800 research outputs found

    Second Class Citizenship: The Limited Freedom of the Children of Undocumented Immigrants (Privacy, Freedom, and Technology)

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    This study aims to explain the conditions of immigrants in Latin America, especially regarding differences in race and status of immigrant family members. The method in this study used a descriptive method with a review of case studies based on social conditions and conflicts that occur in America. The results of this study illustrated that the condition of Latin American immigrants, especially people with the black race, is still became social problem, namely discrimination against black children. Black people in America feel watched over and considered as "slaves" to white people. They feel that the freedom to mingle in society is still very limited, especially to illegal immigrants who do not have citizenship documents. In addition, to being discriminated against by Americans, this social gap is also difficult to eliminate because the American government also feels unsure of illegal immigrants, especially from the black race, to be trusted, thus severely limiting their freedom

    Effect of debt on corporate profitability (Listed Hotel Companies Sri Lanka)

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    The determination of a company’s capital structure constitutes a difficult decision, one that involve several and opposed factor, such as risk and return. This study an attempt has been made to find the effect of debt on company’s profitability during the 2008 to 2012(05 years). Eleven companies were selected form Hotel companies listed in Colombo stock Exchange as sample companies. Correlation and regression analysis are used to find out the effect of debt on corporate profitability. Accordance with the regression analysis there were no significant relationship between debt and profitability. But based on the correlation analysis, there were strong negative relationship between short term liabilities, ROE and ROA. Further total liabilities to total assets had the strong negative relationship between ROE and ROA.  But there was no significant relationship between long term liabilities, ROE and ROA. Key words: Debt, Return on Assets and Return on Equit

    Resonant Tunneling in Truly Axial Symmetry Mn12 Single-Molecule Magnets: Sharp Crossover between Thermally Assisted and Pure Quantum Tunneling

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    Magnetization measurements of a truly axial symmetry Mn12-tBuAc molecular nanomagnet with a spin ground state of S = 10 show resonance tunneling. This compound has the same magnetic anisotropy as Mn12-Ac but the molecules are better isolated and the crystals have less disorder and a higher symmetry. Hysteresis loop measurements at several temperatures reveal a well-resolved step fine-structure which is due to level crossings of excited states. All step positions can be modeled by a simple spin Hamiltonian. The crossover between thermally assisted and pure quantum tunneling can be investigated with unprecedented detail.Comment: 5 pages, 6 figure

    Impact of Aggressive investment policy on the firm performance (Listed manufacturing companies in Sri Lanka)

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    The working capital management plays an important role for success or failure of firm in business because of its effect on firm’s profitability as well on liquidity. An optimal working capital management is expected to contribute positively to the creation of firm value. To reach optimal working capital management firm’s manager should control the tradeoff between profitability and liquidity accurately. The study sample consists of 20 Manufacturing companies listed in Colombo stock Exchange. Here, Correlation, and Regression are used to analyze the data. According to our results return on equity and Tobin Q have not significant impact on the aggressive investment working capital policy. But correlation analysis had shown strong negative relationship between return on assets and Aggressive investment policy. Therefore we can conclude aggressive investment policy have negative relationship between return on Assets Key words: Aggressive investment policy, Return on equity, Return on assets, Tobin

    Effect of Cash Conversion Cycle on Profitability: Listed Plantation Companies in Sri Lanka

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    Working capital is needed for day-to-day operations of a firm. Cash conversion cycle (CCC) has been considered a useful measure of firm’s effective working capital management and especially the cash management. This study was an attempt to examine the effect of cash conversion cycle on profitability in ten listed plantation companies in Sri Lanka between 2008 and 2012. Results revealed that there is negative relationship between return on equity and cash conversion cycle.48.5 percent variation of ROE explained by CCC. Further Cash conversion cycle also had negative impact on Return on asset. In here 61.6 % explained by CCC.  In addition cash conversion cycle had 60.2 % negative impact on net profit. Therefore the effect of cash conversion cycle on total profitability as whole contains significant value. Key words: Cash conversion cycle and Profitability

    Shared decision-making in maternity care:Health literate-sensitive support for healthcare professionals and clients

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    Dit proefschrift beschrijft hoe zorgverleners en cliënten in de geboortezorg kunnen worden ondersteund bij ‘gezondheidsvaardig samen beslissen’. Dit betekent dat samen beslissen wordt afgestemd op vaardigheden van cliënten om informatie te vinden, begrijpen, beoordelen en toe te passen (gezondheidsvaardigheden). Ondersteuningsbehoeften van zorgverleners en cliënten werden in kaart gebracht en samen met hen werd een training en een gesprekstool ontwikkeld en geëvalueerd. Zorgverleners bleken de meeste moeite te ervaren met het beoordelen of een cliënt de verstrekte informatie begrepen heeft. De terugvraagmethode of bestaande beslisondersteuning werden nog zelden toegepast. Cliënten met beperkte gezondheidsvaardigheden hadden problemen in het vinden van betrouwbare informatie, het begrijpen van medische terminologie, het begrijpen van kans-informatie en het vormen van voorkeuren op basis van informatie over voor- en nadelen. Huidige keuzehulpen leken tot op zekere hoogte ondersteuning te bieden bij het begrijpen, beoordelen en toepassen van informatie, maar er is ruimte voor verbetering, met name in de presentatie van informatie. De training en gesprekstool die wij ontwikkelden, hebben potentie om gezondheidsvaardig samen beslissen te ondersteunen in de geboortezorg. Zowel zorgverleners als cliënten waren positief over het gebruik van de gesprekstool. De training had in een gesimuleerde setting positieve effecten op de mate van samen beslissen, zowel zelf gerapporteerd door zorgverleners als door ons geobserveerd. Ook zagen we een effect van de training op het daadwerkelijk gezondheidsvaardig communiceren, zoals het gebruik van eenvoudige taal. De resultaten beschreven in dit proefschrift kunnen worden gebruikt om zorgverleners beter in staat te stellen om gezondheidsvaardig samen beslissen systematisch in de praktijk toe te passen

    Functional outcome of microsurgical clipping compared to endovascular coiling

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    Objective: Endovascular coiling has been used increasingly as an alternative to neurosurgical clipping for treating subarachnoid hemorrhage secondary to aneurysm rupture. The purpose of this study was to compare functional outcomes at 6 months post-subarachnoid hemorrhage secondary to cerebral aneurysm rupture in subjects who were either surgically clipped or endovascularly coiled. In addition, the present study aims to identify the predictors in the clinical course of aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage. Materials and methods: A retrospective case review on the treatment methods of aneurysm rupture in Hospital Kuala Lumpur over the period of five years (2005-2009). A total of 268 patients who fulfilled the inclusion criteria were recruited for this study. These patients were broadly categorized into two groups based on their treatment mode for ruptured aneurysm. The case notes, CT brain films reports and angiography reports were analyzed with respect to their clinical, radiological, surgical clipping or endovascular coiling treatments and outcome data. Statistical analysis was determined using Chi-Square tests to study these associations. Results: There was a female predominance with male-to-female ratio 1:1.4. The mean age was 50.9 years old in this series. 50 patients were less than 40 years (18.7%) and 218 patients were more than 40 years(81.3%). 37 patients(74%) in age group less than 40 years had significant good outcome as compared to125(57.3%) patients above 40 years old.(p=0.03). One hundred and eighty one patients (67.5%) presented with Good WFNS (WFNS1-2) and 87 patients (32.5%) presented with Poor WFNS (WFNS 3-5) prior to intervention. One hundred and sixty two patients (60.4%) had good functional outcome (mRS grade 0- 2) as compared to 106 patients(39.6%) who had poor mRS outcome(MRS 3-6) while 50 patients died(18.7%) during our follow up at 6 months . When we analyzed the WFNS group with functional outcome (mRS), there was significant association (p<0.01). In good WFNS, 143(79%) had good outcome and in poor WFNS, 68 patients (78.2%) had poor mRS outcome. There were 204 (76.1%) patients in clipping group and 64 (23.9%) patients in coiling group. Patients who underwent coiling, initially showed a better mRS outcome with 47patients (73.4%) than, 115 patients (56.4%) in clipping. Further comparison showed that 89(43.6%) patients in clipping group had poor functional (MRS) outcome as compared to17 patients (26.6%) coiling, which was significant (p=0.015). However when we controlled the WFNS grade of presentation in the treatment groups, we obtained a different result. In good WFNS group, it was noted that 98 patients (76%) out of 129 patients in clipping group had a good MRS outcome while, 45 patients (86.5%) out of 52 patients in coiling group had good mRS outcome (p=0.114). In poor WFNS presentation, it was noted that in clipping group, 58 patients (77.3%) out of 75 had poor mRS outcome. Similarly with poor WFNS presentation, 10 (83.3%) out of 12 patient in coiling group had poor outcome. (p=1.00). Hence when we control the WFNS group, there was no significant association between treatment group (clipping and coiling) and mRS outcome at 6 months. Further we noted that age less than 40 and Fisher grade of 1-2 have better outcome while patients with EVD, CSF infection and pneumonia have poorer outcome. Using multiple logistic regression analysis we have determined that good mRS outcome is associated with good WFNS and absence of EVD Conclusion: Clinical severity of the SAH (WFNS grade) was the most significant predictor of functional outcome (mRS) at 6 months. Therefore the decision regarding treatment option needs to be individualized based on the presentation of the patient