61 research outputs found

    Improved methods for detection of β-galactosidase (lacZ) activity in hard tissue

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    The ß-galactosidase gene (lacZ) of Escherichia coli is widely used as a reporter gene. The expression of lacZ can be detected by enzyme-based histochemical staining using chromogenic substrates such as 5-bromo-4-chloro-3-indolyl-ß-D: -galactoside (X-gal). Because the enzymatic activity of lacZ is vulnerable to high temperatures and acid treatment for demineralization, detection of lacZ on paraffinized sections is difficult, especially for hard tissues, which require demineralization before sectioning in paraffin. To circumvent this problem, whole-mount X-gal staining before sectioning is performed. However, detection of lacZ activity in the center of larger portions of hard whole adult tissues is challenging. In this study, focusing on fixation procedures, we determined the conditions conducive to improved detection of lacZ activity in deeper areas of whole tissues. We used an annexin a5 (Anxa5)-lacZ reporter mouse model in which the Anxa5 expression in hard tissue is indicated by lacZ activity. We found that lacZ activity could be detected throughout the periodontal ligament of adult mice when fixed in 100% acetone, whereas it was not detected in the periodontal ligament around the root apex fixed in glutaraldehyde and paraformaldehyde. This staining could not be detected in wild-type mice. Acetone maintains the lacZ activity within 48 h of fixation at both 4°C and at room temperature. In conclusion, acetone is the optimal fixative to improve permeability for staining of lacZ activity in large volumes of adult hard tissues

    Mouth cancer: presentation, detection and referral in primary dental care

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    Mouth cancer can present as a variety of abnormalities and visible changes affecting the oral mucosa, including ulceration, swelling and areas of erythema. The five-year survival from mouth cancer is poor at approximately 50%. Detection of the cancer while less than 2 cm in diameter with no metastasis greatly improves the outcome for the patient. Although many cancers in the mouth develop from what was previously an apparently normal mucosa, some arise in pre-existing conditions that are therefore regarded as potentially malignant. Regular assessment of the soft tissues within the mouth and the neck for the presence of abnormalities is an essential component of primary dental care. Any persistent and unexplained abnormality requires referral for definitive diagnosis and specialist management

    Estradiol - 17β induces polyaromatic hydrocarbon-inducible cytochrome P-450 in chicken liver

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    A cDNA clone has been isolated from a chicken liver library prepared against messenger RNA isolated after chronic estradiol-17β treatment. The clone, pP-450 IA - 61, has an insert of 900nt and the sequence shows high homology to CYPIA2 subfamily from four other species. A single injection of estradiol-17β to immature chicken results in a striking induction of mRNA hybridizing to labeled pP-450IA - 61. The probe also hybridizes to mRNA induced by 3 — methylcholanthrene in chicken. These results offer direct proof for the similarity in the mode of action at the transcriptional level of polyaromatic hydrocarbons and estrogenic compounds