446 research outputs found

    Narayan and Others v. Azerbaijan

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    Ampelographic characteristics of Azerbaijani local grape varieties

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    The article aims to describe some local grapevine varieties cultivated in different areas of Azerbaijan. The cultivars are grown in the ampelographic collection of the Azerbaijani Scientific Research Institute of Viticulture and Wine-making. The report of their ampelographic traits was based on the OIV descriptors list. Comparing cultivars, it has been found that, although there have been similarities in various descriptor traits, most of the characteristics are distinctive of specific cultivars. A considerable polymorphism was found concerning the morphological features of leaves, clusters, berries, as well as considering some physiological and technological characteristics. In more detail, these genotypes differ between each other by the aspect of leaves; the shape, size and structure of bunches; the shape, color and flavor of berries; the productivity indices; the resistance to pests and diseases; the duration of their vegetative period; the sugar and acid contents; and the number of seeds in the berry

    Commodity Price Shocks, Conflict and Growth: The Role of Institutional Quality and Political Violence

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    This analysis empirically investigates the relationships between resource windfalls, political regimes, conflict and economic growth using recent advances in panel estimation methods and a distinctive commodity price shock measurement. The paper clarifies many of the ambiguous outcomes of the existing literature, particularly showing that resource windfalls have significant impact on conflict only in politically unstable autocracies, which itself is heterogeneous in the response conditional on a country’s initial political violence level. The findings also demonstrate that resource shocks are positively associated with economic performance in democracies and in politically stable autocracies, while significantly deteriorating growth for politically unstable autocracies

    Crystal Structures of Influenza A Virus Matrix Protein M1: Variations on a Theme

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    Matrix protein 1 (M1) of the influenza A virus plays multiple roles in virion assembly and infection. Interest in the pH dependence of M1\u27s multiple functions led us to study the effect of subtle pH changes on M1 structure, resulting in the elucidation of a unique low-pH crystal structure of the N1-165-domain of A/WSN/33 (H1N1) M1 that has never been reported. Although the 2.2 Å crystal structure of M1 N-terminus shows a dimer with the two monomers interacting in a face-to-face fashion at low pH as observed earlier, a 44° rotation of the second monomer has led to a significantly different dimer interface that possibly affects dimer stability. More importantly, while one of the monomers is fully defined, the N-terminal half of the second monomer shows considerable disorder that appears inherent in the protein and is potentially physiologically relevant. Such disorder has not been observed in any other previously reported structure at either low or high pH conditions, despite similar crystallization pH conditions. By comparing our novel N1-165-domain structure with other low-pH or neutral-pH M1 structures, it appears that M1 can energetically access different monomer and dimer conformations, as well as oligomeric states, with varying degree of similarities. The study reported here provides further insights into M1 oligomerization that may be essential for viral propagation and infectivity

    Ishlab chiqarishdagi baxtsiz xodisalar va mehnat muhofazasi bo’yicha samarali natijaga erishish borasidagi say-harakatlarni yanada maqsadli tashkil etish

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    Mazkur maqolada Xalqaro mehnat tashkiloti va Oʻzbekiston Respublikasi Bandlik va mehnat munosabatlari vazirligi tomonidan 2019-2022 yil oraligʻida hisobga olingan oʻlim va kasbiy kasalliklar toʻgʻrisidagi statistik ma’lumotlar va mehnat muhofazasi boʻyicha samarali natijaga erishish va bu boradagi say-harakatlarni yanada maqsadli tashkil etish uchun chora-tadbirlarni amalga oshirish tadbirlari sanab oʻtilgan