30 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Pola Pikir Jabariyah Dalam Kehidupan Sehari-hari

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    The creed of extremeJabariyah is considered heretical. Their leader were Ja`d bin Dirham and Jahm Ibn Safwan. Errors of it thougt can be seen from its teachings. It teaches that man was forced into everything (Jabara). Humans do not have the freedom, and free will. All that is done of human is because of compulsion. They blame God for all the sins they have committed. The error of its thought stems from the idea that man is an inanimate object. Like a puppet which is only driven by the puppeteer. Whatever man's done is masterminded by the puppet. The theology of this religious group is known as fatalism. Jabariyah extreme”s mindset makes its adherents become lazy. In addition, they are also passive and see theirself unable to do anything. They have lost before the match and died before the war

    Kesalahan Berbahasa Indonesia Mahasiswa S-1 Pgsd Stikip Nuuwar Fak-fak

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    Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui tingkat kesalahan dalam penggunaan Bahasa Indonesia pada jurusan Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar (PGSD) STKIP Nuuwar Fak-fak. Subjek penelitian ini adalah 260 mahasiswa PGSD STKIP Nuuwar Fak fak. Objek yang akan diteliti adalah kesalahan penggunaan bahasa Indonesia, terutama pada penulisan kata baku. Data dihimpun dari kesalahan berbahasa dalam mata kuliah Keterampilan Berbahasa dan Sastra Indonesia pada tahun 2009. Teknik analisis data menggunakan teknik statistik deskriptif persentase. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 1) kesalahan yang paling banyak dilakukan mahasiswa dalam penulisan kata yang tidak sesuai dengan konteks kalimat sebesar 69,2% namun masih masuk dalam taraf kesalahan rendah; 2) untuk kategori sedang 17,4% terutama kesalahan dalam penulisan kata berimbuhan dan penggunaan kata depan; 3) taraf kesalahan dalam penulisan kata baku yang dipengaruhi oleh bahasa daerah atau bahasa percakapan; 4) kesalahan mahasiswa dalam penulisan kata yang rancu atau ambigu sebesar 13,4

    Proses Pengambilan Keputusan Kepala Sekolah terhadap Peningkatan Kinerja Guru SMP

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    Decision is the beginning of an action. Decision making in an educational organization is directly related to the principal. The principal as a manager has an important role in making decisions quickly, accurately and effectively by using data and information for optimal educational environment performance. Decision making conducted by State Secondary School principals 13 Palembang already been running well, this could be seen from the process and stages done by the principal with the decision with the observation, data, planning and registry related to education at school. Then, conduct deliberation with teachers to take a policy, interpersonally approach teachers to organize events, give ideas, engage teachers in training, and supervise as supervisory activities. As outlined in teacher\u27s work assessment, it is useful to improve the potential and performance of teachers, to improve the quality of teaching and learning achievement State Secondary School 13 Palemban


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    The objectives of this study were to examine 1) the correlation between supervision of headmaster and teachers’ work ethos, 2) interpersonal communication and teachers’ work ethos, and 3) supervision of headmaster and interpersonal communication with teacher’ work ethos. This research was used quantitative descriptive method by using multiple correlation. Data collected by questionnaire, and documentation. Data were analyzed descriptively by using SPSS (version 16.0 for windows. From the research results can be seen that the value of t obtain or Sig. of supervisionn of headmaster was 0.006 whose value is less than = 0.05. It means that was significant correlation between supervision of headmaster (X1) and work spirit (Y). The value of t obtain or sig. t Interpersonal Communication (X2) was 0.023 whose value is smaller than the value = 0.05. This means that there is a significant correlation between Interpersonal Communication (X2) with work spirit (Y). The value of F obtained was 12,960. While the value of significant F is 0,000, where the value is less than the accuracy value = 0.1 (Pv <), it means that there is a significant correlation between Supervision of head master (X1), and Interpersonal Communication (X2) with work spirit (Y).  Article visualizations

    Problem Pendidikan Video Games Dalam Perspektif Teori Simulacra Jean Baudrillard

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    : Education Problems of Video Games in the Perspective of Jean Baudrillard\u27s Theory of Simulacra. In the era of digital age, we are witnessing how video games penetrate children\u27s daily life and it is believed to have some impacts on their cognitive and affective processes. Referring to hermeneutical approach, the present library research seeks to answer the question whether video games create a real identity or simply forge false consciousness in children. In the first step, the data were collected from bibliographi­cal sources that related to data. In the second step, the data were analyzed to examine the pedagogical-philosophical properties of the video games. The results indicate that video games change the way children view the world. Video games present the world as hiper-reality. Bu putting aside the negative values and maximizing the positive ones, the understanding of hiper-reality allows for the inculcation of children