25 research outputs found


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    The demands of the era of industrial revolution 4.0 in all aspects of life will be felt, one of which is in the world of education. The demand for teachers to be able to prepare and present learning using technological advances requires teachers to change their mindset and pattern of view. This is in accordance with the demands and description of teacher's tasks mandated in Law No. 4 of 2005 on Teachers and Lecturers, as well as those stated in 2013 Revised Curriculum. Teachers are also required to create learning that has the following five component components; (1) critical thinking skills, (2) having innovative creativity and abilities, (3) cooperative ability, (4) good communication skills and abilities, and (5) having high self-confidence.Will but not all of these demands This can be realized well. This is because the readiness of human resources for teachers has not been able to change the mindset and lifestyle according to the demands of the industrial revolution 4.0. Therefore there is concern that millennial era students and the industrial revolution era 4.0, will be served by teachers who do not fit the mindset with their students


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    This research and development aims to develop a contextual-based learning module for academic writing course to develop the students’ writing skill. It adopts Borg Gall’s model modified from Jolly and Bolitho’s model of development steps. The development steps include: assessing the teaching materials currently implemented, designing and developing the module, judging module feasibility by experts, and testing module effectiveness. It applies mixed method approach to describe textual data qualitatively and analyze numerical data using t-test. The data were obtained from need analysis through document analysis, interview, observation, survey, and experiment. The analysis found that the lecturers and students need appropriate, practical and effective teaching materials that meet their needs. Therefore, the module of writing teaching material is developed by integrating the seven components of contextual approach in various learning activities. Th epracticality test suggests that the module is very pratical. The feasibility test 82.27 in average confirming that the module is very feasible to develop. The effectiveness test found that it is very effective reflected in the posttest mean score of experimental class (78.10) that is significally different from the control class (69.80). The tests of practicality, feasibility, and effectiveness come into conclusion that the developed module can be implemented in the academic writing class. As suggesstion, the lecturers and researchers are recommended to develop comprehensively teaching materials aligning with the students’ needs.Keywords: model, contextual-based, academic writing, module, research and developmen


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    In the class, most of the teacher use a single teaching strategy to students who have different cognitive styles when teaching narrative essays in the class. Therefore, it is necessary to improve teaching strategies in the teaching and learning process. The teaching strategies that fit with the cognitive style of students in order that the learning objective is improved. This paper investigates the effect of learning strategy and cognitive style on student’s narrative writing ability. This study was conducted on the VII grade students at Madrasah Tsanawiyah Ibnu Taimiyah Bogor, West Java. Treatment by level design and two-factorial ANOVA analysis with α = 0.05 were applied in this experimental study. The sample was 40 students grouped into experiment classes and 40 students was grouped into control classes. There was a different ability in narrative writing in Bahasa Indonesia between students having field independent cognitive style (A1) and students having field dependent cognitive style (A2). Results of two-way interrow analysis of variance showed that Fcalculated (4.123) was higher than Ftable (3.97) at a significant level of α = 0.05. The findings showed the ability to write a narrative writing in Bahasa Indonesia of students having a field independent cognitive style was higher than that of students having a field dependent cognitive style

    Language Politeness in Students' Thesis Guidance

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    This study aims to gain an in-depth understanding of the phenomenon of Language Politeness in Student Thesis Guidance of students of the English Education Study Program, FKIP University of Muhammadiyah Tangerang. The design of this research is qualitative with phenomenological methods. The data in this study were obtained through recorded speech acts and semistructured interviews with 29 students from Sundanese, Javanese, Betawi and Minang ethnic groups. The results showed that there were 10 forms of acts of courtesy of students, namely the form of praise, orders, requests, approval, giving, invitations, rejection, expressions of gratitude, sympathy, and acceptance speech. Furthermore, the politeness phenomenon that occurs in college student speech is motivated by several factors, i.e., the use of vocabulary, grammar, and direct-indirect sentences, which in turn affect the different views of college students about politeness which are motivated by the culture and environment where they live, the habits of the way of speaking they use in speech, their understanding of the context of speech

    The Effect of Roundconsen (Roundtable-Concept Sentence) Learning Model on The Ability to Write Explanatory Texts for Eighth Grade Students of SMP Negeri 28 Jakarta

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      This study aims to find out the effect of the Roundconsen (Roundtable-Concept Sentence) learning model on the ability to write explanatory texts for eighth grade students of SMP Negeri 28 Jakarta. The study was conducted in the 2019/2020 school year, the second semester in May in class VIII E. The research method used in this study was an experimental method with a pre-experimental one group. pretest-posttest design with a sample of 27 students. The prerequisite test for data analysis was performed with the Liellifors test, obtained Lo = 0.0974 <Lt = 0.1665 at the pretest with a significance level α = 0.05 and Lo = 0.0806 <Lt = 0.1665 at the posttest the significance level α = 0,05, then the data are normally distributed. Homogeneity test results obtained by fisher test,  = 1,08 and  = 4.23, obtained that  < , this shows that the data used are homogeneous at the significance level α = 0.05. The results showed that there was an increase in the average value at the time before and after being given treatment, at the time of the pretest, the average value obtained was 47.96. Then at the posttest, the average value obtained was 83.03. Based on the results of calculating the hypothesis using the t-test,  = 13.39 is greater than = 2.29 in the real level (α = 0.05). This indicates that there is an influence of the use of the roundtable concept concept on the ability to write explanatory texts in eighth grade students of SMP Negeri 28 Jakarta. This roundconsen learning model can also be used in learning to write exposition text. The use of this roundconsen model can be complemented by the use of interesting learning media.   Keywords: roundconsen, roundtable, concept sentence, writing, explanatory text

    Pesan Teks dan Pesan Gambar pada Foto National Geographic (Kajian Semiotik)

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    Faktor utama kajian dalam penelitian ini adalah bagaimana suatu foto jurnalistik dapat diketahui pesannya baik dilihat dari makna yang sebenarnya (denotatif) dan makna yang tersirat (konotatif). Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan menggunakan foto National Geographic. Hasil penelitian ini diharapkan dapat mengetahui makna gambar dan kesesuaian antara gambar dan teks pada foto jurnalistik. Agar dapat mengetahui makna yang terkandung dalam foto-foto jurnalistik, penulis menggunakan analisis semiotik. Analisis semiotik adalah metode untuk menganalisis dan memberi makna simbol-simbol yang terkandung dalam gambar atau simbol teks. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa foto dan teks caption memiliki kesamaan persepsi jika dilianalisis dengan menggunakan analisis semiotik. Kata Kunci: Teks, gambar, analisis semiotik, dan foto jurnalistik


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    Abstrak. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk memaparkan perwujudan ilokusi dan perlokusi dalam tayangan Indonesia Lawak Klub.Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif kualitatif yang difokuskan pada penggunaan ilokusi dan perlokusi dalam tayangan Indonesia Lawak Klub, dilihat berdasarkan jenis ilokusi dan perlokusi dalam tayangan Indonesia Lawak Klub.Penelitian ini dilakukan pada semester ganjil tahun ajaran 2014/2015.Instrumen dalam penelitian ini adalah peneliti sendiri dibantu dengan tabel analisis perwujudan ilokusi dan perlokusi. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa dari tujuh episode tayangan Indonesia Lawak Klub terdapat 1.750 tuturan dan ditemukan tindak ilokusi yang terdiri atas jenis ilokusi yang meliputi ilokusi asertif sebanyak 1.174 tuturan (67%), ilokusi direktif sebanyak 467 tuturan (26%), ilokusi komisif sebanyak 11 tuturan (1,5%), ilokusi ekspresif sebanyak 45 tuturan (2,5%), dan ilokusi deklaratif sebanyak 53 tuturan (3%). Tindak ilokusi yang banyak digunakan ialah ilokusi asertif karena banyak digunakan kalimat pernyataan yang digunakan oleh panelis melanggar prinsip-prinsip pragmatik yang menimbulkan kelucuan. Perlokusi yang terdiri atas jenis perlokusi yang meliputi perlokusi verba sebanyak 1.720 tuturan (98,3%) dan perlokusi nonverba sebanyak 30 tuturan (1,7%). Tindak perlokusi yang banyak digunakan panelis ialah perlokusi verba.  Kata kunci: pragmatik, tindak tutur, ilokusi, perlokusi, dan Indonesia Lawak Klub