5 research outputs found

    Sanksi Pidana Bagi Pegawai Negeri Sipil (Pns) yang Tidak Netral dalam Pemilihan Kepala Daerah (Pilkada) Kota Baubau Berdasarkan Undang-undang Aparatur Sipil Negara

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    In the election of the head of the area (of the elections) town of Baubau on the basis of legislation ASN. The method used is the normative research methods, the data obtained will be analyzed are descriptive. Results found is the Neutrality of CIVIL SERVANTS, is the solution to solve the problems of the participation of CIVIL SERVANTS in political parties. With the inception of law No. 2014 about 15 years of Civilian rule, State Apparatus is expected to neutralize Government and then the Government should be able to realize the regulation, thus the goal of neutrality would be achieved . Law enforcement against the neutrality of CIVIL SERVANTS, in its realization have difficulties, because the arrangements regarding law enforcement civil service neutrality which is regulated in Act No. 43 Of 1999 Staffing issues, namely article 3 and The common explanation I number 6, giving sanctions for CIVIL SERVANTS who violate this regulation be removed from civil servants, these regulations only set up for CIVIL SERVANTS and members of the Executive Board of the Centre, so that the regulation has not been able to resolve any violations about neutrality. &nbsp

    Implementation of Police Duties to Support the Implementation of Health Protocols During the Covid-19 Pandemic in Order the Realization of A Conducive Kamtibmas Atmosphere (Baubau City Case Study)

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    Police responsibility is very complex ranging from in public service to supporting security against the security of the State. Seeing or studying the task of the Police to the scale of the Police then  the author wants to describe the duties and responsibilities of the National Police  mandated by law in carrying out its duties and responsibilities  by taking samples, namely baubau city police in controlling the mandate of the Law and  information related to the handling of the Covid-19 Pandemic where the city of Baubau was not spared the impact of the pandemic. The purpose of this study is to understand the role of the police in the implementation of kamtibmas during the Covid 19 pandemic in Baubau City. The types of data used in the study are primary and secondary data collected from the interview process and literature studies,  which will then be analyzed qualitatively with the steps that have reduced the data. The results of this study concluded the role of Bhabinkamtibmas and Intelkam is very basic and supports all police duties in maintaining public order and looking for basic information about people who do not comply with the recommendations of health protocols in the community during the Current Covid-19 Pandemic and provide input to the community to prevent the emergence of new perpetrators of crimes due to the Covid-19 pandemic by giving input on what should be done by the community

    Juridical Review of the Application of Digital Mapping (Plotting) of Land Ownership Rights in the Prevention of Multiple Certificates

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    The implementation of land registration aims to create an accurate information center regarding land ownership. To ensure that land registration administration runs effectively, the Computerization of Land Activities (KKP) policy is implemented gradually and thoroughly. Even so, the application of a computerized system that is so sophisticated, still finds overlapping ownership of land titles. Overlapping the certificate will result in legal uncertainty for the certificate holder, because the main purpose listed is to get the certificate as valid evidence.. Sampling in this study was carried out purposively with a non-random sampling technique that focused only on land that had multiple certificates. The data analysis pattern in this study is based on qualitative methods. The findings of this study are thatThe implementation of Computerization of Land Activities (KKP) at BPN City of Baubau in preventing the occurrence of double certificates is carried out with all processes from the beginning of land registration to issuance of certificates and stored digitally.The factors that result in the occurrence of a double certificate can be seen from 2 (two) things, namely first, when viewed from the factor of the Community. Second, if it is seen from the human resource factor of the Land Officedue to carelessness and carelessness of the land officers

    The Effectiveness of Legal Role of Village Consultative Agency (BPD) in Village Development According to UU.No. 6 Year 2014 About Village (Kahianga Village Study)

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    The purpose of this research is to know the effectiveness of legal role of the Village consultative Agency (BPD) in the development of the village according to UU.No. 6 year 2014 about village (Kahianga Village study) and to find out the factors that inhibit the role of the Village consultative Agency (BPD) in development in the village Kahianga East Tomia District. The data collection techniques used more on observation, a dandokumentation interview. The conclusion of this research is the effectiveness of legal role of the village consultative body (bpd) Kahianga in the case that legislation does not go as it should, proved in the absence of the rules that are issued, in the meantime in the case of the function budgeting bpd goes well, proved by always involved in the budget discussion meetings that are done with the principle of transparency and supervision function bpd also goes well seen with the active bpd in surveillance of the village's income and expenditure budget and factors that become constraints BPD Kahianga in the development of the village namely the community participation Kahianga Village to the development program is still relatively low, the level of education is relatively low is a BPD inhibitors communicate well and able to analyze the aspirations or what the next community is in coordinate with the village government and the pattern of parallel relations between the BPD and the village head in the village government , it turns out that in the implementation is colored by the practices of working relationships that are less harmonious and leads to the occurrence of conflicts and shows the tendency to dominate the village chief of the BPD

    Effectiveness to the Reversal of the Burden Proof System in Handling Corruption Case

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    Corruption is an act that can harm State finances and cause losses to the people's economy. This study aims to determine the arrangement of the burden of proof reversals system of corruption according to the applicable provisions and the proper regulation in implementing the system of reversing the burden of proof to be done optimally. This study uses a normative juridical research methodology with a statute approach. This research's data analysis method is descriptive qualitative by describing the problems and facts in writing from the literature. The study indicates that the burden of proof reversal system concerning the Eradication of Corruption Crimes contained in Law no. 20 of 2001 is limited only to the offense of gratification regulated in Article 12 B paragraph (1) letter a. The withdrawal presumption proof can also be extended to the defendant's property, which is claimed to be connected to the accused's case (Article 37 A) and the property of the defendant (who has not been charged) which is not accused of corruption as a result of a criminal act (Article 38 B). Reversal of the burden of proof in the law of corruption is a reversal of the burden of proof impartial public prosecutor and the defendant alike must prove but / the same element proved different