7 research outputs found

    Postwar Karabakh: What Is the Resettlement Potential?

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    The aftermath of the 44-day Second Karabakh War resulted in the significant superiority and final victory of Azerbaijan, and the liberation of occupied territories revealed a nationwide plan for socioeconomic development. Currently, the rising actuality of the resettlement of internally displaced people (IDPs) in their freed homeland is the primary focus of both governmental and societal discourse. This article highlights the resettlement potential in Azerbaijan’s postwar territories. A survey unveils a high rate of repatriation intention among IDPs and substantial resettlement potential among non-IDPs

    Modelling Oil‑Sector Dependency of Tax Revenues in a Resource Rich Country: Evidence from Azerbaijan

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    Forecasting tax revenues is an important issue in budget planning. As a resource rich country, Azerbaijan’s budget revenues is severely depend on oil price and production levels. This study investigates oil sector dependency of state budget tax revenues in case of Azerbaijan by employing FMOLS, DOLS and CCR cointegration methods for the period of 2000Q1 – 2015Q2. Empirical results indicate statistically and economically significant positive long‑run impact of both oil related factors on tax revenues. Considering current fiscal challenges in the country, research findings are very useful for policy purposes and fills the gap in the literature by drawing mechanism of the association and estimating the relationship empirically

    A Study of the Impact of Underground Economy on Integral Tax Burden in the Proportional Growth Model under Uncertainty

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    Economic processes are naturally characterized by imprecise and uncertain relevant information. One of the main reasons is existence of an underground economy. However, in existing works, real-world imprecision and uncertainty of economic conditions are not taken into account. In this paper we consider a problem of calculation of a taxation base to assess tax burden for proportionally growing economy under uncertainty. In order to account for imprecision and uncertainty of economic processes, we use the theory of fuzzy sets. A fuzzy integral equation is used to identify an integral tax burden taking into account the contribution of the underground economy for a certain financial (tax) year. It is also assumed that dynamics of gross domestic product are modeled by fuzzy linear differential equation. An optimal value of tax burden is determined as a solution to the considered fuzzy integral equation. An example is provided to illustrate validity of the proposed study

    Aftermath of the 2020 Karabakh War: New Geopolitical Reality in the South Caucasus

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    The topic of this issue is “Aftermath of the 2020 Karabakh War: New Geopolitical Reality in the South Caucasus”. Eka Javakhishvili explores the conflicting preferences of South Caucasian states (Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia) and some broader regional actors (Turkey, Russia, Iran) concerning the “3+3” platform, a postwar initiative for regional cooperation. Tatia Chikhladze articulates the prospects for the latest attempt at rapprochement between Turkey and Armenia. Akif Musayev, Khatai Aliyev, Shabnam Maharramova, and Mirvari Gazanfarli describe the resettlement potential of internally displaced people in Azerbaijan’s postwar territories based on data from a survey that was conducted by an independent agency.Das Thema dieser Ausgabe lautet „Nachwirkungen des Karabachkriegs 2020: Neue geopolitische Realität im Südkaukasus“. Eka Javakhishvili untersucht die widersprüchlichen Präferenzen der südkaukasischen Staaten (Armenien, Aserbaidschan und Georgien) und einiger größerer regionaler Akteure (Türkei, Russland, Iran) in Bezug auf die „3+3“-Plattform, eine Nachkriegsinitiative für regionale Zusammenarbeit. Tatia Chikhladze beschreibt die Aussichten für den jüngsten Annäherungsversuch zwischen der Türkei und Armenien. Akif Musayev, Khatai Aliyev, Shabnam Maharramova und Mirvari Gazanfarli analysieren das Umsiedlungspotenzial von Binnenvertriebenen in den Nachkriegsgebieten Aserbaidschans auf der Grundlage von Daten aus einer Umfrage, die von einer unabhängigen Agentur durchgeführt wurde.ISSN:1867-932