8 research outputs found

    Endocrine Regulation of Maturation and Sex Change in Groupers

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    Groupers are widely distributed in tropical and subtropical areas worldwide, are key species to coastal ecosystems, and valuable fishery targets. To facilitate artificial seed production technology for grouper aquaculture, the mechanisms of reproduction and gonad development are being elucidated for these important species. In addition, since groupers are sexually dimorphic fish with female-first maturity (protogynous hermaphrodite fish), research is being conducted to clarify the ecological mechanism of sex change and their reproductive physiology, focusing on the endocrine system. In recent years, research on groupers has also been conducted to understand changes in the coastal environment caused by ocean warming and man-made chemicals. However, due to difficulties associated with conducting research using wild populations for breeding experiments, knowledge of the physiology and ecology of these fish is lacking, especially their reproductive physiology. In this review, we present information on the reproductive physiology and endocrinology of groupers obtained to date, together with the characteristics of their life history

    Expression profile of GnRH-like peptide during gonadal sex differentiation in the cephalopod kisslip cuttlefish, Sepia lycidas

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    Gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) is one of the most important neuroendocrine regulators for animal reproduction. GnRH-like peptide (GnRH-like)has recently been shown to play a critical reproductive role mainly in gametogenesis or steroidogenesis in the gonads of some molluscs, including cephalopods. However, its involvement in gonadal sex differentiation remains unknown. Here, we show the expression profile of GnRH-like in the brain of the cephalopod kisslip cuttlefish, Sepia lycidas, throughout gonadal sex differentiation, by quantitative real time RT-PCR and immunohistochemistry. We found that GnRH-like could be detected in the brain at a sexually undifferentiated stage, and its expression level significantly increased upon initiation of gonadal sex differentiation. However, no significant difference in GnRH-like expression levels was observed between sexes during gonadal sex differentiation. Additionally, we demonstrated immunoreactivity of GnRH-like in glial cells or immature neurons, which are mainly distributed in the non-reproductive related area of the cephalopod brain, suggesting the immature function of the reproductive endocrine axis during early ontogenesis. Our results demonstrate for the first time, the expression profile of GnRH-like during early ontogenesis in cephalopods

    Hepatic estrogen-responsive genes relating to oogenesis in cutthroat trout (Oncorhynchus clarki) : The transcriptional induction in primary cultured hepatocytes and the in vitro promoter transactivation in responses to estradiol-17 beta

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    Estradiol-17 beta (E2) regulates transcription of estrogen-responsive genes via estrogen receptors (Esr). In many teleost species, choriogenin (chg), vitellogenin (vtg) and esr genes are transactivated by E2 in the liver. This study aimed i) to compare expression properties of all subtypes of these genes (chg: chgH alpha, chgH beta, chgL; vtg: vtgAs, vtgC; esr: esr1a, esr1b, esr2a, esr2b) in response to estrogen stimulation, and ii) to confirm how each of four Esr subtypes is involved in the transcriptional regulation of these estrogen-responsive genes in cutthroat trout hepatocytes. In hepatocytes in primary culture, all chg and vtg subtype mRNA levels, and those of esr1a, were increased by E2 treatment (10(-6) M) at 24 and 72 h post initiation (hpi), but esr1b, esr2a and esr2b mRNA levels were not. Treatment of hepatocytes with various concentrations of E2 (10(-11)-10(-6) M) induced dose-dependent increases in the levels of all chg and vtg subtype mRNAs at 24 and 72 hpi. At both time points, the lowest dose that induced a significant increase in the expression levels of mRNAs (LOEC) for E2 differed among the genes; LOECs were estimated as 10(-11) M for chgHa at 24 hpi, as 10 -9 M for vtgC at 72 hpi, and as 10(-19) M for other mRNAs at both 24 and 72 hpi. Meanwhile, the levels of esrla mRNA exhibited a dose-dependent increase at 24 and 72 hpi, but the LOEC shifted from 10(-9 )M at 24 hpi to 10(-7) M at 72 hpi because of a decrease in mRNA levels at treatment groups exposed to high concentrations of E2. All Esr subtypes transactivated chg, vtg and esrl a promoters in the presence of E2 in vitro. The activation levels indicated that promoter activity of chgHa > vtgAs > chgH5 > chgL > vtgC > esr1a when mediated by Esr1a, chgHO > chgHa > chgHL > vtgAs > vtgC > esr1a by Esr1b, chgHO > chgL > chgHa > vtgAs > vtgC > esr1a by Esr2a, and chgHO > chgHa > vtgAs > chgL > vtgC > esr1a by Esr2b. Collectively, different Esr subtypes were distinctly different in their ability to transactivate estrogen-responsive target genes, resulting in differential expression of chg, vtg and esr1a genes in the estrogen-exposed hepatocytes

    Oogenesis and Egg Quality in Finfish: Yolk Formation and Other Factors Influencing Female Fertility

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    Egg quality in fishes has been a topic of research in aquaculture and fisheries for decades as it represents an important life history trait and is critical for captive propagation and successful recruitment. A major factor influencing egg quality is proper yolk formation, as most fishes are oviparous and the developing offspring are entirely dependent on stored egg yolk for nutritional sustenance. These maternally derived nutrients consist of proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, vitamins, minerals, and ions that are transported from the liver to the ovary by lipoprotein particles including vitellogenins. The yolk composition may be influenced by broodstock diet, husbandry, and other intrinsic and extrinsic conditions. In addition, a number of other maternal factors that may influence egg quality also are stored in eggs, such as gene transcripts, that direct early embryonic development. Dysfunctional regulation of gene or protein expression may lead to poor quality eggs and failure to thrive within hours of fertilization. These gene transcripts may provide important markers as their expression levels may be used to screen broodstock for potential spawning success. In addition to such intrinsic factors, stress may lead to ovarian atresia or reproductive failure and can impact fish behavior, fecundity, and ovulation rate. Finally, postovulatory aging may occur when eggs become overripe and the fish fails to spawn in a timely fashion, leading to low fertility, often encountered during manual strip spawning of fish

    Endocrine Regulation of Maturation and Sex Change in Groupers

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    Groupers are widely distributed in tropical and subtropical areas worldwide, are key species to coastal ecosystems, and valuable fishery targets. To facilitate artificial seed production technology for grouper aquaculture, the mechanisms of reproduction and gonad development are being elucidated for these important species. In addition, since groupers are sexually dimorphic fish with female-first maturity (protogynous hermaphrodite fish), research is being conducted to clarify the ecological mechanism of sex change and their reproductive physiology, focusing on the endocrine system. In recent years, research on groupers has also been conducted to understand changes in the coastal environment caused by ocean warming and man-made chemicals. However, due to difficulties associated with conducting research using wild populations for breeding experiments, knowledge of the physiology and ecology of these fish is lacking, especially their reproductive physiology. In this review, we present information on the reproductive physiology and endocrinology of groupers obtained to date, together with the characteristics of their life history

    Testicular inducing steroidogenic cells trigger sex change in groupers

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    Vertebrates usually exhibit gonochorism, whereby their sex is fixed throughout their lifetime. However, approximately 500 species (~ 2%) of extant teleost fishes change sex during their lifetime. Although phylogenetic and evolutionary ecological studies have recently revealed that the extant sequential hermaphroditism in teleost fish is derived from gonochorism, the evolution of this transsexual ability remains unclear. We revealed in a previous study that the tunica of the ovaries of several protogynous hermaphrodite groupers contain functional androgen-producing cells, which were previously unknown structures in the ovaries of gonochoristic fishes. Additionally, we demonstrated that these androgen-producing cells play critical roles in initiating female-to-male sex change in several grouper species. In the present study, we widened the investigation to include 7 genera and 18 species of groupers and revealed that representatives from most major clades of extant groupers commonly contain these androgen-producing cells, termed testicular-inducing steroidogenic (TIS) cells. Our findings suggest that groupers acquired TIS cells in the tunica of the gonads for successful sex change during their evolution. Thus, TIS cells trigger the evolution of sex change in groupers