2 research outputs found

    Mapping Risk Level Based on Peak Ground Acceleration (PGA) and Earthquake Intensity Using Multievent Earthquake Data in Malang Regency, East Java, Indonesia

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    This research aimed to identify the earthquake hazard, developing a peak ground acceleration (PGA) and earthquake intensity map to reduce earthquake disaster risk in Malang, East Java, Indonesia. This map is based on historical data of earthquake occurrence in 2011-2021 using the International Seismological Centre (ISC) earthquake catalog. Peak ground acceleration was analyzed using Donovan and McGuire equation, and the earthquake intensity was analyzed using the Wald equation. The result of this study represented peak ground acceleration value in Malang Regency, which was varied from 23.687 – 33.069 gal (Donovan attenuation equation) and 22.245 – 31.705 gal (McGuire attenuation equation). While based on earthquake depth, Malang Regency had a damage capacity of IV-V MMI on an intensity scale. This intensity was equivalent to the formation of cracks in the ground. Almost all residents also feel the vibrations. The most severe damage was due to the earthquake on April 10, 2021, at 14:00:16 WIB spoiled Dampit and Bantur district's public facilities. This study provides an overview of the riskiest area affected by the disasters that can be used for disaster mitigation in Malang regency

    Pemberdayaan Perilaku Pengelolaan Limbah Infeksius Rumah Tangga pada Masa Pandemi Covid-19 di Desa Wajik Kecamatan Lamongan

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    Wearing a mask during the Corona Virus Disease 2019 (Covid-19) pandemic has become a must for everyone, this is done to prevent the spread of the corona virus. The use of medical masks has the potential to increase the amount of infectious waste in the household because medical masks are disposable masks. An increase in the amount of infectious waste in the household that is not handled properly will certainly cause new problems, namely the local spread of the corona virus through infectious waste. So there is a need for education and regulations related to the management of household infectious waste during the Covid-19 pandemic. The undergraduate program of Physics at Universitas Muhammadiyah Lamongan (UMLA) carries out community service activities to empower behavior about the importance of maintaining health apart from the 3M movement, namely wearing masks, washing hands and keeping a distance, also conducting education about the management of infectious waste in the household environment. This community service activity aims to socialize the management of infectious waste in the household environment. The implementation method uses the lecture method, question and answer, and monitoring and evaluation of participants The results of community service activities there are 60% of participants have an understanding of disposing of infectious waste carelessly, 25% of participants producing infectious waste in a separate place, 10% of participants have an understanding of disinfecting and disposed of in the trash, 5% of participants have an understanding of disinfecting and changing the shape and wrapping the infectious waste plastic. With this community service activity, it is hoped that it can provide insight and solutions in handling infectious waste so that it is not harmful to the community and the cleaners in managing the waste