575 research outputs found

    Response of beams resting on viscoelastically damped foundation to moving oscillators

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    The response of beams resting on viscoelastically damped foundation under moving SDoF oscillators is scrutinized through a novel state-space formulation, in which a number of internal variables is introduced with the aim of representing the frequency-dependent behaviour of the viscoelastic foundation. A suitable single-step scheme is provided for the numerical integration of the equations of motion, and the Dimensional Analysis is applied in order to define the dimensionless combinations of the design parameters that rule the responses of beam and moving oscillator. The effects of boundary conditions, span length and number of modes of the beam, along with those of the mechanical properties of oscillator and foundation, are investigated in a new dimensionless form, and some interesting trends are highlighted. The inaccuracy associated with the use of effective values of stiffness and damping for the viscoelastic foundation, as usual in the present state-of-practice, is also quantified

    Religione e razionalitĂ  comunicativa. Juergen Habermas e la " Nuova Teologia Politica"

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    Jürgen Habermas’ recent work is focused on the relationship between reason and faith in what he suggest that we should name post-secular society. Habermas argues that traditional religions such as Christianity can have semantic contents very useful to uphold a moral motivation in order to contrast the instrumental reason of the globalized markets. I will try to show that these recent developments of Habermas’ theories risk to conflict with some elements of his previous approach. As a consequence, I suggest that we carefully look to the critiques that the catholic theologian J. B. Metz made to Habermas’ previous approach. In fact, I argue that Metz’s proposal of a “New Political Theology”, which is characterized by the concept of anamnestic reason, shows how to overcome, or complete, some limits of the first formulation of the theory of communicative rationality. Nevertheless, Habermas’ recent openness on these topics, even if problematic with his previous approach, stimulates to rethink on the relationship between reason and faith, religion and democracy

    Some Philosophical Remarks on the Encyclical Letter Laudato Si’

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    In this paper, I aim at interpreting the project of the encyclical as a sort of paradigmatic turn in the way of conceiving Christian faith. At paragraph 49, it is underlined that a “true ecological approach always becomes a social approach” and this implies the need of hearing “both the cry of the earth and the cry of the poor”. In my view, by uniting the two categories of “nature/creation” and “poverty”, the encyclical implicitly builds an ideal bridge between Pope Francis’ paradigmatic turn and that “political turn” invoked by the Catholic theologian J. B. Metz from the end of the sixties through the proposal of a “New Political Theology”. Indeed, the excesses of the neo-liberal paradigm and the perverse effects of a certain organization of global market pushes Christianity to act by involving all social, cultural and religious actors, in order to fight against all the forms of suffering and dehumanization of contemporary society. I’m also interested in underlining some weak aspects of Pope’s ecological approach

    Wittgenstein al fronte

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    Il saggio descrive l'esperienza del giovane Wittgenstein al fronte durante la prima guerra mondiale dove maturano le idee che confluiscono nel Tractatus

    L'orizzonte mobile. Su Koselleck

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    Discussione del libro di D. Fusaro sull'approccio storiografico di R. Koselleck in dialogo critico con la Cambridge Schoo
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