18 research outputs found

    Gli epiteti degli d\ue8i nelle fonti epigrafiche delle Cicladi

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    La tesi si occupa dello studio onomastico e linguistico degli d\ue8i e dei loro epiteti attestati nelle iscrizioni delle isole dell\u2019Egeo meridionale in un dottorato in cotutela tra le Universit\ue0 di Macerata e di Colonia. Non trattandosi il Mar Egeo di una \u2018regione\u2019 propriamente detta, come potrebbe essere l\u2019Arcadia, l\u2019Etolia o la Beozia, il primo punto si focalizza sulla delineazione spaziale e geografica delle Cicladi, selezionando cio\ue8 le isole dell\u2019arcipelago attraverso le fonti geografiche e antiquarie antiche principalmente secondo il criterio religioso dell\u2019unit\ue0 intorno al santuario di Apollo a Delos. L\u2019arcipelago delle Cicladi comprende, pertanto, 24 isole: Delos, Rheneia, Mykonos, Tenos, Andros, Syros, Gyaros, Keos, Kythnos, Seriphos, Siphnos, Kimolos, Melos, Pholegandros, Lagousa, Thera e Therasia, Anaphe, Astypalaia, Amorgos, Ios, Sikinos, Prepesinthos, Oliaros, Paros e Naxos. Dallo spoglio di tutte le iscrizioni in cerca di epiteti l\u2019indagine si \ue8 ristretta alle 14 isole che restituiscono iscrizioni di natura e argomento religioso e presentano epiteti divini: Amorgos nella polis di Arkesine, Anaphe, Astypalaia, Delos, Mykonos, Gyaros, Ios, Keos nelle due poleis di Ioulis e di Koresia, Kythnos, Melos, Naxos, Paros, Syros, Tenos e Thera. I repertori principali per l\u2019epigrafia cicladica sono i volumi XI e XII e rispettivi Addenda e Supplementa delle Inscriptiones Graecae: il volume XI \ue8 interamente dedicato a Delos, Rhenaia e Mykonos; mentre i fascicoli 3, 5 e 7 del volume XII contengono le iscrizioni delle Cicladi da me inserite nell\u2019arcipelago. Per Delos, Rhenaia e Mykonos seguono i volumi delle Inscriptions de D\ue9los e il repertorio di Marie-Th\ue9r\ue8se Couilloud. Per le iscrizioni rupestri dell\u2019acropoli di Thera c\u2019\ue8 l\u2019edizione autoptica di Alessandra Inglese. Per le isole di Ios, Naxos, Kythnos e Syros esiste un repertorio autoptico di Maria Barbara Savo. Tutti gli aggiornamenti bibliografici ed epigrafici sono stati cercati nel Supplementum Epigraphicum Graecum e di volta in volta pubblicazioni ed edizioni singole. Molte delle forme analizzate sono hapax legomena cui per primo cerco di dare un\u2019interpretazione all\u2019interno di un contesto religioso e cultuale al massimo coerente. Dall\u2019uso degli alfabeti epicorici e/o arcaici si possono trarre alcune considerazioni sulla natura pi\uf9 o meno aperta agli influssi di una determinata comunit\ue0; spicca in particolar modo il formulario delle iscrizioni dedicatorie, epigrammatiche, onorifiche. La tesi presenta analisi di 47 forme distribuite su 85 iscrizioni. Gli epiteti in ordine alfabetico sono: \u1f09\u3b3\u3b5\u3bc\u3cc\u3bd\u3b5\u3b9\u3b1, \u1f08\u3b3\u3c1\u3ce\u3c3\u3c4\u3b1\u3c2, \u1f08\u3b3\u3c5\u3b9\u3b5\u3cd\u3c2*, \u1f08\u3b4\u3c1\u3ae, \u1f0d\u3bb\u3b9\u3bf\u3c2 / \u1f2c\u3bb\u3b9\u3bf\u3c2 / \u1f2d\u3bb\u3b9\u3bf\u3c2, \u1f08\u3bd\u3b1\u3bb\u1ff7\u3bf\u3c2, \u1f08\u3c3\u3c4\u3cc\u3c2, \u1f08\u3c3\u3c6\u3ac\u3bb\u3b5\u3b9\u3bf\u3c2, \u392\u3bf\u3c1\u3b5\u3b1\u1fd6\u3bf\u3c2, \u392\u3c1\u3cc\u3bc\u3b9\u3bf\u3c2, \u394\u3b1\u306\u3bc\u3af\u3b1, \u394\u3ad\u3ba\u3c4\u3b5\u3c1\u3bf\u3c2, \u394\u3b5\u3bb\u3c6\u3af\u3bd\u3b9\u3bf\u3c2, \u394\u3b7\u3bc\u3af\u3b7, \u394\u3b9\u3bc\u3b5\u3c1\u3b1\u3bd\u3cc\u3c2, \u394\u3c1\u3bf\u3bc\u3b1\u3af\u3b1, \u1f18\u3bb\u3ac\u3c3\u3c4\u3b5\u3c1\u3bf\u3c2, \u395\u1f54\u3c0\u3bb\u3bf\u3b9\u3b1, \u1f39\u3ba\u3ad\u3c3\u3b9\u3bf\u3c2, \u39a\u3b1\u3c4\u3b1\u3b9\u3b2\u3ac\u3c4\u3b1\u3c2 / -\u3b7\u3c2, \u39a\u3c4\u3ae\u3c3\u3b9\u3bf\u3c2 / \u3a0\u3ac\u3c3\u3b9\u3bf\u3c2, \u39b\u3bf\u3c7\u3b1\u3af\u3b1, \u39b\u3cd\u3ba\u3b5\u3b9\u3bf\u3c2, \u39c\u3b1\u3b9\u3bc\u3ac\u3ba\u3c4\u3b7\u3c2, \u39c\u3b7\u3bb\u3af\u3c7\u3b9\u3bf\u3c2 / \u39c\u3b5\u3b9\u3bb\u3af\u3c7\u3b9\u3bf\u3c2, \u39c\u3b7\u3bb\u3ce\u3c3\u3b9\u3bf\u3c2, \u39c\u3b9\u3bd\u3bf\u390\u3b4\u3b5\u3c2, \u39c\u3bf\u3bb\u3cd\u3c7\u3b1\u304, \u39c\u3c5\u3c7\u3af\u3b1 / -\u3b1\u3b9, \u39e\u3b5\u304\u301\u3bd\u3b9\u3bf\u3c2, \u1f48\u3c1\u3b3\u3ac\u3bd\u3b7, \u1f48\u3c1\u3ad\u3b7, \u1f48\u3c1\u3b8\u3c9\u3c3\u3af\u3b1, \u1f48\u3c1\u3b8\u3ce\u3c3\u3b9\u3bf\u3c2, \u39f\u1f50\u3c1\u3ad\u3b7 / \u39f\u1f54\u3c1\u3b9\u3bf\u3c2, \u3a0\u3b9\u304\u3c3\u3c4\u3af\u3c7\u3b7, \u3a0\u3bf\u3bd\u3c4\u3af\u3b7, \u3a0\u3c9\u3bb\u3ce, \u3d8\u3bf\u304\u306\u3c1\u3b5\u304\u306\u3f2 / \u3d8\u3bf\u304\u306\u3c1\u3b7\u3f2 / \u3d8\u3bf\u304\u306\u3c1\u3b1\u304\u3f2 (riconosciuto come antroponimo e non epiteto), \u3a3\u3c4\u3bf\u3b9\u3c7\u3b1\u1fd6\u3bf\u3c2, \u3a3\u3c4\u3c1\u3ac\u3c4\u3b9\u3bf\u3c2, \u3a3\u3c4\u3c1\u3bf\u3c6\u3b5\u3cd\u3c2, \u3a4\u3b1\u3bb\u3bb\u3b1\u3b9\u3cc\u3c2, \u3a6\u3c5\u3c4\u3ac\u3bb\u3bc\u3b9\u3bf\u3c2, \u3a6\u3c9\u3c1\u3b1\u3b3\u3c7\u3af\u3b1, \u3a7\u3bf\u3c1\u3b5\u3cd\u3c2 / \u3a7\u3bf\u3c1\u3b5\u3c5\u3c4\u3ae\u3c2, \u3a7\u3c1\u3c5\u3c3\u3b1\u3b9\u3b3\u3af\u3c2. \uc8 imprescindibile il contesto archeologico di ritrovamento (soprattutto dove siano rinvenimenti in situ) ed epigrafico, perch\ue9 insieme al testo dell\u2019iscrizione \ue8 l\u2019unico dato certo da cui partire per una delineazione del culto, su cui si incrociano le informazioni letterarie e linguistiche per proporre un\u2019etimologia. Si parte dagli aspetti fonetici e grafico-fonetici, si prosegue con la descrizione della morfologia dei suffissi di formazione in un quadro greco intra- e sovradialettale e in un quadro indoeuropeo pi\uf9 grande, nonch\ue9 con un\u2019analisi della composizione nominale nei suoi aspetti morfologici e semantici. Grazie agli epiteti si possono trarre alcune conclusioni sulla natura dei culti cicladici da un punto di vista storico-religioso. Si riscontrano antichi culti solari confluiti in quelli di Zeus, culti ctoni e purificatori che si confondono con quelli funerei spesso in aree extraubane, cui si affiancano i culti relativi alla vita agreste e selvatica un po\u2019 ai margini della societ\ue0 civile, come l\u2019agricoltura e soprattutto la caccia; nonch\ue9 culti legati della vita cittadina, come i culti poliadi (si identificano per la prima volta due nuove funzioni poliadi di divinit\ue0 note che non presentavano questa peculiarit\ue0) e i culti legati alla educazione e formazione dei giovani, soprattutto in ambito culturale dorico

    Quindici lezioni di linguistica

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    The book is a handbook dedicated in particular to Parma University students of General Linguistics, collecting some of the main topics of the authors’ teachings

    The Effect of Bergamot-Derived Polyphenolic Fraction on LDL Small Dense Particles and Non Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease in Patients with Metabolic Syndrome

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    The occurrence of Metabolic Syndrome (MS) represents an independent risk factor for developing cardiovascular disease states in patients suffering from type 2 diabetes mellitus. Moreover, both the size of LDL particles and liver dysfunction identified as non alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) represent important biomarkers for the development of cardiometabolic risk in patients with MS. Here we studied the effect of bergamot polyphenolic fraction (BPF) in patients with MS and NAFLD. 107 patients were enrolled at the San Raffaele IRCCS (Rome). All of them showed ultrasonografic evidences of NAFLD and at least three out of five previous identified criteria for the diagnosis of MS. Patients were divided into two groups: one receiving placebo and the second receiving BPF 650 mg twice a day for 120 consecutive days. In the group receiving BPF 650 mg twice a day, a significant reduction of fasting plasma glucose, serum LDL cholesterol and triglycerides alongside with an increase of HDL cholesterol was found. This effect was accompanied by significant reduction of both ultrasonographic and metabolic biomarkers of NAFLD. Moreover, a significant reduction of small dense LDL particles, as detected via proton NMR Spectroscopy, was found after BPF treatment. In conclusion, our data confirm the beneficial effect of bergamot-extract in patients with MS an effect highlighted by significant reduction of small dense LDL particles and by improvement of NAFLD biomarkers. This suggests a potential preventive role of bergamot derivatives in reducing cardiometabolic risk

    The Good and the Evil: An Avestan Central Theme in a Peripheral Romani Folk-tale through Language and Myth

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    This paper deals with the Iranian heritage in Romani religious beliefs1, ascribable to a Zoroastrian and Avestan conception, after an investigation within the methods of historical linguistics and comparative literature. The starting point is a folk-tale about the creation of the world attested in three similar versions among three groups of Vlax Roma, from Hungary, Transylvania (Romania) and Sardinia (Italy). The compresence of God (the Good Spirit) and the Devil (the Evil Spirit) during creation is a dualistic feature as a relic echo referring to Iranian cosmogony as attested in the Avesta. Moreover, the paper investigates further manifestations of the Devil from Romani folk-tales compared to Avestan texts, that show an even closer linguistic and narrative similarity to Zoroastrian religion and belief

    Singin’ in the Night: German Nachtigall with Its Cognates and Delocatival Compounding with “Night” in Proto-Germanic and Proto-Indo-European

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    Starting from present-day German Nachtigall ‘nightingale’, which shows an uncommon and unexpected i-linker, this article provides a morphological analysis of the word and its cognates. Through the frame of historical linguistics, and in particular the historical phonology and morphology of Proto-Germanic, it can be shown that Nachtigall and its Germanic cognates witness a relic word-formation that can be traced back to a delocatival compound in Proto-Indo-European. Comparative evidence allows for just such an etymology within poetic phraseology as well

    Mourning Friends and Sacred Marriages: The Lamentations of Gilgameš and Akhilleus between Poetry, Religion and Linguistics

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    This paper focuses on the epic scene of the lamentation of the hero over his dead friend, namely Gilgameš over Enkidu and Akhilleus over Patroklos. Some linguistic and poetic items reveal how those friendships exhibited characteristics of marriage, even tracing them back to the hieros gamos ritual. The love between heroes is explained within a frame of social anthropology and psychology. Finally, the paper delineates how those epics traveled from Mesopotamia to the Aegean, where the oral composition of verses inescapably blends with the written transmission

    Theran hικεϲιοϲ (6th c. BC) and Homeric ἱκετήσιος: Evidence for a Zeus 'of the Foreigners' in Archaic Greece

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    Archaic Thera testifies a cult of Zeus Hikesios, the Protector of the Strangers. This cult seems close to the Odyssiac hapax Zeus Hiketesios, which could be interpreted as the Protector of the Strangers as well. Through a combination of linguistic, literary, epigraphic and archaeological evidences it could be concluded that in archaic Thera Zeus ‘of the Foreigners’ was worshipped in a unique cultic attestation that reflects the cult as it is foreshadowed in the Odyssey

    The Circle of Fame: Apollo, the Corps de Ballet, and the Song of the Muses at Delphi

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    A poetic and Indo-European commentary on the song-and-dance scene at Olympus in the Homeric Hymn to Apollo 182–206. This ‘Delphic’ passage describes a choral scene with the predominant image of the circle that reflects Delphi as the Navel of the World and the “wheel of the sun”, celebrating the glory of Apollo and the Arts

    Zeus Δέκτερος ‘Benevolent, Welcoming’ from Thera and Proto-Indo-European ‘Right’

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    A rupestral dedication from the Agora of the Gods reveals a new feature of Zeus, whose purview is inherited from Proto-Indo-European culture. A study and a new etymological interpretation of the concept of “right” from the idea of “receiving” (PIE *deḱ-) is proposed