant education low capital and deprived exposure to new technologies no access to market intelligence The paper also highlights critical constraints found during market research from consumer end and also suggests strategies which can be adopted The study also focuses on strategic collaboration of artisans with designers tourism industry CSR tech start-ups NGOs market research firms SHG associations can bring the much awaiting change in this unorganised yet unexplored and lucrative sector of Indi

    Ki-67 expression in astrocytomas

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    Objective: To apply immunohistochemical marker Ki-67 and to check it’s expression in various types of Astrocytomas according to their grades. Methodology: The cross sectional study was conducted in Pathology department, Federal Government Services Hospital (Polyclinic), Islamabad  from July to December 2015. All patients having diagnosis of astrocytomas grade II, III and IV on histopathology were included in the study. Microscopic examinations were carried out for accurate diagnosis and grading of astrocytomas. Immunohistochemical staining for Ki-67 was done and the percentage of cells with positive Ki-67 nuclear staining was determined. Quotients (positively stained tumor cells/totally counted tumor cells) were calculated as percentage and rounded to nearest integer. Result: A total of 212 patients were included in the study. The mean age of the patients was 40.16 ± 12.763 years (Range 20 to 76 years). Majority of the patients (32%) were in age range of 30-40 years. In this study, 110 of 212 patients (51.9%) were males while 102 patients (48.1%) were females. Among the three types of Astrocytomas, Glioblastoma multiforme (WHO grade IV) was the most common variant. Overall Ki-67 staining was positive in 168 of 212 specimens (79.2%) and most commonly was in Glioblastoma multiforme WHO grade IV being 96.3%.  Stratification of Ki-67 expression in tumors was also done according to age and gender of cases. P-value was found significant after stratification (P <0.05) Conclusion: Ki-67 staining was positive in 79.2% cases of Astrocytomas and most commonly (96.3%) positivity was in Glioblastoma multiforme WHO grade IV. Increasing values of Ki-67 are associated with increasing grade of malignancy

    The power of the CEO and environmental decoupling

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    This paper examines the impact of the power of the chief executive officer (CEO) on environmental decoupling. We define environmental decoupling as a gap between firm's claims about the environmental sustainability and actual environmental sustainability performance. Based on the managerial power theory, we argue that powerful managers are more involved in environmental decoupling and use environmental reporting in a more opportunistic manner than their less powerful peers. We analyse a dataset of 4576 firm-year observations of US-listed firms for the period 2002–2017. We find that powerful CEOs decouple firm's environmental performance from environmental reporting. These findings are robust to a battery of analyses and show that powerful CEOs do not show true commitment towards corporate environmental sustainability. The results provide important implications for investors, policymakers and fund managers. Useful future research recommendations are also provided to guide the research in the domain of environmental sustainability

    Compressive Strength by Incorporating Quarry Dust in Self-Compacting Concrete Grade M35

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    The study has conducted to determine the workability and compressive strength of the self –compacting concrete. The sand has replaced with quarry dust with the proportion of 10, 20, 30 and 40% and super plasticizer was added 0.9%. The experiments were carried out at the Infrastructure University Kuala Lumpur (IUKL) concrete laboratory. Slump flow, J- Ring tests were carried out to determine the workability of self-compacting concrete and compressive strength test was conducted on 7 days and 28th days of curing period. A finding of the study shows that workability and compressive strength has increased by addition of quarry dust. It is concluded that addition of quarry dust up to 30%  improve the workability of the self-compacting concrete and further addition of quarry dust decrease the workability. Additionally, compressive strength of the quarry dust modified self-compacting concrete shows the trend of higher compressive strength up to 30% addition of quarry dust with sand replacement and further addition decrease the compressive strength

    The Impact Of Ethical Values On The Corporate Social Responsibility In Public Sector Of Pakistan

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    This research paper shows that ethical values in the organization have impact on the CSR activities of the organization. All the parameters, the researchers use in the  research is well tested and exercised before. To explain the  point of view in well understandable manner, a structured model is derived from the literature on the topic of the research. This result also helps the public sector organizations of PAKISTAN to understand the reasons and causes of few CSR activities in this sector. Also gives them some recommendation to improve their processes for establishing the CSR culture in their organizations. Key words: Corporate social responsibility, Ethical values, Motivatio

    Service quality, customer satisfaction and loyalty: an empirical analysis of banking sector in Pakistan

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    The basic aim of this study is to explore most common constructs for quality of banking services, which influence customer satisfaction and examine the impact of customer satisfaction on customer loyalty in the context of banking relationships. The questionnaire was used to collect the data from 192 valid respondents by convenience sampling method. SPSS was used to analyze the data and AMOS was used to test the model. The results of the study show that there is a positive and significant link between customer satisfaction and constructs of service quality like tangibility, reliability, competence conflict handling and further study inferred that customer satisfaction is positively significant related to customer loyalty

    Service quality, customer satisfaction and loyalty: an empirical analysis of banking sector in Pakistan

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    The basic aim of this study is to explore most common constructs for quality of banking services, which influence customer satisfaction and examine the impact of customer satisfaction on customer loyalty in the context of banking relationships. The questionnaire was used to collect the data from 192 valid respondents by convenience sampling method. SPSS was used to analyze the data and AMOS was used to test the model. The results of the study show that there is a positive and significant link between customer satisfaction and constructs of service quality like tangibility, reliability, competence conflict handling and further study inferred that customer satisfaction is positively significant related to customer loyalty

    The cross-sectional study of anxiety levels and ratio of severity of thirteen symptoms of anxiety among medical students

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    Background: Anxiety is defined as physical, behavioral, social and psychological response to treat self-concept characterized by subjective, consciously perceived feelings of tension. Nowadays anxiety is most commonly found among medical students. This study was conducted to find out the anxiety levels and ratio of severity of thirteen symptoms of anxiety.Methods: A questionnaire based study was conducted among 178 medical students which tests the level of anxiety and severity of symptoms of anxiety. The questionnaire used was hamilton anxiety rating scale (HAM-A).Results: Out of 178 students, 80 (44.94%) students scored mild anxiety levels, 63 (35.39%) students scored moderate anxiety levels and 35 (19.66%) students scored severe anxiety levels.Conclusions: Mild form of anxiety is much more common among medical students and majority of these medical students are females. Moreover, the symptoms of anxiety including tension, anxious mood, depressed mood, insomnia, fear and CVS symptoms appear with moderate severity in majority of medical students while on the other hand some symptoms including general somatic muscular and sensory symptoms, difficulties in concentration and memory, genitor-urinary symptoms, respiratory symptoms, GIT symptoms and other autonomic symptoms appear with least severity among majority of medical students

    Incidental Intraoperative Diagnosis of Term Conjoined Twins: A Case Series

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    Conjoined twins (Siamese twins) represent the rarest form of twin pregnancy. Reported here are two rare cases of conjoined term twins presented to the department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology within 3 months. The first case, 32 years of gravida 6 parity 5 referred from periphery after full trial of labour following multi-organ dysfunction and term intrauterine dead twins. Intraoperatively it was dead conjoined thoraco-omphalopagus females. The patient died after 3 days following multiorgan dysfunction syndrome and disseminated intravascular coagulation. The second case, 22 years gravida 2 parity 1 also referred from periphery in second stage of labour with diagnosis of 39 weeks intrauterine dead twins with obstructed labour, delivered by caesarean with intraoperative conjoined dead females of thoracophagus type. Twins are high-risk pregnancy. This rare diagnosis with complications could have been prevented by regular antenatal checkups, ultrasonography performed by radiologists and early referral antenatally in labour along with multidisciplinary approach