70 research outputs found

    Combining deep learning and machine learning for the automatic identification of hip prosthesis failure: Development, validation and explainability analysis

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    Aim: Revision hip arthroplasty has a less favorable outcome than primary total hip arthroplasty and an understanding of the timing of total hip arthroplasty failure may be helpful. The aim of this study is to develop a combined deep learning (DL) and machine learning (ML) approach to automatically detect hip prosthetic failure from conventional plain radiographs. Methods: Two cohorts of patients (of 280 and 352 patients) were included in the study, for model development and validation, respectively. The analysis was based on one antero-posterior and one lateral radiographic view obtained from each patient during routine post-surgery follow-up. After pre-processing, three images were obtained: the original image, the acetabulum image and the stem image. These images were analyzed through convolutional neural networks aiming to predict prosthesis failure. Deep features of the three images were extracted for each model and two feature-based pipelines were developed: one utilizing only the features of the original image (original image pipeline) and the other concatenating the features of the three images (3-image pipeline). The obtained features were either used directly or reduced through principal component analysis. Both support vector machine (SVM) and random forest (RF) classifiers were considered for each pipeline. Results: The SVM applied to the 3-image pipeline provided the best performance, with an accuracy of 0.958 +/- 0.006 in the internal validation and an F1-score of 0.874 in the external validation set. The explainability analysis, besides identifying the features of the complete original images as the major contributor, highlighted the role of the acetabulum and stem images on the prediction. Conclusions: This study demonstrated the potentialities of the developed DL-ML procedure based on plain radiographs in the detection of the failure of the hip prosthesis

    Mobile robotic teleguide based on video images

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    “This material is presented to ensure timely dissemination of scholarly and technical work. Copyright and all rights therein are retained by authors or by other copyright holders. All persons copying this information are expected to adhere to the terms and constraints invoked by each author's copyright. In most cases, these works may not be reposted without the explicit permission of the copyright holder." “Copyright IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to reprint/republish this material for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or to reuse any copyrighted component of this work in other works must be obtained from the IEEE.” DOI: 10.1109/MRA.2008.929927Peer reviewe

    A Robotic arm for optical and gamma radwaste inspection

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    We propose Radibot, a simple and cheap robotic arm for remote inspection, which interacts with the radwaste environment by means of a scintillation gamma detector and a video camera representing its light (< 1 kg) payload. It moves vertically thanks to a crane, while the other three degrees of freedom are obtained by means of revolute joints. A dedicated algorithm allows to automatically choose the best kinematics in order to reach a graphically selected position, while still allowing to fully drive the arm by means of a standard videogame joypad

    Analysis of the detachment of citrus fruits by vibration using artificial vision

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    The vibratory behaviour of citrus fruits is studied using slow-motion cameras in order to gain a better understanding of the parameters involved in fruit detachment when mechanical harvesting is done using shakers. Single citrus fruits with a small portion of stem were vibrated using strokes from 60 mm to 180 mm and frequencies from 3 Hz to 18 Hz. The movement was recorded at 300 fps and the main parameters considered for fruit detachment were determined through the analysis of the video sequences. Image-processing algorithms created for this purpose were applied to the automated estimation of the centroid of the fruit, the angle of the stem pistil axis, and the position of some selected points in the fruit in each frame of the video sequences to obtain dynamic parameters such as the position, speed and acceleration of the fruit during the movement until it is detached. The signals obtained from the image processing were filtered, providing results in accordance with the calibration systems. In general, results suggest that the inertial forces transmitted to the fruit were lower than the tensile forces required to detach the fruit by pulling it in the stem pistil direction. The largest peaks were observed using long strokes that required fewer cycles for detachment. On the other hand, short strokes combined with high frequencies needed more cycles, and thus a fatigue phenomenon was present. Short strokes and low frequencies were unable to detach some fruit. (C) 2014 IAgrE. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.This work was founded by the Instituto Nacional de Investigacion y Tecnologia Agraria y Alimentaria (INIA) through the projects RTA2009-00118-C02-01 and RTA2009-00118-C02-02, and co-founded by European FEDER founds.Torregrosa Mira, A.; Albert Gil, FE.; Aleixos Borrás, MN.; Ortiz Sánchez, MC.; Blasco Ivars, J. (2014). Analysis of the detachment of citrus fruits by vibration using artificial vision. Biosystems Engineering. 119:1-12. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.biosystemseng.2013.12.010S11211

    Elemental fragmentation cross sections for a O-16 beam of 400 MeV/u kinetic energy interacting with a graphite target using the FOOT Delta E-TOF detectors

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    The study of nuclear fragmentation plays a central role in many important applications: from the study of Particle Therapy (PT) up to radiation protection for space (RPS) missions and the design of shielding for nuclear reactors. The FragmentatiOn Of Target (FOOT) collaboration aims to study the nuclear reactions that describe the interactions with matter of different light ions (like H-1, He-4, C-12, O-16) of interest for such applications, performing double differential fragmentation cross section measurements in the energy range of interest for PT and RPS. In this manuscript, we present the analysis of the data collected in the interactions of an oxygen ion beam of 400 MeV/u with a graphite target using a partial FOOT setup, at the GSI Helmholtz Center for Heavy Ion Research facility in Darmstadt. During the data taking the magnets, the silicon trackers and the calorimeter foreseen in the final FOOT setup were not yet available, and hence precise measurements of the fragments kinetic energy, momentum and mass were not possible. However, using the FOOT scintillator detectors for the time of flight (TOF) and energy loss (Delta E) measurements together with a drift chamber, used as beam monitor, it was possible to measure the elemental fragmentation cross sections. The reduced detector set-up and the limited available statistics allowed anyway to obtain relevant results, providing statistically significant measurements of cross sections eagerly needed for PT and RPS applications. Whenever possible the obtained results have been compared with existing measurements helping in discriminating between conflicting results in the literature and demonstrating at the same time the proper functioning of the FOOT Delta E-TOF system. Finally, the obtained fragmentation cross sections are compared to the Monte Carlo predictions obtained with the FLUKA software

    Preliminary study on the correlation between accelerated current and dose in water for an electron-based LINAC

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    Purpose: Intraoperative electron radiotherapy (IOeRT) is considered the first clinical translation of FLASH with electrons. A crucial aspect is represented by the precise dose monitoring and measurement; to this aim, we propose a method fully based on Monte Carlo (MC) simulation that uses as input the beam current measurement and the beam optics simulation. To validate this approach, we chose the NOVAC11 (produced by Sordina IORT Technologies SpA) accelerator, which provides a well-studied model.Methods: We used FLUKA and FRED MC software to simulate in detail the geometry of the NOVAC11 and the coupled applicator usually adopted in clinical practice to deliver the dose in the surgical bed. The simulation results of the longitudinal and off-axis profiles and dose per pulse obtained in a water phantom with different applicators are compared to the experimental data.Results: A very good agreement not only for the relative dosimetry in both the longitudinal and off-axis profiles, with a gamma index pass rate of 100% with 3%/3 mm acceptance criteria, but also for the absolute dosimetry was obtained.Conclusion: The results completely validate the MC description of the system and provide a reliable evaluation of the dose per pulse and output factor with an accuracy of the order of few % for different sets of applicator diameters and lengths

    Cellular and molecular basis for endometriosis-associated infertility

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