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    In view of the increasing number of hip joint replacement volume there remains the key issue of improving prosthesis survivorship which directly depends on the friction couple. Material and methods. The authors have analyzed five year outcomes of two bearing types (head and insert) used in hip replacement: ceramic-on-ceramic (CoC) in 324 patients and ceramic-on-polyethylene (CoP) in 300 patients. Totally 550 patients were operated in the period starting 2010 till 2014, including 74 patients underwent bilateral hip replacement. The authors divided patients based on gender and also into three age groups: 20-40, 41-60 and 61-80 years old. The largest group comprised 156 women aged 41-60 years (28.4%). Additional grouping of patients was made based on gender, age and bearing diameter.36 mm diameter bearing was characterized of the most frequent use. Functional outcomes were assessed by Harris Hip Score. Statistical analysis was made with Statistica 10 software. Statistical significant was observed at p<0.05.Results.28 mm diameter bearing were rarely (19.5%) applied and mainly in women which is related to need for use of smaller acetabulum components and inability to implant a larger insert.36 mm diameter bearing were used most frequently, CoC articulation of36 mm was used in men in 34% of cases and in women – in 18.12% of cases.40 mm articulations were implanted in women two times less than in men which is related to a smaller diameter of acetabulum in women. Generally, CoC bearings were implanted more often in men which can be explained by a bigger social demand as well as a higher anti-luxation stability of large diameter bearings. Dislocations of implants occurred in 5 (0.91%) patients: in 4 patients with CoP bearingand in one patient with CoC articulation. Four revision procedures (0.64%) were made due to deep periprosthetic infection: two surgeries in each group. Harris Hip Score evaluation in CoC group demonstrated excellent and good outcomes in 99.2% of cases, and in CoP group – in 97.5% of cases.Conclusion. The authors observed no ceramic fractures or acoustic effects during 60 months follow up. It’s reasonable to increase CoC bearing diameter to achieve a better anti-luxation effect. CoC bearing selection should depend on patient’s activity and social demands but not only on the age. Based on study observations the authors forecast a higher survivorship of CoC couple within 15-20 years and expect to prove this conclusion in further studies


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    В статье рассматривается электронный учебник, написанный на языке C#The article covers an electronic textbook written in C

    Comment to the Article „Mid-Term Outcomes of Primary Hip Replacement in Patients with End-Stage Chronic Renal Disease“

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    История реконструктивной хирургии аорты и аортального клапана

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    Хирургия аорты остается наиболее сложным и бурно развивающимся разделом сердечно-сосудистой хирургии. История хирургии аневризм аорты прошла несколько этапов: от нереконструктивного, когда подручными средствами добивались уменьшения риска аорта-ассоциированных осложнений, не удаляя аневризму, до рентгенэндоваскулярного. Однако открытые вмешательства до сих пор остаются «золотым стандартом» хирургии аорты. Совершенствуются методы защиты внутренних органов, расходные материалы. Также сложный путь прошла хирургия аортального клапана, являющегося неотъемлемой частью восходящей аорты. В обзоре прослежены основные успехи в реконструктивной хирургии пороков аортального клапана и заболеваний аорты. Упоминаются только первые в своем роде вмешательства, закончившиеся улучшением состояния пациентов, выполненные великими новаторами своего времени. Отражен вклад советских и российских хирургов в мировую хирургию аорты.Поступила в редакцию 11 июля 2017 г. Принята к печати 21 июля 2017 г.ФинансированиеИсследование не имело спонсорской поддержки.Конфликт интересовАвторы заявляют об отсутствии конфликта интересов. Вклад авторовКомаров Р.Н.: концепция исследования, научное руководство, редактирование статьи; Каравайкин П.А.: набор, анализ, обработка материала, написание статьи; Мурылев В.В.: набор материала.</p

    Alternative Economic Policies and the Problems of Inflation

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    Throughout the past decade, discussions of variants and alternatives of economic policy have become extremely popular among our politicians and economists. Their logic remains practically unchanged: the government accuses opponents of adventurism, claiming that its policy is the only possible one; the opposition, however, condemns this policy and promises to change it radically if it comes to power. But it is not a question of the existence of alternative economic policies as such, but rather the degree to which an alternative exists and the latitude for maneuvering if the political victory is won by those forces (communists and/or nationalists) who are loudest of all regarding their intention to radically revise the country's economic-political reference points.


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    In recent years, there is a trend of increasing demand for revision hip arthroplasty. Among these patients there are many with complex acetabular defects, including patients with pelvic discontinuity. To ensure stability for revised acetabular components in such cases becomes a challenging or unachievable task. Such defects give indications for printing customized tri-flange acetabular component. The authors analysed own experience of creating and applying custom made acetabular components in 3 patients with complex acetabular defects. Material and methods. Among the patients there were 2 women and 1 man. Average age was 60,3±19,4 years (38 to 78 years). Two patients had III B defects with pelvic discontinuity and one patient had III A defect by Paprosky classification. As the first step, the authors in collaboration with engineers printed a plaster full size pelvic 3D model, as the second step a customized tri-flange acetabular component was designed and printed. Harris Hip Score was evaluated preoperatively and 3 months postoperatively. Results. Average follow-up period was 5,3±2,5 months (3 to 8 months). The authors observed no cases of implant loosening, dislocation or deep periprosthetic infection. Average Harris Hip Score before surgery was 27,13 and after surgery – 74,1 indicating a significant improvement in 3 months postoperatively. Conclusion. Indications for use of individual acetabular components in reported patients correspond to indications formulated by Berasi et al. The authors obtained encouraging early follow-up outcomes that correspond to data of other authors. In one patient certain difficulties were reported due to insufficient pelvic distraction. Component’s flanges prevented achieving adequate pelvic distraction. Nevertheless, good primary stability was achieved. Modern software and 3D metal printers can significantly reduce the production cost of customized acetabular components. Application of this technology can be widened to various orthopaedic centres and will undoubtedly improve the quality of treatment for such patients

    Periprosthetic infection diagnosis. Part 1: serology

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    Periprosthetic joint infection continues to be a challenging problem. The demand for total joint arthroplasty is increasing, and the burden of such infections is increasing even more rapidly, and they pose a great problem due to economic reasons and poor outcomes. This review describes the current knowledge regarding diagnosis of periprosthetic joint infection with testing erythrocyte sedimentation rate, serum C-reactive protein, Interleukin-6 and some other novel approaches


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    Chronic kidney disease is a common medical problem. It is characterized by a peculiar course leading to renal osteodystrophy resulting in increased risk of fractures and joint lesions with the concomitant need for major joints arthroplasty. Moreover, a wide spectrum of organ and metabolic deteriorations due to renal insufficiency causes a more complicated postoperative period with higher mortality and frequent infectious, cardiovascular, hemorrhagic, thrombotic and surgical complications. The highest risks are noted in patients on long lasting hemodialysis.To improve the arthroplasty outcomes an adequate correction of anemia, bone-mineral and electrolyte disorders, arterial hypertension and optimization of dialytic modalities must be ensured

    Hip Arthroplasty in Patients with Hip Dysplasia by Individual Augments: Early Results

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    Relevance. The altered hip anatomy makes total hip arthroplasty in patients with hip dysplasia a difficult and non-standard task. The acetabulum is deformed with femoral head in subluxation or dislocation. The most important task of surgery is to restore the anatomical position of the hip center of rotation.The study purpose — to evaluate the early results of hip arthroplasty with individual augments in the patients with hip dysplasia.Materials and Methods. Since 2017, nine patients with hip dysplasia have undergone surgery using individually printed augments. All patients were women with average age 51.3±14.5 years (23 to 67). The mean follow-up was 14.3±5.2 months (8 to 20). Patients were evaluated using follow-up X-rays, a visual analogue scale (VAS), Harris Hip Score (HHS), and Western Ontario and McMaster Universities Arthritis Index (WOMAC).Results. There was no a single case of endoprosthesis dislocation, loosening of components, prosthetic infection or revision surgery in the analyzed group of patients. The planned sizes of the acetabular components were equal to the placed in 7 cases (77.8%). In two cases (22.2%), the acetabular components were 2 mm larger because the surgeon wanted a greater degree of press-fit fixation. The restoration of the anatomical position of the acetabular component was noted. Before the surgery, the femoral head was on average 22.7±11.7 mm (10 to 43 mm) higher. After the surgery, the level of the acetabular component was on average only 0.75±2.1 mm (1.7 to 5 mm), p = 0.008. Also, there were a decrease in pain and quality of life improvement by VAS from 6.78±1.39 before surgery to 2.22±1.09 at follow-up (p = 0.007), HHS increase from 30.5±18. 1 to 77.59±14.26 (p = 0.008), and WOMAC decrease from 73.3±14.1 to 18.22±8.2 (p = 0.008).Conclusion. The individually printed augments have shown high efficacy for restoration of the anatomical center of rotation and good early results in the patients with hip dysplasia undergone hip arthroplasty