21 research outputs found

    Analisis Lanjut Survai Demografi dan Kesehatan Indonesia 1991

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    Pada tahun 1991 yang lalu telah dilakukan suatu survai berskala nasional yang meliputi seluruh propinsi di Indonesia dengan nama Survai Demografi Kesehatan Indonesia (SDKI). Survai ini merupakan hasil kerja bersama antara Badan Koordinasi Keluarga Berencana Nasional (BKKBN), Departemen Kesehatan, dan Biro Pusat Statistik (BPS), dengan dibantu konsultan dari East West Center Hawaii, Arnerika Serikat. Tujuannya adalah untuk memperoleh infonnasi dan gambaran dalam bidang kependudukan, keluarga berencana serta kesehatan masyarakat. Studi sejenis juga dilakukan di berbagai negara sehingga hasilnya dapat diperbandingkan dengan negara lain

    Pengaruh Penyediaan Air Minum Terhadap Kejadian Karies Gigi Usia 12-65 Tahun Di Provinsi Kepulauan Bangka Belitung Dan Nusa Tenggara Barat (Analisis Lanjut Riskesdas 2007)

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    Drinking water availability is a matter of vital importance in human life. Drinking water is water that fulfill required certain standards, for example the presence of fluoride element. The drinking water contain fluoride (F) in low concentration is needed for preventing disease dental carries disease. But if its concentration in the drinking water >1, 5 mg/l can cause 'fluorosis' in tooth, it can result in brown stains that is not easy to remove from the tooth. This study is a 'Riskesdas' data advanced analysis 2007. The analysis aim is to detect the influence of drinking water availability towards the dental carries cases. Bivariate analysis showed that drinking water availability to be an influential factor towards dental carries cases. Connection between the case levels situated in Belitung's and Bangka doesn't have any meaning. Protected drinking water source, distance, total water use, residence, and economy level can be contributing factors for increasing dental carries cases. To control the dental carries cases, it is necessary to improve drinking water service especially that of its physical quality standards

    Kejadian Infeksi Nosokomial Saluran Pencernaan di Rumah Sakit di DKI Jakarta

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    One of the gastrointestinal nosocomial infections that usually occurs at pediatric wards is diarrhoea/gastroenteritis. The objective of this study was to know the occurrence of gastrointestinal nosocomial infection (GNI) cases in 3 hospitals in Jakarta. As unit samples were all infants and children with gastroenteritis in one month period and 31 nurses. Rectal swabs were taken twice, when they were entering the hospital and 3 days after nursing, while hand-swabs were taken from 31 nurses in the pediatric ward. If the faeces of infants and children contained pathogenic bacteria (E. coli, Salmonella sp., Pseudomonas sp., Staphylococcus sp.) on the third day which was not found an first day, it means that they suffered from GNI. The microbiological test showed that of those 96 patients, 13.54% were suffering from GNI and the cause of GNI was E. coli (76.9%). While hand-swabs of nurses test showed that 3.2% contained E. coli, 6.4% Pseudomonas sp, and 12.9% Staphylococcus sp

    Angka Kematian Di Berbagai Propinsi Di Indonesia (Data Riskesdas 2007)

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    Mortality rate is sensitive indicator for evaluation of health program. The mortality data could befound by many methods, one of them is by using Riskesdas data 2007. Thru the Riskesdas mortality data was collected from households with the period of one year before the Riskesdas implementation. Mortality rate could be counted by using indirect method thru child still live and died child by categories of mother age stated in Susenas data 2007. By direct method, it can be stated that crude death rate of Indonesia in general is 4.6 per mil, 5.3 per mil for men and 3.9 for women, then, infant mortality rate is 22 per mil. By using indirect method, it can be found that mortality rate for child under five year-old is 41 per mil. The finding of this analysis: there is linier causal between crude death rate and ratio of public health center by 100,000 people, but is not significant by hospital, medics and non medics. Variation of mortality rate by provinces can't be described by ratio health facility, but increasing the ratio of public health center by population is to improve reporting event of mortality

    Pengaruh Lingkungan Terhadap Status Morbiditas Balita Di Daerah Tertinggal 2008

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    Morbidity status of children under-five has related to some factors that is factors in mothers for pregnant or gives birth to with factors from baby/children under fives. Other influential factor towards children under-five well-being is place or environment. Children under five who live in disadvantaged region have unfavourable well-being status. In RPJMN 2004-2009 appointed 199 regencies as disadvantaged regions. The quantitatively region total remained as much as 44% from 457 regency/cities in Indonesia. The aim of analysis was to detect determinant factor influence with status morbiditas children under five at disadvantaged region. The method used Basic Health Research (RISKESDAS) data 2007 with sample total as much as 42.585 children under fives at disadvantaged region. Doing analysis univariat and Chi-square's bivariate. Ill children under five prevalensi's result at disadvantaged region as big as 58.1%, (58.3%), household drinking water use < 20 litres (58.5%), polluted water physical quality (60.1%), water processing before drunk not cooked (59.4%). There was also water indoor's of hazardous waste materials disposal in household (58.9%). The Biggest risk factor related to morbidity status children under five was low education level for head of household (OR 1,184), polluted drinking water physical quality (OR 1,100), level economic social poor household (OR 1,082), water processing before drunk was not cooked (OR 1,072), dangerous ingredient existence and toxic (B3 in household (indoor water pollution) as big as OR 1,072 all the it variable above statistically have a meaning (p<0,05). Environment factors such as good drinking water quality, drinking water processing must be cooked, and good parents education level and tall economy social level are very influential towards morbidity status children under-five at disadvantaged region

    Kesehatan Lingkungan dan Kemiskinan

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    Gambaran keadaan kesehatan lingkungan, baik menurut daerah perkotaan pedesaan maupun menurut tingkat kemiskinan menunjukkan variasi tingkat kesenjangan yang cukup mencolok. Cakupan pelayanan air minum dan pembuangan kotoran di perkotaan keadaannya jauh lebih baik dibanding dengan di pedesaan.Dilihat dari tingkat kemiskinan, ada kecenderungan semakin miskin rumah tangga semakin jelek keadaan sanitasi dasarnya.Keadaan sanitasi dasar dan kesehatan pada umumnya erat kaitannya dengan keadaan sosial ekonomi keluarga. Mengingat kemampuan rumah tangga untuk meningkatkan kesehatannya sangat bergantung pada pendapatan, maka jelas kebijakan yang diambil untuk mengatasinya adalah dengan meningkatkan kemampuan rumah tangga baik secara ekonomi maupun sosial

    Analysis of the Implementation of ISO 9001: 2015 Quality Management System in the Small and Medium Industries in the Field of Engineering

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    Small and Medium Industrial Companies (IKM) to increase their business with various efforts to increase productivity. Efforts to increase productivity through the development and implementation of quality management systems in the company. The quality management system implemented is ISO 9001: 2015 which is an International quality management system standard for SMIs in the engineering field in Karawang. However, in its application there are still many employees and the managerial level still does not know and understand much, let alone the benefits and applications. IKM in the field of engineering management is simpler, but due to competition in product quality and price as well as demand for job orders, it is still not serious to implement them. The continuity of IKM business is very much determined by the customer to maintain the quality of its products in accordance with the requirements and vendor audits on a regular basis. The method of data collection is done by observation, interviews, discussions and questionnaires. Distribution of questionnaires to 5 managerial level people for 20 IKM companies that were randomly appointed. From the results of his research that the ISO 9001 quality management system standard document in IKM in Engineering there are 8 IKM companies that already have ISO 9001 certificates and 12 IKM companies that do not have ISO 9001 certificates. The analysis results show that those who have ISO 9001 certificates and do not yet have ISO 9001 certificates that in general basic needs such as management documents, symbols, fulfillment requirements, etc. have been applied on an average of 59%, this shows that SMEs in the engineering sector are already concerned about the importance of applying ISO 9001: 2015. And the rest have not applied it on average by 41%. The results of this study indicate that the importance of ISO 9001 certification in IKM in the field of Engineering is still lacking. The effort he did was every company needed a person in charge in the field of the company's quality management system and had a program of routine activities and periodic monitoring

    Analisis Penerapan Sistem Manajemen Mutu Iso 9001:2015 pada Industri Kecil Menengah Bidang Engineering

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    Perusahaan Industri Kecil Menengah (IKM) untuk melakukan peningkatan usahanya dengan berbagai upaya agar terjadi peningkatan produktifitasnya. Upaya untuk peningkatan produktifitasnya melalui pengembangan dan penerapan system manajemen kualitas pada Perusahaan. Sistem manajemen kualitas yang diterapkan adalah ISO 9001:2015 yang merupakan standar sistem manajemen kualitas Internasional pada IKM di bidang engineering di Karawang. Namun, dalam penerapannya masih banyak karyawan dan tingkat manajerial masih belum banyak mengenal dan memahami, apalagi manfaat serta penerapannya. IKM bidang engineering pengelolaan manajemen lebih sederhana, namun karena persaingan kualitas produk dan harga serta permintaan job order sehingga masih belum serius untuk melakukan penerapannya. Keberlangsungan bisnis IKM sangat ditentukan pelanggan agar menjaga kualitas produknya sesuai memenuhi persyaratan dan audit vendor secara berkala. Metode pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara pengamatan, wawancara, diskusi dan penyebaran kuesioner. Penyebaran kesioner pada 5 orang tingkat manajerial untuk 20 Perusahaan IKM yang ditunjuk secara acak. Dari hasil penelitiannya bahwa dokumen standar Sistem Manajemen kualitas ISO 9001 pada IKM Bidang Engineering terdapat 8 Perusahaan IKM yang sudah memiliki sertiffikat ISO 9001 dan 12 Perusahaan IKM yang tidak memiliki sertifikat ISO 9001. Hasil analisis bahwa yang memiliki sertifikat ISO 9001 dan belum memiliki sertifikat ISO 9001 tersebut bahwa pada umumnya kebutuhan dasar seperti dokumen manajemen, simbol-simbol, persyaratan pemenuhan dan lain-lain sudah melakukan penerapannya secara rata-rata mencapai 59%, ini menunjukkan bahwa IKM bidang engineering sudah peduli pentingnya penerapan ISO 9001:2015. Dan sisanya belum melakukan penerapannya secara rata-rata sebesar 41%. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pentingnya sertifikasi ISO 9001 pada IKM bidang Engineering masih sangat kurang. Upaya yang dilakukannya adalah setiap Perusahaan diperlukan person in charge di bidang system manajemen kualitas Perusahaan dan memiliki program kegiatan secra rutin dan pemantauan secara periodik